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Ted Talks Daily / Life is hard. Art helps | Liana Finck | Ted Talks Daily

Life is hard. Art helps | Liana Finck | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, illustrator Liana Finck shares her insights on creativity and how art can help us navigate the challenges of life. She discusses her unique perspective on the world and how it has influenced her career as a cartoonist. Through her own experiences, she has discovered the power of drawing to solve problems and explore profound questions. Join Finck as she takes us on a journey through her artistic process and the transformative impact it has had on her life.

Main Takeaways

Using Art as a Tool for Self-Expression and Understanding

  • Finck’s tendency to see the world differently has been instrumental in her career as a cartoonist, allowing her to create relatable and autobiographical work.
  • Drawing from her own life helped her understand herself better and made her realize that people could relate to her.

Art as a Problem-Solving Tool

  • Finck used drawing as a tool to solve various problems, such as scheduling, time management, and dating.

Redefining God through Art

  • Finck tackled the concept of God through her art, remaking the book of Genesis as a graphic novel with a female version of God.
  • Her version of God is portrayed as a self-conscious woman who uses drawing to bring order to the world.
  • God’s actions in the story reflect Finck’s belief that creation is an act of solving problems and figuring things out.

A Personal Connection to Religion

  • Finck’s adaptation of the Book of Genesis allowed her to feel a new connection to the God of the Torah and a newfound sense of belonging to her religion.

Embracing Cluelessness and Creativity

  • Finck embraces cluelessness and the idea of “winging it” as inspired by the notion that even God wouldn’t know what to make for dinner.


Using Art as a Tool for Self-Expression and Understanding

Liana Finck’s unique perspective on the world has played a significant role in her career as a cartoonist. By seeing the world differently, she has been able to create relatable and autobiographical work that resonates with others. Through drawing from her own life, she has gained a deeper understanding of herself and discovered that her experiences are universally relatable.

Art as a Problem-Solving Tool

Finck has found that drawing can be a powerful tool for solving various problems. Whether it’s managing her schedule, navigating the complexities of time management, or even approaching the world of dating, she has used art as a means of finding solutions. The act of drawing allows her to visualize and process her thoughts, leading to creative problem-solving.

Redefining God through Art

In her graphic novel adaptation of the book of Genesis, Finck explores the concept of God through her art. She presents a female version of God who is self-conscious and uses drawing as a means of bringing order to the world. By portraying God as someone who is constantly solving problems and figuring things out, Finck offers a fresh perspective on the divine and the act of creation.

A Personal Connection to Religion

Through her artistic exploration of the Book of Genesis, Finck finds a new connection to the God of the Torah and a sense of belonging to her religion. Her creative reinterpretation allows her to engage with her faith in a deeply personal and meaningful way, highlighting the transformative power of art in fostering spiritual connections.

Embracing Cluelessness and Creativity

Finck’s embrace of cluelessness and the willingness to “wing it” stems from the idea that even God wouldn’t always know what to make for dinner. This perspective encourages a sense of freedom and creativity, allowing for experimentation and the exploration of new possibilities. By embracing the unknown, Finck finds inspiration and encourages others to do the same.


Liana Finck’s journey as an illustrator and cartoonist demonstrates the transformative power of art in navigating life’s challenges. Through her unique perspective and creative problem-solving, she has found self-expression, understanding, and a deeper connection to her religion. By embracing cluelessness and the creative process, she encourages others to explore their own artistic journeys and find solace, inspiration, and meaning through art.

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