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Master of Scale / – 4 Secrets to building your network

Master of Scale – 4 Secrets to building your network

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In this episode of the “Master of Scale” podcast, Reid Hoffman explores the secrets to building a strong network in the age of AI. He emphasizes the importance of authenticity, timing, and focusing on the business behind your business. Join Reid as he delves into the power of human connections and the multiplier effect of successful entrepreneurs.

Main Takeaways

Building Authentic Networks

  • Building networks with humans at the center is crucial in the age of AI.
  • Humans are social animals driven by the need to connect.
  • Authenticity is key to building strong networks.
  • Timing is important when building networks.

The Lobby Conference: A Human-Centered Approach

  • David created the Lobby conference, an event with a human-centered approach to networking.
  • The conference has no speakers or panel discussions, instead, 250 thought leaders gather in amazing settings and talk.
  • The three essential components of the conference are trust and safety, authenticity, and vulnerability.
  • Authentic connection points serve in all network building interactions, not just those at conferences.

The Multiplier Effect

  • Overcoming barriers can inspire others to do the same, creating a multiplier effect.
  • Successful entrepreneurs like Wences Kassaris and the PayPal Mafia have deployed the multiplier effect, inspiring, training, mentoring, and investing in the next generation.
  • It takes just three to four big bubbles to jumpstart a tech ecosystem anywhere.
  • A unicorn that doesn’t breed even more unicorns is just an endangered species.

Understanding Human Nature

  • Talented entrepreneurs know how to take a step back and see beyond the obvious next step.
  • Entrepreneurs should ask themselves how opportunities align with their bigger mission, not just their core business.
  • Find the humans in the data to avoid derailing progress.
  • Demographics can help entrepreneurs understand the power and limits of a demographic lens.

Transforming Human Nature for Beneficial Actions

  • Recognizing and addressing biases requires us to tap into our networks to find those that challenge our assumptions.
  • Developing theories of human relationships can help us iterate and improve in our quest for elevation.
  • Social networks do best when they tap into one of the seven deadly sins of human nature.
  • Entrepreneurs should tap into human nature but transform it into something more beneficial.

Envisioning Higher Purpose for Longevity and Impact

  • Being intentional when scaling a company is important to envision its higher purpose for longevity and impact.
  • “It’s not just about the product or the service, it’s about the purpose behind it” – Alex Morris.
  • Language should not be a barrier to understanding and valuing a company’s purpose.


Building Authentic Networks

In the age of AI, building networks with humans at the center is crucial. Humans are social animals driven by the need to connect, and authenticity plays a key role in building strong networks. Timing is also important, as connecting with the right people at the right time can lead to valuable opportunities. By focusing on the business behind your business, you can create meaningful connections that go beyond surface-level interactions.

The Lobby Conference: A Human-Centered Approach

David’s Lobby conference takes a unique approach to networking by removing traditional speaker and panel discussions. Instead, thought leaders gather in amazing settings to have authentic conversations. The conference prioritizes trust and safety, authenticity, and vulnerability, creating an environment where genuine connections can thrive. These authentic connection points can be applied to all network building interactions, not just those at conferences.

The Multiplier Effect

Overcoming barriers can inspire others to do the same, creating a multiplier effect. Successful entrepreneurs like Wences Kassaris and the PayPal Mafia have leveraged their success to inspire, train, mentor, and invest in the next generation. This multiplier effect can jumpstart tech ecosystems with just a few successful ventures. It’s important for entrepreneurs to be willing to invest in and mentor the next generation to continue the cycle of success.

Understanding Human Nature

Talented entrepreneurs understand the importance of looking beyond the obvious next step and aligning opportunities with their bigger mission. Finding the humans in the data and understanding the power and limits of demographic lenses can help entrepreneurs avoid derailing progress. It’s crucial to recognize and address biases by tapping into networks that challenge assumptions, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of human relationships.

Transforming Human Nature for Beneficial Actions

Entrepreneurs should tap into human nature but transform it into something more beneficial. By understanding the seven deadly sins of human nature, social networks can be designed to align people towards beneficial actions. It’s important to recognize biases and challenge assumptions by seeking diverse perspectives within networks. This transformation of human nature can lead to more meaningful and impactful interactions.

Envisioning Higher Purpose for Longevity and Impact

When scaling a company, being intentional and envisioning its higher purpose is crucial for longevity and impact. It’s not just about the product or service, but the purpose behind it. Language should not be a barrier to understanding and valuing a company’s purpose, as it should resonate with people on a deeper level. By aligning people with the purpose, they are more likely to go above and beyond in their efforts.


Building strong networks in the age of AI requires authenticity, timing, and a focus on the human part of the equation. By creating authentic connection points, overcoming barriers, and tapping into the multiplier effect, entrepreneurs can have a significant impact on emerging markets and tech ecosystems. Understanding human nature, transforming it for beneficial actions, and envisioning a higher purpose can drive long-term success and create meaningful connections. Remember, language should never be a barrier to understanding and valuing a company’s purpose.

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