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Master of Scale / – How to revive collaboration at work, with WPP’s Mark Read

Master of Scale – How to revive collaboration at work, with WPP’s Mark Read

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In this episode of the “Master of Scale” podcast, host Reid Hoffman interviews Mark Read, the CEO of WPP, one of the world’s largest advertising and PR companies. They discuss the importance of collaboration in the workplace, the role of AI in the advertising industry, and the challenges and opportunities facing brands and businesses. Mark shares his insights on the future of work, the impact of AI, and the need for balance between flexibility and in-person collaboration.

Main Takeaways

The Importance of Collaboration in the Workplace

  • Personal productivity is not the only measure of business success.
  • Business is about how you solve problems, and you can do that better more often if you’re together.
  • Mark believes that people are more collaborative and productive when they are in the office.
  • He thinks that inspiration and motivation are key to getting people back in the office.
  • Mark believes that being together in the office can lead to better client problem-solving.
  • He acknowledges that there are financial benefits to having fewer people in the office, but building company culture and training young people are more important.
  • Mark believes that the pandemic has given people control over their time, but that it’s important to strike a balance between flexibility and being in the office.

The Role of AI in the Advertising Industry

  • The future of work is being buffeted by the rapid adoption of generative AI, and ad agencies are in the spotlight.
  • Mark Reed shares specific examples of how AI is improving output now and the disruption he expects from AI.
  • Computers can now do what we thought only people could do, including creating press releases and ads.
  • AI tools are being used with clients today, including creating personalized invitations for Virgin Cruises with Jennifer Lopez.
  • AI has the potential to disrupt the advertising industry over the next five years.
  • AI can be empowering but also disruptive.
  • The potential of AI technology is immense, and it’s a starting point from which creative people can take ideas.
  • To understand and use AI, people need to try it and use it themselves.
  • AI can help increase cycle time and come up with ideas, but it doesn’t know what’s a good or bad idea.

Challenges and Opportunities for Brands and Businesses

  • Mark’s unique perspective on what brands and businesses most need to worry about, the risks they face, and the opportunities they need to embrace.
  • The rising complications of leaning into purpose and leadership challenges about managing a workforce amid disruption are important issues to address.
  • Embracing AI tools is necessary, as it will create many, many jobs.
  • Technology needs people to manage, and AI will not replace all jobs.
  • Running a business the size of WPP every day requires balancing both good and bad news, and ultimately looking at overall numbers and relationships with clients.
  • Brands and clients are forced to take positions on societal issues.
  • There is no easy out in the purpose conversation.
  • Companies need to ask themselves if they are prepared to stand up for what they believe in.
  • Criticism can come from both sides on any decision made.


The Importance of Collaboration in the Workplace

Mark Read emphasizes that personal productivity is not the only measure of business success. He believes that being together in the office leads to better collaboration and problem-solving. While there are financial benefits to remote work, building company culture and training young people are more important. The pandemic has given people control over their time, but it’s crucial to strike a balance between flexibility and in-person collaboration.

The Role of AI in the Advertising Industry

Mark discusses the rapid adoption of generative AI and its impact on ad agencies. He shares specific examples of how AI is already improving output and expects further disruption in the industry. AI tools are being used with clients, such as creating personalized invitations. While AI has immense potential, it’s important for creative people to understand and use AI themselves. AI can increase cycle time and generate ideas, but it doesn’t possess the ability to determine what’s a good or bad idea.

Challenges and Opportunities for Brands and Businesses

Mark provides insights into what brands and businesses need to worry about, the risks they face, and the opportunities they should embrace. He highlights the complications of leaning into purpose and the challenges of managing a workforce amid disruption. Embracing AI tools is crucial, as it will create numerous jobs and require human management. Running a business of WPP’s size involves balancing good and bad news, focusing on overall numbers and client relationships. Brands and clients are increasingly forced to take positions on societal issues, and companies need to decide if they are prepared to stand up for their beliefs.


Mark Read’s insights shed light on the importance of collaboration in the workplace, the impact of AI in the advertising industry, and the challenges and opportunities facing brands and businesses. Balancing in-person collaboration with flexibility, embracing AI tools, and standing up for beliefs are crucial for success in the evolving business landscape.

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