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Master of Scale / – Mustafa Suleyman: Empathy in AI

Master of Scale – Mustafa Suleyman: Empathy in AI

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In this episode of the “Master of Scale” podcast, co-founders of Inflection AI, Mustafa Suleyman and Reed Hoffman, discuss the creation of their AI assistant PIE and the importance of empathy in AI. They explore the practical applications of AI and how it can improve human interactions without distracting from them. Mustafa Suleyman, an AI leader and co-founder of Deep Mind, shares his insights on the future of AI and its potential to revolutionize our lives.

Main Takeaways

Creating AI Assistant PIE

  • Mustafa Suleyman and Reed Hoffman discuss the creation of their AI assistant PIE.
  • PIE’s goal is to help improve human interactions, not distract from them.
  • Personal AI will become increasingly important for important and sensitive moments in life.
  • PI is designed to be conversational, respectful, patient, and curious.
  • PI seeks to understand the user’s intent and asks clarifying questions instead of assuming it knows the answer.
  • PI remembers past conversations to personalize its style and tone to the user’s preferences.
  • Personal AI will act as a browser for life, representing the sum total of the user’s digital curiosities.
  • Personal AI will help maintain state across different areas of interest, finding new articles, summaries, videos, and snippets to help users progress on each line of inquiry.
  • Personal AI will save users vast amounts of time, giving them back time to spend with loved ones, pursue hobbies, or upskill themselves.
  • The goal of Personal AI is not to distract users from human interaction, but to help them in their interactions with other people and be their best selves.
  • Personal AI is designed to absorb users’ tiredness and frustrations and help them navigate the world.
  • Pi will not be used for romantic relationships, as it has its own boundaries and values.
  • Pi presents both sides of the argument and never judges the user, regardless of their views or values.

Advancements in AI

  • Mustafa Suleyman has been an AI leader for decades and co-founded Deep Mind.
  • Mustafa got involved in AI because he realized it was the thing that is going to transform our world.
  • DeepMind used AI models to generate novel examples of black and white handwritten digits.
  • Subsequent breakthroughs in AI were a continuation of early work in 2011-2012.
  • Scale compute has become increasingly important in AI, with 10x more compute used every year since 2013.
  • The story of large language models is a story of scale, with training data sets using hundreds of billions of tokens.
  • Nvidia GPUs are the core engine powering the progress of this new revolution in AI.
  • OpenAI raised 1.3 billion dollars to build the largest supercluster in the world.
  • The supercluster has the ability to learn the relationship between all the words it has read and predict or generate the next word in a sentence.

The Future of AI

  • AI will revolutionize our lives in a clear-eyed but optimistic way.
  • Conversation will be the new user interface and the future of digital interactions.
  • Interactive-based AI agents are the future of technology and will allow for creators to design magical experiences for people.
  • In the future, everyone will have access to personal AI assistants, and there will be different types of AI for various purposes.
  • The coming wave book explores the technology trajectory we are on and how AI can be both incredibly productive and destabilizing.
  • Concerns about the potential dark side of AI need to be actively addressed to shape the best possible outcomes.
  • Technology has delivered progress, stability, and benefits to civilization.
  • Near-term threats include misinformation and cyber attacks.
  • Practical and operational solutions are needed to address these threats.
  • Trust is important in technology, product development, and governance.
  • The arrival of intelligent technology will completely change society, culture, politics, and religion.
  • Building trust in technology requires consistent and reliable behavior over time.

Impact of AI on Society

  • Technology creators have the power to intentionally design and build a better world.
  • Technology has an outsized impact in the world and is accelerating at an incredible pace.
  • Government should focus on shaping technology to minimize risks and maximize benefits.
  • The balance between sponsored content and serving user interests is critical for personal AI to be trustworthy and serve users first and foremost.
  • Existing paradigms for liability for content do not work and a new approach is needed.
  • The commercial relationship between users and content matters, and if users are not paying for it, their attention becomes the product.
  • The order in which content appears in a feed shapes what users see and can lead to polarization and outrage.
  • Inflection is a public benefit corporation that balances the interests of shareholders with those of wider society and people affected by externalities.
  • DeepMind had an ethics and safety board when it was acquired by Google in 2014.
  • Capital One Business suggests that exporting out their top 10% every year can help an organization thrive.
  • Alumni ambassadors for a brand can help attract new talent to a business.


Creating AI Assistant PIE

Mustafa Suleyman and Reed Hoffman discuss the creation of their AI assistant PIE. PIE is designed to improve human interactions by being conversational, respectful, patient, and curious. It seeks to understand the user’s intent through clarifying questions and personalizes its style based on past conversations. Personal AI assistants like PIE will act as browsers for life, helping users explore their digital curiosities and saving them time. The goal of Personal AI is to enhance human interactions and help users navigate the world.

Advancements in AI

Mustafa Suleyman, an AI leader and co-founder of Deep Mind, shares insights on the advancements in AI. DeepMind used AI models to generate novel examples of handwritten digits and subsequent breakthroughs built upon early work in 2011-2012. Scale compute has become increasingly important in AI, with Nvidia GPUs powering progress. OpenAI raised 1.3 billion dollars to build the largest supercluster in the world, enabling the supercluster to learn relationships between words and predict or generate sentences.

The Future of AI

The future of AI is clear-eyed but optimistic. Conversation will be the new user interface, and interactive-based AI agents will create magical experiences for people. Personal AI assistants will become increasingly important for various purposes, and concerns about the dark side of AI need to be addressed. Trust is crucial in technology, and practical solutions are needed to mitigate threats like misinformation and cyber attacks. The arrival of intelligent technology will have a profound impact on society, and building trust requires consistent and reliable behavior over time.

Impact of AI on Society

Technology creators have the power to intentionally design a better world, but technology’s impact is accelerating at an incredible pace. Governments should shape technology to minimize risks and maximize benefits. The balance between sponsored content and user interests is crucial for trustworthy personal AI experiences. Paradigms for liability for content need to be reevaluated, and the commercial relationship between users and content affects the quality of digital experiences. Public benefit corporations like Inflection aim to balance shareholder interests with wider societal impact. Capital One Business suggests exporting talent and alumni ambassadors to attract new talent.


AI has the potential to revolutionize our lives by improving human interactions, personalizing experiences, and saving time. However, it is crucial to address concerns and build trust to shape the best possible outcomes. The future of AI is both incredibly productive and potentially destabilizing, and it is important to focus on practical solutions and incremental improvements. By designing technology with empathy and considering its impact on society, we can harness the power of AI to unlock human potential and create a better world.

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