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Modern Wisdom / – #644 – Jack Carr – What Has Happened To The Love For America?

Modern Wisdom – #644 – Jack Carr – What Has Happened To The Love For America?

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, host Chris Williamson interviews Jack Carr, a former US Navy SEAL and author, to discuss his experiences and insights on life behind the scenes of military service. They delve into the biggest myths and misconceptions surrounding military snipers, the parallels between warfare and the struggle against cancel culture, and the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by past generations. This episode is sponsored by My Protein, 8Sleep, and BetterHelp.

Main Takeaways

Life as a Navy SEAL

  • Jack Carr, former US Navy SEAL, shares his experiences and insights on life behind the scenes of military service.
  • Biggest myths and misconceptions surrounding military snipers.
  • Snipers work in teams and are supported by heavy weapon gunners, medics, and communicators.
  • Snipers have evolved their tactics, techniques, and procedures since the Vietnam War.

Warfare and Cancel Culture

  • Parallels between warfare and the struggle against cancel culture.
  • Importance of remembering the sacrifices made by past generations.
  • Credibility of potential threats from China.
  • Lack of appreciation and respect for those who sacrificed everything for our freedoms and opportunities today, especially among younger generations.

Writing and Therapeutic Storytelling

  • Jack Carr, ex-military and author, finds writing about disposing of bad guys therapeutic.
  • Writing is intensely personal, with personal experiences and emotions applied to fictional storylines.
  • Sharing personal experiences through storytelling can be therapeutic for soldiers and readers alike.
  • Outthinking the enemy is a crucial part of both sniping and writing.

Challenges and Success in Writing

  • Building a team is important for success in writing and publishing.
  • Outsourcing tasks allows for more time to focus on writing.
  • Social media can be an important connection with readership.
  • Authenticity is key in successful writing and marketing.

The Adaptation Process and Trusting the Audience

  • The adaptation process for the show is a collaborative and team-oriented process.
  • Trusting the audience with their time is something the creators take seriously.
  • Including important scenes from the book was crucial to keep the core audience interested, despite changes made for the screen adaptation.
  • Trusting the author with their time is something readers take seriously.


Life as a Navy SEAL

Jack Carr, a former US Navy SEAL, shares his experiences and insights on life behind the scenes of military service. He dispels the biggest myths and misconceptions surrounding military snipers, emphasizing that they work in teams and are supported by heavy weapon gunners, medics, and communicators. Throughout the years, snipers have evolved their tactics, techniques, and procedures to adapt to changing warfare scenarios.

Warfare and Cancel Culture

Carr explores the parallels between warfare and the struggle against cancel culture. He highlights the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by past generations and the credibility of potential threats from China. There is a lack of appreciation and respect for those who sacrificed everything for our freedoms and opportunities today, especially among younger generations. The rise of social media and the culture of cynicism contribute to this disconnect.

Writing and Therapeutic Storytelling

Carr finds writing about disposing of bad guys therapeutic, as it allows him to process his personal experiences. Writing is an intensely personal endeavor, with authors applying their own experiences and emotions to fictional storylines. Sharing personal experiences through storytelling can be therapeutic for both soldiers and readers. Outthinking the enemy is a crucial part of both sniping and writing.

Challenges and Success in Writing

Building a team is important for success in writing and publishing, as it allows authors to outsource tasks and focus on writing. Social media can be a valuable tool for connecting with readership. Authenticity is key in successful writing and marketing, as readers value the genuine experiences and perspectives of authors. It is important for authors to stay focused on the main thing: putting words down on paper.

The Adaptation Process and Trusting the Audience

The adaptation process for the show is a collaborative and team-oriented process. The creators trust the audience with their time and aim to keep the core audience interested by including important scenes from the book in the screen adaptation. Trusting the author with their time is something readers take seriously, and they appreciate the authenticity and value added to their lives through storytelling. The show is made for the audience, not for critics or publications.


In this episode, Jack Carr provides fascinating insights into life as a Navy SEAL, the challenges and therapeutic aspects of writing, and the parallels between warfare and cancel culture. He emphasizes the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by past generations and the need for authenticity in storytelling. Through his experiences and storytelling, Carr aims to bridge the gap between military service and civilian understanding, while also entertaining and inspiring readers and listeners.

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