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Modern Wisdom / – #651 – Dr Mike Israetel – Can Money Actually Buy You Happiness?

Modern Wisdom – #651 – Dr Mike Israetel – Can Money Actually Buy You Happiness?

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, host Chris speaks with Dr. Mike Israetel about the relationship between wealth and happiness. They explore whether money can actually buy happiness, the importance of finding purpose in all types of jobs, and the impact of AI on society. They also discuss cognitive biases, the myth of wage stagnation, and the role of government regulation in various industries.

Main Takeaways

Role of Wealth in Happiness

  • Can money actually buy happiness?
  • Money can bring happiness through purchasing desired items and supporting causes.
  • Effective altruism suggests using money to make a positive impact.

The Pessimistic Fallacy

  • People tend to be pessimistic about the present and future, despite evidence to the contrary.
  • Hans Rosling’s book, Factfulness, explores this cognitive bias.
  • Awareness of the pessimistic fallacy can lead to a more realistic and optimistic perspective.

Myth of Wage Stagnation

  • Wages for certain jobs have increased significantly since the 1970s.
  • Total compensation, including benefits, has also increased.
  • Comparing wages for the same job is complex due to factors like seniority and age.

Government Regulation and Industry

  • Industries with excessive government regulation, like housing and healthcare, often have higher costs and lower quality.
  • Technology, with less regulation, leads to innovation and lower costs.
  • Government mismanagement can hinder industry improvement.

Pessimism and Evolutionary Psychology

  • Pessimism was adaptive in our evolutionary ancestry, helping to control risk exposure.
  • Being overly pessimistic may not be as useful in modern times.
  • Having a realistic and optimistic perspective can lead to happiness and success.

Money and Happiness

  • Money can bring happiness through purchasing enjoyable things and providing financial security.
  • Studies suggest a correlation between increased income and happiness, up to a certain point.
  • Diminishing returns occur beyond a certain income threshold.

Finding Meaning in Work

  • Almost any job can contribute to making the world a better place.
  • Taking pride in your work and finding purpose can lead to happiness.
  • A positive attitude and connection to work can result in success and promotions.

AI and the Future

  • AI will shape society and bring both benefits and challenges.
  • Concerns include unemployment, ethics, and the potential for superintelligence.
  • Viewing AI as an ally and learning from its decisions can be beneficial.


Wealth, Happiness, and Cognitive Biases

Dr. Mike Israetel joins Chris on the “Modern Wisdom” podcast to discuss the complex relationship between wealth and happiness. They explore the question of whether money can truly buy happiness, acknowledging that while money can bring joy through purchasing desired items and supporting causes, it is not the sole determinant of happiness. They delve into the concept of the Pessimistic Fallacy, a cognitive bias where people tend to be pessimistic about the present and future, even when evidence suggests otherwise. They highlight the importance of being aware of this bias and striving for a more realistic and optimistic perspective.

The Myth of Wage Stagnation and Government Regulation

The conversation shifts to the myth of wage stagnation, debunking the notion that wages have not increased since the 1970s. Dr. Israetel explains that wages for certain jobs have actually skyrocketed, and factors like seniority and age need to be considered when comparing wages. They also discuss the impact of government regulation on industries, with excessive regulation leading to higher costs and lower quality in areas like housing and healthcare. In contrast, industries with less regulation, such as technology, tend to experience innovation and lower costs.

Pessimism, Evolutionary Psychology, and Finding Meaning in Work

The conversation delves into the evolutionary psychology behind pessimism, highlighting its adaptive nature in our ancestral times when survival was uncertain. However, Dr. Israetel emphasizes that being overly pessimistic may not be as useful in modern times, and having a realistic and optimistic perspective can lead to happiness and success. They discuss the importance of finding meaning in work, emphasizing that almost any job can contribute to making the world a better place. Taking pride in one’s work and having a positive attitude can lead to personal fulfillment and professional success.

The Impact of AI on Society

As the conversation progresses, the focus shifts to the future of AI and its potential impact on society. They explore both the benefits and challenges associated with AI, including concerns about unemployment, ethical decision-making, and the potential for superintelligence. While acknowledging the potential risks, they advocate for viewing AI as an ally and learning from its decisions as it becomes smarter than us.


This episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast provides valuable insights into the complex relationship between wealth and happiness. Dr. Mike Israetel and Chris explore various topics, including the role of money in happiness, cognitive biases, the myth of wage stagnation, the impact of government regulation, the evolutionary psychology of pessimism, finding meaning in work, and the future of AI. They emphasize the importance of maintaining a realistic and optimistic perspective, finding purpose in all types of jobs, and embracing the potential benefits of AI while addressing its challenges. Overall, this episode offers thought-provoking ideas for listeners to reflect on in their own pursuit of happiness and success.

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