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Modern Wisdom / – #658 – George TheTinMen – Why Do The Left Not Care About Men’s Problems?

Modern Wisdom – #658 – George TheTinMen – Why Do The Left Not Care About Men’s Problems?

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In this episode of the Modern Wisdom podcast, host George TheTinMen explores the question of why the left seems to have abandoned the discussion around men’s issues. George, who runs The Tin Men Instagram account, shares his experiences as a men’s issues advocate and discusses the challenges he faces in engaging with progressive left spaces. He presents shocking data and undeniable facts about men and boys’ issues, highlighting the need for balanced and compelling information. Join George as he delves into the complexities of men’s issues and the role of the left in addressing them.

Main Takeaways

The Dominance of the Right in Men’s Issues Discourse

  • The conversation around men’s issues has been dominated by the right for a long time.
  • The left largely seems to have abandoned the entire male sex.
  • Progressive left spaces often unwilling to engage in good faith with men and boys advocacy.
  • Men’s issues are not talked about enough by the left, and the blame is often placed on men themselves.

Challenges Faced by Men’s Issues Advocates

  • George has an army of haters online trying to cancel him.
  • Men’s rights advocacy experiencing a branded entity crisis.
  • Some left-leaning individuals may question your credentials if you bring up controversial positions related to men’s issues.

The Neglected Intersection of Men’s Issues and Other Social Movements

  • Many left-wing issues, such as homelessness and war, disproportionately affect men.
  • BLM is a racial issue, but it is also a men’s issue, as a majority of those killed by police are men.
  • Men are 20 times more likely to be killed by police than women, and this is a problem that the left often neglects or actively encourages through fear-mongering.

The Impact of Men’s Issues on Mental Health and Well-being

  • Suicide among men is a societal issue, not just a mental health crisis, and is often linked to problems like debt, job loss, and domestic violence.
  • Male victims of domestic violence are often overlooked and may be at a higher risk for suicide.
  • Child custody battles and family court can lead to male suicide, with 20% of suicides in the UK linked to these issues.

The Role of Criminal Justice System in Perpetuating Gender Bias

  • Men are discriminated against in criminal court, with research showing women are twice as likely to avoid prison for the same crime.
  • Men receive 63% longer sentences than women in America, and black men receive even longer sentences due to compounding biases.
  • Intersectionality is important for understanding the issues faced by minority men, such as black and gay men.

Challenging Stereotypes and Misconceptions about Masculinity

  • Toxic masculinity confines the problem to men’s heads instead of recognizing it as a societal issue perpetuated by all.
  • Masculinity is often defined by sacrifice and loss of life, which should be highlighted as heroic and brave.
  • Failure to talk about boys and men in good faith leads to poor role models and potentially worse outcomes.

Exploring Gender Disparities and Societal Expectations

  • The gender pay gap is better seen as a child penalty paid by mothers, as women’s salaries go down after having children.
  • Men face a massive issue with work-related deaths, with more men dying every year at work than all American military deaths in the entire Iraq war for 20 years.
  • There are no policies or commissions focused on men’s health, despite men leading nine of the top 10 causes of death in America.

The Importance of Listening and Empathy in Addressing Men’s Issues

  • Men need to be listened to and not just pathologized for their mental health struggles.
  • Good faith listening is important for both men’s and women’s issues.
  • Understanding each other’s experiences is important and the solution comes from listening in good faith.


The Left’s Neglect of Men’s Issues

The conversation around men’s issues has long been dominated by the right, leaving the left largely disengaged from addressing the challenges faced by men. Progressive left spaces often fail to engage in good faith with men and boys advocacy, leading to a lack of balanced and compelling information about men’s issues. Shocking data and undeniable facts highlight the urgent need for the left to actively address men’s issues and challenge societal biases.

The Impact on Mental Health and Well-being

Suicide among men is a societal issue that goes beyond mental health crises, with factors such as debt, job loss, and domestic violence contributing to the high rates. Male victims of domestic violence are often overlooked, increasing their risk for suicide. Child custody battles and family court proceedings can also have devastating effects on men’s mental health. It is crucial to recognize and address these issues to prevent further harm.

Bias in the Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system exhibits gender bias, with women being more likely to avoid prison for the same crimes as men. Men receive longer sentences, and this disparity is even more pronounced for black men due to compounding biases. Intersectionality plays a crucial role in understanding the unique challenges faced by minority men, such as black and gay men. It is essential to advocate for fair treatment and equal opportunities within the criminal justice system.

Challenging Stereotypes and Misconceptions

Toxic masculinity often oversimplifies the issue by solely blaming men, neglecting the societal factors that perpetuate harmful behaviors. The valorization of sacrifice and bravery in masculinity should be acknowledged, providing a more nuanced understanding of men’s experiences. Fostering good faith discussions about boys and men’s issues is crucial for promoting positive role models and better outcomes.

Addressing Gender Disparities and Societal Expectations

The gender pay gap should be viewed as a child penalty paid by mothers, as women’s salaries often decrease after having children. Men face significant risks in the workplace, with work-related deaths surpassing military casualties. Despite leading causes of death, there is a lack of policies and commissions focused on men’s health. Recognizing and addressing these disparities is vital for achieving gender equality.

The Importance of Listening and Empathy

Listening and empathy are essential in addressing men’s issues. Men need to be heard and understood, rather than being pathologized for their mental health struggles. Good faith listening is crucial for fostering productive discussions about both men’s and women’s issues. Understanding each other’s experiences and engaging in empathetic conversations is the key to progress.


The neglect of men’s issues by the left has created a significant gap in addressing the challenges faced by men. It is crucial for progressive spaces to engage in good faith discussions and provide balanced information about men’s issues. By challenging stereotypes, addressing biases, and fostering empathy, society can work towards a more inclusive and equitable future for all genders. It is time to bridge the gap and prioritize the well-being of men alongside women and other marginalized groups.

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