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Modern Wisdom / – #660 – Peter Akkies – 7 Hacks To Master Your Productivity & Get More Done

Modern Wisdom – #660 – Peter Akkies – 7 Hacks To Master Your Productivity & Get More Done

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In this episode of the Modern Wisdom podcast, Peter Akkies, a productivity consultant, YouTuber, and blogger, shares his expertise on time management and personal efficiency. He reveals seven impactful hacks to master productivity and get more done.

Main Takeaways

Setting Up Your Productivity System

  • Productivity is an emotional thing and should start with figuring out what you want to achieve in life, why it matters, and how to go about doing it.
  • Prioritizing goals is essential to productivity, and no app can help if priorities are not straight.
  • Deep conversations about what people care about are crucial to goal setting and taking action steps.
  • Building a business should start with identifying what you want to achieve with it.
  • Specific goals are easier to achieve than vague goals.

Designing Your Ideal Daily Schedule

  • Time management principles depend on the context and may vary for different individuals.
  • Designing a daily schedule involves considering energy levels, task requirements, and focus availability.
  • Batching meetings and communication can help knowledge workers manage their time better.
  • Experimentation is key to finding a productivity technique that works for you.
  • Eating the biggest, scariest tasks early in the day may not work for everyone; find the time of day when you are most focused.

Mastering Task Management

  • A to-do list should be broken down into various areas of life, such as admin and finance tasks, hobbies and trips, health, home, relationships, and work.
  • Start with the to-do list before filling in the calendar to ensure the most important tasks are being worked on intentionally.
  • Overwhelming feelings about a to-do list may be due to overcommitment in reality.
  • A weekly review using the GTD technique can help with managing tasks and commitments.
  • Prioritizing tasks based on goals is important for meaningful use of time.

Dealing with Burnout and Productivity Purgatory

  • Burnout is a real and nebulous concept with no clear definition.
  • Productivity techniques are appealing to those experiencing burnout.
  • Enjoyable activities can help avoid productivity purgatory.
  • Productivity should be defined as achieving your goals in life.
  • Having a purpose for productivity is important.

Effective Email Management

  • Expectations management is key to dealing with email.
  • Batch processing emails is an effective tactic for managing email.
  • Setting expectations and boundaries with coworkers is important to manage email interruptions.
  • Taking responsibility for managing your own email habits is crucial for productivity.
  • Using a to-do list app can help organize tasks and manage email efficiently.

Choosing the Right Note-Taking App

  • There are multiple ways to achieve the same outcome in productivity.
  • Using a note-taking app with folders as workspace designers can help put you in a state of mind and give you the information you need to move forward.
  • Having a minimum viable system that works for you is more important than using the most sophisticated note-taking app.
  • Different jobs require different systems, and experimentation is key to finding what works for you.
  • Don’t feel guilty about using a system that works for you, even if it’s not the most popular or elaborate method out there.


Setting Up Your Productivity System

Peter Akkies emphasizes the importance of aligning productivity with your emotional connection to your goals. He highlights the significance of deep conversations and prioritizing specific goals to achieve success in personal and professional endeavors.

Designing Your Ideal Daily Schedule

When it comes to time management, Peter suggests considering individual context and experimenting with different techniques. He advises knowledge workers to batch meetings and communication and find their most focused time of day for tackling important tasks.

Mastering Task Management

Peter emphasizes the need to break down tasks into various areas of life and prioritize them based on goals. He recommends conducting weekly reviews using the GTD technique to manage tasks effectively and avoid overcommitment. Prioritizing tasks based on goals ensures meaningful use of time.

Dealing with Burnout and Productivity Purgatory

Peter discusses the concept of burnout and suggests seeking therapy and avoiding overcommitment to prevent burnout. He highlights the importance of finding enjoyment in activities to avoid falling into a state of productivity purgatory.

Effective Email Management

Peter provides strategies for managing email, including setting expectations, batch processing, and using a to-do list app for efficient organization. Taking responsibility for managing email habits and creating boundaries with coworkers is crucial for maintaining productivity.

Choosing the Right Note-Taking App

Peter emphasizes the importance of finding a note-taking app that suits individual needs and preferences. He suggests using a minimum viable system that works for you and experimenting with different apps and techniques to find the most effective solution.


Peter Akkies shares valuable insights and practical tips for mastering productivity. By aligning goals with emotions, designing an ideal daily schedule, effectively managing tasks, avoiding burnout, optimizing email management, and choosing the right note-taking app, listeners can enhance their productivity and achieve their goals.

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