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Modern Wisdom / – #662 – Gurwinder Bhogal – 18 Shocking Psychology Lessons To Understand Yourself

Modern Wisdom – #662 – Gurwinder Bhogal – 18 Shocking Psychology Lessons To Understand Yourself

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In this episode of the Modern Wisdom podcast, host Chris Williamson interviews Gurwinder Bhogal to explore 18 shocking psychology lessons that help us understand ourselves better. From the importance of defining words in debates to the impact of social media on our mental well-being, this conversation delves into various thought-provoking topics. Join Chris and Gurwinder as they provide insights and perspectives on these fascinating aspects of human psychology.

Main Takeaways

Debates and Social Media

  • Every debate is fundamentally an argument about the definition of words.
  • Over-analyzing tweets is a waste of time.
  • A well-curated social media feed is a great source of information.
  • Filtering out people who don’t think before they post is important in curating a good social media feed.
  • People tend to over-analyze and scrutinize tweets and online comments.

Happiness and Gratitude

  • Happiness is not a destination or journey, but a horizon.
  • Desire is a contract to be unhappy until the goal is achieved.
  • True joy is rare, but we often pick up its scent enough to keep us in pursuit.
  • Learn to be happy with less and appreciate the little things in life.
  • Gratitude for what you have can cure the endless desire for what you don’t have.

Past vs Present

  • Modern men might not be better off living in medieval times.
  • The idea that the past was a better time is a myth.
  • Technology has allowed us to prevent famines in the West.
  • Climate-related deaths have decreased by 98% in the last century.
  • Having an existential crisis should be a reason for gratitude.

Beliefs and Identity

  • Belief forming is driven by whether those beliefs help us in a social context.
  • People may project new injustices to fight against when they lose their sense of purpose.
  • Opinion shopping is prevalent in various fields, including law, policy, business, and gender clinics.
  • Intelligence does not always mean that it is being put into the service of intelligent goals.
  • Our intelligence is configured to help us survive in social contexts by believing things that are not true.

Animal Treatment and Ethics

  • The treatment of animals in factory farms is often horrific and should be addressed.
  • Eating meat causes suffering, and choosing non-suffering alternatives is more ethical.
  • We eat meat today because it’s always been a part of our diet, and we don’t think about it.
  • Lab-grown meat could eliminate the suffering of billions of animals over the years.


Debates and Social Media

Every debate is essentially a disagreement about the definition of words. Over-analyzing tweets and online comments is often a waste of time, as they are usually posted hastily without much thought. Curating a well-filtered social media feed can be a valuable source of information, while an unfiltered feed can be overwhelming and filled with meaningless nonsense. It is important to filter out people who don’t think before they post to maintain a positive online experience. Additionally, people tend to over-analyze and scrutinize tweets and online comments, even if they were just a whim or experiment. Scott Adams suggests waiting 48 hours before judging what someone posted online to give them a chance to retract what they said. Social media’s frictionlessness allows for instantaneous communication, which can be both beneficial and dangerous.

Happiness and Gratitude

Happiness is not a destination or journey, but a horizon that we continuously pursue. Desire often leads to unhappiness, as it is a contract to be unhappy until the goal is achieved. True joy is rare, but we often catch glimpses of it, motivating us to keep seeking it. The solution to happiness lies in appreciating the little things in life and learning to be content with less. Gratitude for what we have can alleviate the endless desire for what we don’t have. Understanding the value and effort behind the things we possess can enhance our appreciation and overall happiness.

Past vs Present

Contrary to romanticized notions, modern men may not be better off living in medieval times. The idea that the past was a better time is a myth, as it was always brutal and difficult. Technology has allowed us to prevent famines and decrease climate-related deaths significantly. Having an existential crisis should be seen as a reason for gratitude, indicating that our basic needs are fulfilled. It is crucial to appreciate the progress and abundance we have in the present compared to the challenges faced by past generations.

Beliefs and Identity

Beliefs are often shaped by their social context rather than their truthfulness. People may project new injustices to fight against when they lose their sense of purpose, leading to a cycle of identity crisis. Opinion shopping, where individuals selectively seek out information that confirms their existing beliefs, is prevalent in various fields. Intelligence does not always result in intelligent goals, as our intelligence is primarily geared towards survival in social contexts. Understanding these dynamics can help us navigate the complexities of belief formation and identity.

Animal Treatment and Ethics

The treatment of animals in factory farms is often inhumane, and it is important to address these issues. Choosing non-suffering alternatives to meat consumption is considered more ethical, as eating meat causes unnecessary suffering. Our historical consumption of meat has become normalized, but lab-grown meat offers a potential solution to eliminate the suffering of billions of animals. By reconsidering our choices and recognizing the cognitive dissonance between finding animals cute and consuming their meat, we can contribute to a more compassionate and ethical world.


This episode of the Modern Wisdom podcast delves into various aspects of psychology, providing valuable insights into debates, happiness, past vs present, beliefs, and animal ethics. By understanding the impact of social media, the pursuit of happiness, the realities of the past, the formation of beliefs, and the treatment of animals, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. It is essential to critically analyze our beliefs, appreciate the present, and strive for a more compassionate and empathetic society.

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