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Modern Wisdom / – #667 – Nancy Segal – What Twins Separated At Birth Teach Us About Nature vs Nurture

Modern Wisdom – #667 – Nancy Segal – What Twins Separated At Birth Teach Us About Nature vs Nurture

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In this episode of the Modern Wisdom podcast, host Chris Williamson interviews Nancy Segal, a renowned developmental psychologist with a focus on behavior genetics and evolutionary psychology. They delve into the fascinating world of twins separated at birth and what their experiences teach us about the age-old nature vs nurture debate. From surprising similarities between twins raised apart to the emotional bonds between identical twins, this episode explores the complexities of human behavior and the role of genetics and environment in shaping our lives.

Main Takeaways

Insights from Twin Studies

  • Twins separated at birth provide insight into the nature vs nurture debate.
  • Similarities between twins raised apart can be surprising.
  • Twin studies combine developmental psychology, behavior genetics, and evolutionary psychology.
  • Identical twins tend to work more cooperatively in joint situations than fraternal twins.
  • Emotional connection between identical twins may be stronger than between normal siblings and fraternal twins.

The Unique Bond of Twins

  • Identical twins grieve more for their co-twin than for any other relative.
  • The emotional bond between identical twins may be closer than any other relationship.
  • Superfecundated twins can occur when a mother releases two eggs and has multiple sexual partners within the fertility window.
  • Twins may recognize each other through physical similarities or growing up together.
  • Genetic sexual attraction is a concept where family members who reunite can feel a strong physical attraction towards each other.

Genetics, Environment, and Behavior

  • Studying twins raised apart can help disentangle genes and environment.
  • Genetic effects become more prominent as individuals age and have more freedom to choose their activities.
  • Environment plays a significant role in shaping a person’s behavior and success.
  • Parents should be sensitive to their child’s individual tastes, temperaments, and interests.
  • Behavioral traits are not solely determined by genetics, and altered environments can affect genetic expression.


Insights from Twin Studies

Twin studies provide a unique and comprehensive perspective on the nature vs nurture debate. By studying twins separated at birth, researchers can uncover surprising similarities between individuals raised apart. Identical twins, with their shared genes and similar temperaments, tend to work more cooperatively in joint situations compared to fraternal twins. This suggests that genetics play a significant role in shaping our behavior and interactions with others. Furthermore, the emotional bond between identical twins is often stronger than that between normal siblings and fraternal twins, highlighting the influence of genetic relatedness on human relationships.

The Unique Bond of Twins

The emotional connection between identical twins is unparalleled, with studies showing that they grieve more for their co-twin than for any other relative. This deep bond may even surpass the emotional connection between mothers and their children. Twins can recognize each other through physical similarities or growing up together, and genetic sexual attraction can create intense physical and emotional attraction between family members who reunite. However, it’s important to note that such relationships can have complex ethical considerations, especially in cases of accidental incestuous couples.

Genetics, Environment, and Behavior

Understanding the interplay between genetics, environment, and behavior is crucial for making realistic decisions and lifestyle changes. Twin studies have shown that genetic effects become more prominent as individuals age and have more freedom to choose their activities. However, the environment also plays a significant role in shaping a person’s behavior and success. Good parenting involves being sensitive to a child’s individual tastes, temperaments, and interests, rather than prescribing a specific path. It’s important to recognize that behavioral traits are not solely determined by genetics, and altered environments can affect genetic expression.


The study of twins separated at birth provides valuable insights into the complex interplay between genetics and environment. While genetics play a significant role in shaping our behavior and relationships, the environment also has a profound impact. Understanding the nuances of nature vs nurture can lead to more realistic decisions and lifestyle changes. The unique bond between twins, with their shared experiences and genetic relatedness, challenges our beliefs about individual differences and highlights the interconnectedness of human behavior. Through twin studies, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the intricate factors that shape who we are.

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