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Modern Wisdom / – #672 – Paul Hutchinson – The Untold Story Behind The Sound of Freedom

Modern Wisdom – #672 – Paul Hutchinson – The Untold Story Behind The Sound of Freedom

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In this episode of the Modern Wisdom podcast, host Chris Williamson interviews Paul Hutchinson, an entrepreneur, former fund manager, and undercover operative. Paul shares his experiences rescuing trafficked children and dismantling some of the world’s largest child sex trafficking rings. The episode also delves into Paul’s involvement in Operation Underground Railroad and the controversy surrounding The Sound of Freedom movie, which depicts his incredible rescue missions.

Main Takeaways

Paul Hutchinson’s Undercover Operations

  • Paul, founder of Bridge Investment Group, led or played a key part in over 70 undercover rescue missions in 15 countries after being recruited to help fund an anti-child sex trafficking operation.
  • Child trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal enterprise in the world, with good people unaware that it is happening.
  • Paul’s involvement in Operation Underground Railroad and the Sound of Freedom movie showcases his special set of skills from a previous life that makes him somewhat safe in a dangerous place.
  • Paul was asked to help rescue over 100 children tied to trafficking rings in Cartagena.
  • He was specifically chosen for his wealthy and playboy background, as well as his ability to handle himself in a dangerous place.

The Severity of Child Sex Trafficking

  • Child trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal enterprise in the world and the second most profitable, surpassing the illegal arms trade.
  • The Sound of Freedom movie highlights the severity of child trafficking.
  • Over 70% of children sold for sex are sleeping in their own beds at night, and are often sold by family members or close acquaintances.
  • Child trafficking is happening right under our noses, and it’s important for everyone to be aware of potential dangers in their own homes and relationships.
  • The best thing people can do to help combat child trafficking is to build strong relationships with their own children and foster children’s self-esteem.

The Role of Wealthy Individuals in Child Trafficking

  • Americans are the biggest consumers of child trafficking and related material, including child pornography and pedophilia.
  • Wealthy, well-spoken, financially secure, connected businessmen with big egos are often the target of traffickers and may be recruited to fund sex hotels or parties abroad.
  • Children and human traffickers tend to stay within a particular geographic net, with about half or more of the children being from the same country.
  • Wealthy individuals with extreme wealth and power can fuel the demand for child sex trafficking.
  • Extreme wealth can lead to arrogance and a sense of absolute power, which can contribute to the perpetuation of child sex trafficking.

Rescue Missions and Rehabilitation

  • Paul and his team have rescued children from trafficking rings in various countries, including Colombia, Haiti, Thailand, and more.
  • Undercover operators often encounter dangerous situations, but they try not to get involved unless necessary.
  • The real rescue is helping the children heal and recover from their trauma.
  • Putting children in a healthy home can help them bounce back from trauma quickly.
  • The Hope of Life Foundation in Guatemala provides a model for rehabilitating victims by placing them in healthy homes with loving families.


Paul Hutchinson’s Undercover Operations

Paul Hutchinson, an entrepreneur and former fund manager, found himself drawn into the world of undercover operations when he was recruited to help fund an anti-child sex trafficking operation. With his wealthy background and ability to handle dangerous situations, Paul played a key role in over 70 rescue missions in 15 countries. His involvement in Operation Underground Railroad and the Sound of Freedom movie showcases the importance of using unique skills to make a positive impact and bring awareness to the fastest-growing criminal enterprise in the world.

The Severity of Child Sex Trafficking

Child sex trafficking is a grave issue that often goes unnoticed by the general public. The Sound of Freedom movie sheds light on the severity of this problem, revealing that over 70% of children sold for sex are living in their own homes and are often sold by family members or close acquaintances. It is crucial for individuals to be aware of potential dangers within their own homes and relationships. Building strong relationships with children and fostering their self-esteem can help combat child trafficking and protect vulnerable children.

The Role of Wealthy Individuals in Child Trafficking

Wealthy individuals, particularly those with extreme wealth and power, can contribute to the demand for child sex trafficking. Americans are the biggest consumers of child trafficking and related material, highlighting the need for awareness and action. Traffickers often target wealthy, well-spoken, financially secure, and connected businessmen with big egos, who may be recruited to fund sex hotels or parties abroad. It is essential to address the mindset and behaviors of these individuals to effectively combat child trafficking.

Rescue Missions and Rehabilitation

Paul Hutchinson and his team have undertaken numerous rescue missions in countries such as Colombia, Haiti, Thailand, and more. These operations often involve dangerous situations, but the focus is on rescuing children and helping them heal and recover from their trauma. Placing children in healthy homes with loving families, as demonstrated by the Hope of Life Foundation in Guatemala, can significantly aid in their rehabilitation. It is crucial to prioritize the well-being and recovery of these victims to break the cycle of generational trauma.


Paul Hutchinson’s experiences as an undercover operative and his involvement in Operation Underground Railroad and The Sound of Freedom movie highlight the urgent need to combat child sex trafficking. The severity of this issue, the role of wealthy individuals in perpetuating it, and the importance of rescue missions and rehabilitation are key takeaways from this podcast episode. By raising awareness, building strong relationships with children, and supporting organizations dedicated to combating child trafficking, we can work towards a world where every child is safe and free from exploitation.

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