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Modern Wisdom / – #674 – Adam Lane Smith – 17 Ugly Psychology Truths No One Wants To Admit

Modern Wisdom – #674 – Adam Lane Smith – 17 Ugly Psychology Truths No One Wants To Admit

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, psychotherapist and author Adam Lane Smith discusses 17 ugly psychology truths that no one wants to admit. Smith shares insights from his experience helping thousands of patients and couples navigate issues related to childhood, relationships, and sex lives. He provides valuable advice on topics such as communication, dating, and the impact of daycare on children’s psychological well-being.

Main Takeaways

Understanding Male-Female Dynamics

  • Having sex with a man on the first date won’t make him fall in love with you.
  • It shouldn’t be a surprise to most men when their partner divorces them.
  • Men don’t understand how female communication works.
  • Women believe sex on the first date will bond men to them, but it only works with insecure men.
  • Men and women process hormones differently during sex, causing different bonding effects.

The Impact of Childhood Experiences

  • Mirroring neurons in childhood affect self-worth and the need for validation in relationships.
  • Understanding cross-sex mind reading failures can improve communication in relationships.
  • Children who don’t receive proper attention from their parents may develop a desire for attention that leads to performative behavior in dating.
  • Lack of confidence and insecurity around authenticity can lead to performative behavior in dating and a lack of genuine connection.
  • The pickup culture teaches men to be someone they’re not, which can lead to a dangerous catch-22.

The Challenges of Modern Dating

  • There are two different dating pools: secure people who want a direct human connection, and insecure people who seek constant stimulation.
  • Women having sex on a first date to bond with a man is not an effective strategy for building a genuine connection.
  • Courting period was necessary in human history to build value and trust between partners.
  • Women who give it up too easily are assumed to do the same with other men.
  • People who obsess over politics may be compensating for feeling powerless in their personal lives.

The Importance of Difficult Conversations

  • Having difficult conversations can reorient someone’s whole brain and change their life.
  • Fear of difficult conversations stems from childhood attachment issues where expressing needs could lead to abandonment.
  • People would rather face physical pain than emotional or social pain from difficult conversations.
  • To approach a difficult conversation, figure out the desired outcome for the relationship and pitch it to the person.
  • Building a solution-focused approach to solving the problem can prevent the other person from exploding.

The Impact of Relationships on Mental Health

  • Depression is often a response to a broken society that has systematically destroyed relationships.
  • Lack of intergenerational living and scattering of families in modern society is a modern concept.
  • Relationships provide a sense of worth, purpose, meaning, and joy that cannot be found in work or other pursuits alone.
  • Creating a legacy requires making a human impact on others.
  • Families used to have safety nets for support, including extended family, friends, and religious connections.


Understanding Male-Female Dynamics

In relationships, men and women often have different expectations and understanding of each other’s behavior. Men may not realize that having sex on the first date won’t necessarily lead to love or commitment. Women, on the other hand, may believe that bonding through sex works universally, but it tends to be more effective with insecure men. Hormonal differences during sex can also impact bonding experiences. It is crucial to understand these dynamics to foster better communication and build healthier relationships.

The Impact of Childhood Experiences

Childhood experiences play a significant role in shaping individuals’ behaviors and attachment styles. Mirroring neurons developed in childhood can affect self-worth and the need for validation in relationships. Understanding cross-sex mind reading failures can improve communication between partners. Children who lack attention from their parents may develop a desire for attention, leading to performative behavior in dating. Insecurity and a lack of authenticity can hinder genuine connections. Recognizing and addressing these issues can lead to healthier relationship dynamics.

The Challenges of Modern Dating

Modern dating presents unique challenges, including the presence of different dating pools. Some individuals seek direct human connections, while others seek constant stimulation. Women who engage in sex on the first date may not achieve the desired connection, as it can be perceived as lacking value and commitment. The courting period, which was historically essential for building trust and value between partners, has been overlooked. Understanding these challenges can help individuals navigate the dating landscape more effectively.

The Importance of Difficult Conversations

Difficult conversations are often avoided due to fear of emotional or social pain. However, these conversations have the potential to reorient someone’s entire mindset and improve their life. Fear of expressing needs and facing abandonment stems from childhood attachment issues. Building the courage to have difficult conversations and approaching them with a solution-focused mindset can lead to healthier relationships and personal growth.

The Impact of Relationships on Mental Health

Depression can be a response to a society that has devalued and broken down relationships. The scattering of families and lack of intergenerational living are modern concepts that have deprived individuals of crucial support networks. Relationships provide a sense of worth, purpose, meaning, and joy that cannot be solely derived from work or other pursuits. By prioritizing and nurturing relationships, individuals can create a legacy and make a positive impact on others.


Adam Lane Smith’s discussion on the “Modern Wisdom” podcast sheds light on various psychological truths that are often overlooked or ignored. Understanding the dynamics between men and women, the impact of childhood experiences, the challenges of modern dating, the importance of difficult conversations, and the significance of relationships can lead to healthier and more fulfilling lives. By addressing these truths, individuals can navigate their personal and romantic relationships with greater understanding and empathy.

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