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Modern Wisdom / – #681 – Ben Lamm – The Man Bringing Extinct Creatures Back To Life

Modern Wisdom – #681 – Ben Lamm – The Man Bringing Extinct Creatures Back To Life

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, host Chris Williamson interviews Ben Lamm, the CEO of Colossal, a company focused on de-extinction. They discuss the potential of bringing back extinct creatures, particularly woolly mammoths, and the impact it could have on combating climate change. Lamm explains the process of de-extinction and the technological advancements that make it possible. They also delve into the ethical considerations and potential applications of gene editing in humans.

Main Takeaways

De-Extinction and Climate Change

  • Ben Lamm’s company, Colossal, is working on de-extinction, starting with woolly mammoths.
  • Bringing back woolly mammoths could help fix climate change.
  • The company is focused on restoring ecosystems like the Arctic tundra to combat biodiversity loss and climate change.
  • Woolly mammoths can help lower ground temperatures by up to eight degrees by removing carnivorous trees and getting to the right level of cold tolerant dense species, which is important in preventing the release of carbon and methane stored in the permafrost.
  • Modeling has shown that returning the Arctic to a more biodiverse state with natural herding animals like woolly mammoths could help lower ground temperatures and build up biodiversity.

The Process of De-Extinction

  • De-extinction is the process of using core genes to build proxy species for genetics that have been lost to time.
  • To bring a dead animal back to life, the closest living relative is identified and the DNA sequences are analyzed to isolate the genes that made the extinct animal unique.
  • The genes are then engineered into the living relative’s cells, and the cloning process is used to bring the extinct animal back to life.
  • Scientists use cloning to bring extinct animals back to life.
  • Genomics of extinct animals are obtained from permafrost.

Technological Advancements in De-Extinction

  • DNA is extracted from well-preserved spots like teeth or inner earbone.
  • Data can be used to understand populations of American mammoths.
  • AI and technology are used to understand physical attributes across different species.
  • The team is working on multiple species and looking for trends that can be applied to other mammals.
  • Editing technologies progress will be the limiting factor on the number of edits that can be made.

Ethical Considerations and Future Applications

  • The ethical and regulatory frameworks around gene editing need to be carefully considered, as more is possible than what is currently allowed.
  • The potential for genetic modification in humans to survive spaceflight or gain the strength of Neanderthals is a thought experiment.
  • The company is currently working on gene editing in mammals but believes there are potential applications for humans in the future.
  • Gene editing and gene therapies could potentially cure diseases like diabetes and heart disease.
  • Gene editing could also potentially make humans more radiation tolerant, allowing for space travel and longer life on Earth.


De-Extinction and Climate Change

Ben Lamm’s company, Colossal, aims to bring back extinct creatures, starting with woolly mammoths, to combat climate change. By reintroducing woolly mammoths to the Arctic tundra, they can help lower ground temperatures and prevent the release of carbon and methane stored in the permafrost. This restoration of ecosystems can have a significant impact on biodiversity loss and climate change.

The Process of De-Extinction

De-extinction involves using core genes to build proxy species for genetics that have been lost to time. By analyzing DNA sequences from well-preserved spots like teeth or inner earbone, scientists can isolate the genes that made the extinct animal unique. These genes are then engineered into the cells of the closest living relative, and the cloning process is used to bring the extinct animal back to life. This process utilizes cloning and advanced genomic technologies.

Technological Advancements in De-Extinction

Technological advancements play a crucial role in de-extinction. DNA extraction from well-preserved spots like teeth or inner earbone provides valuable genomic data. AI and technology help scientists understand the physical attributes of extinct species and identify trends that can be applied to other mammals. However, the progress of editing technologies will determine the number of edits that can be made.

Ethical Considerations and Future Applications

The ethical and regulatory frameworks surrounding gene editing need careful consideration, as the potential applications extend beyond what is currently allowed. While the focus is currently on gene editing in mammals, there are potential future applications in humans. Gene editing and gene therapies hold the potential to cure diseases and enhance human capabilities, such as radiation tolerance for space travel. However, ethical considerations and societal changes in policies and regulations are necessary.


Ben Lamm and his company, Colossal, are at the forefront of de-extinction research, starting with woolly mammoths. Their work has the potential to combat climate change, restore ecosystems, and bring back extinct species. However, ethical considerations, technological advancements, and regulatory frameworks need to be carefully navigated to ensure responsible and beneficial applications of gene editing. The future of de-extinction holds promise for both conservation efforts and potential advancements in human health and capabilities.

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