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Modern Wisdom / – #684 – Vincent Harinam – Cancelled For Appearing On This Podcast

Modern Wisdom – #684 – Vincent Harinam – Cancelled For Appearing On This Podcast

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In episode #684 of the Modern Wisdom podcast, Vincent Harinam, a data scientist, law enforcement consultant, and writer, joins the show to discuss his experience of being reprimanded by a British university for comments he made on the podcast two years ago. The conversation covers changes in the dating market, the impact of cancel culture on academia, the potential benefits of polygamy, and the challenges faced by men in modern society.

Main Takeaways

Academia and Cancel Culture

  • Academia has a problem with independent media, which is why Vincent was reprimanded by a British university for appearing on the Modern Wisdom podcast.
  • Cancel culture is pervasive in academia, often happening behind closed doors where potential candidates are blackballed due to their political ideologies.
  • Soft cancellations in academia are 50% political and 50% personal, with jealousy within the academic sphere being a factor.

The Dating Market and Mating Crisis

  • The discussion covers changes in the dating market over the last two years and future trends in mating crisis land.
  • Men in the 18-30 age cohort are not having sex and experiencing unemployment, but there hasn’t been an increase in anti-social behavior or mass shootings.
  • Young, single men are more likely to engage in criminal behavior and violence, but the presence of women can reduce risk-taking behavior and potential violence in the future.

Polygamy and Population Collapse

  • The idea of polygamy fixing population collapse is discussed, with historical examples showing a correlation between a surplus of single men and violence.
  • Polygamy is a debated topic, with a significant increase in support in recent years. However, there is no definitive evidence that polygamy has a significant impact on fertility rates.
  • Policies should be based on empirical evidence and consider second and third order effects when addressing the birthrate problem.

Challenges Faced by Men in Modern Society

  • Men in modern society are seeking purpose and connection while being influenced by sedating factors such as porn, video games, and social media.
  • The fallout of the Me Too movement has had a negative impact on men’s ability to interact with women, leading to a culture of risk aversion.
  • There is a culture of guys who want to be in relationships but are not approaching women, and women’s perception of few acceptable partners may drive promiscuity to the detriment of pair bonding.


Cancel Culture in Academia and the Impact on Career Prospects

Vincent Harinam shares his personal experience of being soft-canceled by a British university due to his participation in podcasts with Jordan Peterson and Mikhaila Peterson. This highlights the issue of cancel culture in academia, where potential candidates are blackballed behind closed doors due to their political ideologies. Jealousy and personal conflicts within the academic sphere also contribute to soft cancellations. The situation raises concerns about the impact of cancel culture on career prospects and the ability to express diverse opinions in academic settings.

The Changing Dating Market and Mating Crisis

Vincent and the host discuss the changes in the dating market over the last two years and the concept of a mating crisis. Despite a large number of men in the 18-30 age cohort not having sex and experiencing unemployment, there hasn’t been an increase in anti-social behavior or mass shootings. The presence of women can reduce risk-taking behavior and potential violence in men. The conversation delves into the factors contributing to the mating crisis and the potential societal implications.

Exploring Polygamy as a Solution to Population Collapse

The idea of polygamy as a potential solution to population collapse is examined, drawing on historical examples and contemporary debates. While there is a significant increase in support for polygamous marriage, there is no definitive evidence that polygamy has a significant impact on fertility rates. Policies addressing the birthrate problem should consider empirical evidence and potential second and third order effects. The conversation raises thought-provoking questions about societal norms and the potential benefits and challenges of embracing polygamy.

The Challenges Faced by Men in Modern Society

The discussion delves into the challenges faced by men in modern society, including the impact of the Me Too movement on men’s ability to interact with women and the culture of risk aversion. The perception of few acceptable partners may drive promiscuity to the detriment of pair bonding. The conversation explores the role of sedating factors such as porn, video games, and social media in shaping men’s behavior and desires. It raises important questions about societal expectations, gender dynamics, and the pursuit of meaningful connections.


The episode with Vincent Harinam provides a thought-provoking exploration of cancel culture in academia, the challenges faced by men in modern society, and the potential benefits and implications of embracing polygamy. It highlights the importance of open dialogue, empirical evidence, and nuanced discussions in addressing complex societal issues. The conversation encourages listeners to critically examine prevailing norms and ideologies while fostering a deeper understanding of the multifaceted dynamics shaping our world.

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