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Modern Wisdom / – #685 – Rich Roll – Stop Making Excuses & Transform Your Life

Modern Wisdom – #685 – Rich Roll – Stop Making Excuses & Transform Your Life

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In this episode of the “Modern Wisdom” podcast, Rich Roll shares his insights on personal transformation and the importance of reinventing oneself. He discusses the challenges and rewards of breaking free from societal expectations and offers valuable advice on building a supportive community and finding true fulfillment.

Main Takeaways

Finding Balance and Reinventing Yourself

  • Rich Roll found a solution to balance achieving goals without destroying sanity.
  • Reinventing ourselves is important and there is always hope and opportunity.
  • Reinvention takes much longer than people realize, with a lot of confusion, self-doubt, and judgment from others.
  • The amount of hard work that goes into crafting the life of your desires is often underappreciated, leading to burnout and retreat to what’s safe and known.

The Importance of Companions and Community

  • Having lower companions can hold you back.
  • Choose companions wisely and upgrade if necessary to find people who support your goals and dreams.
  • Lower companions are people who enable addictive behavior, while higher companions are those who have our best interests at heart.
  • You can craft and cultivate your community with mindful intention.
  • Shows and podcasts are important resources for those who lack high-minded people around them.

Success, Self-Worth, and Personal Fulfillment

  • Success is not a guarantee for happiness, and may even lead to sacrificing happiness.
  • The desire for success often stems from a feeling of insufficiency or imposter syndrome.
  • Financial struggles can trigger insecurities and fears from childhood, leading to a belief in incapability of success.
  • Doing something for joy and excitement is a good indicator that it’s the right thing.
  • Love and achievement should not be conditioned upon each other.

Taking Breaks, Setting Goals, and Embracing Growth

  • Taking breaks can be scary, but it’s necessary to recharge and develop clarity around your goals.
  • Success should be focused on the long term, not just short term gains.
  • Being nimble and responsive in the moment is more important than setting long-term goals.
  • Embrace experimentation and have a healthy relationship with failure.
  • True growth and highest expression is linked to the willingness and courage to face uncomfortable truths.


Finding Balance and Reinventing Yourself

Rich Roll emphasizes the importance of finding balance in pursuing goals and reinventing oneself. He shares his personal journey of reinvention and highlights the challenges and rewards of breaking free from societal expectations. Reinvention takes time and involves facing confusion, self-doubt, and judgment from others. The amount of hard work and dedication required to craft the life of one’s desires is often underappreciated, leading to burnout and a retreat to what feels safe and familiar.

The Importance of Companions and Community

Rich Roll discusses the impact of companions and community on personal growth. Having lower companions who enable addictive behavior can hold individuals back, while higher companions who have their best interests at heart can support their goals and dreams. He highlights the importance of intentionally cultivating a community of like-minded individuals and recommends shows and podcasts as valuable resources for those lacking high-minded people in their immediate surroundings.

Success, Self-Worth, and Personal Fulfillment

Rich Roll challenges the notion that success guarantees happiness and explores the underlying motivations behind the desire for success. He delves into the impact of financial struggles and childhood insecurities on one’s belief in their capability for success. He emphasizes the importance of pursuing activities that bring joy and excitement, rather than solely chasing external markers of success. Roll emphasizes that love and achievement should not be conditioned upon each other, and that personal fulfillment may not align with societal expectations of success.

Taking Breaks, Setting Goals, and Embracing Growth

Rich Roll advocates for the importance of taking breaks to recharge and gain clarity around one’s goals. He emphasizes that success should be focused on long-term fulfillment rather than short-term gains. Roll encourages individuals to be nimble and responsive in the moment, rather than rigidly adhering to long-term goals. He promotes a mindset of experimentation and a healthy relationship with failure as essential for personal growth. Roll believes that true growth and the highest expression of oneself come from the willingness and courage to face uncomfortable truths.


In this episode, Rich Roll shares valuable insights on personal transformation, reinvention, and the importance of building a supportive community. He encourages listeners to find balance in pursuing their goals and to embrace growth by facing uncomfortable truths. Roll emphasizes the significance of surrounding oneself with companions who support personal growth and highlights the impact of societal expectations on personal fulfillment. Ultimately, he encourages individuals to take breaks, set meaningful goals, and approach life with a mindset of experimentation and self-awareness.

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