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The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett / Moment 131: Why You Need To Start Embracing ALL Your Emotions: Dr. Julie Smith | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

Moment 131: Why You Need To Start Embracing ALL Your Emotions: Dr. Julie Smith | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

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In this episode of “The Diary Of A CEO,” host Steven Bartlett sits down with Dr. Julie Smith to discuss the importance of embracing all emotions and the impact it has on our mental health. They explore society’s mixed messages about emotions and the stigma surrounding men and their feelings. Dr. Smith emphasizes the significance of human connection and finding healthy coping mechanisms to navigate through our emotions.

Main Takeaways

Society’s Influence on Emotions

  • Society gives mixed messages on how to handle emotions
  • Men are often the worst at talking about their feelings due to societal stigmas. (speaker)

Embracing and Coping with Emotions

  • Compartmentalizing emotions can have negative effects on mental health
  • Embracing emotions can be overwhelming, and it’s important to have coping tools
  • Gradually opening up to emotions in a safe and supported way can be helpful
  • Reflect on experiences without judgment to understand what leads up to feelings

Understanding Behavioral Responses

  • It’s important to examine our behavioral responses to stress and emotions with curiosity, not judgment
  • Our bodies can reveal our emotions and stress responses, even if our conscious mind doesn’t admit it. (speaker)
  • Even those who appear mentally perfect and resilient can struggle with extreme and out-of-control habits in certain situations. (speaker)

The Role of Human Connection

  • Social media has enabled people to have conversations about mental health that they wouldn’t have face-to-face. (speaker)
  • Human connection is key to addressing mental health concerns, whether through therapy or trusted individuals, and writing or creating art can also help. (speaker)

Long-Term Solutions for Mental Health

  • Therapy involves looking at what led up to a feeling and what came after
  • Instant relief habits can be addictive but keep us stuck in a cycle
  • Long-term solutions like sitting with feelings and using skills are harder but more effective


The Importance of Embracing All Emotions

Society often sends mixed messages about how to handle emotions, leading to compartmentalization and negative effects on mental health. Men, in particular, face societal stigmas that discourage them from discussing their feelings. However, embracing emotions, even though it can be overwhelming, is essential for our well-being. It is crucial to have coping tools and gradually open up to emotions in a safe and supported manner.

Understanding Behavioral Responses and Human Connection

Examining our behavioral responses to stress and emotions with curiosity, rather than judgment, allows us to gain insight into our emotional well-being. Our bodies often reveal our emotions and stress responses, even if our conscious mind doesn’t acknowledge them. It’s important to recognize that even individuals who appear mentally perfect and resilient can struggle with extreme and out-of-control habits in certain situations. Social media has provided a platform for conversations about mental health that some people may not feel comfortable having face-to-face. Human connection, whether through therapy or trusted individuals, plays a crucial role in addressing mental health concerns. Additionally, writing or creating art can be therapeutic and aid in emotional expression.

Long-Term Solutions for Mental Health

Therapy involves delving into the factors that led up to a particular feeling and exploring what comes after. Instant relief habits may provide temporary comfort but can keep us trapped in a cycle. Long-term solutions, such as sitting with our feelings and developing coping skills, may be more challenging but ultimately more effective in promoting mental well-being.


Embracing all emotions is crucial for our mental health, even though it can be overwhelming. By examining our behavioral responses with curiosity, seeking human connection, and finding healthy coping mechanisms, we can navigate our emotions in a way that promotes well-being and personal growth.

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