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The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett / Moment 132: Triple Your Life Expectancy With These 3 Health Hacks! (Verified By Dana White): Gary Brecka | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

Moment 132: Triple Your Life Expectancy With These 3 Health Hacks! (Verified By Dana White): Gary Brecka | The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

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In this episode of “The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett,” Steven Bartlett interviews Gary Brecka, a speaker who shares his expertise on health hacks to triple your life expectancy. They discuss the case of Dana White, the president of UFC, and how Brecka helped him improve his health and extend his life using specific protocols and techniques.

Main Takeaways

Health Assessment and Prescription

  • Dana White, the president of UFC, was on seven medications for various health issues.
  • Dana White asked the speaker to predict his life expectancy.
  • The speaker’s blood work and gene test on Dana White revealed a life-threatening alert on his triglycerides.
  • Triglycerides should not be above 149, but Dana White’s were at a cataclysmic level of 768.
  • The patient had multiple health conditions, including insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, and high levels of homocysteine.
  • The patient was surprised by the speaker’s knowledge of his symptoms and conditions.
  • The speaker prescribed a ketogenic diet with specific guidelines and supplements.
  • After 10 weeks, the patient saw significant improvements in his blood work, lost weight, and was no longer on prescription medication, pre-diabetic, or insulin resistant.

Superhuman Protocol

  • Dana White saw significant improvements in his health and life expectancy after following a keto diet and a superhuman protocol.
  • The superhuman protocol involves using magnetism, oxygen, and light to improve health.
  • Earthing and grounding is a real thing, and contacting the surface of the earth can help alkalize the body.
  • The superhuman protocol requires expensive equipment, but becoming superhuman can also be achieved through breathwork and contacting the earth.

Breathwork and Cold Water Immersion

  • Breathwork involves doing a specific series of exercises for eight minutes a day and can have a profound impact on health.
  • Oxygen is a component of every elevated emotional state in humans.
  • Breathwork is accessible, free, and easy to do.
  • The Wim Hof-style breathwork involves three rounds of 30 deep breaths and holding the breath.
  • Cold water plunging activates cold shock proteins which scours the body of free radical oxidation, increases protein synthesis, and repairs muscles.
  • Immersing yourself in cold water is the fastest way to burn calories and strip fat from your body.
  • Cold water immersion also forces oxygen into the core and up to the brain, activating brown fat and improving thermogenesis.

Emotional State and Future

  • Deep sleep transfers oxygen from the extremities to the brain, which is a non-metabolic organ.
  • The brain gets the same amount of nutrients, blood flow, and oxygen whether it’s in a dead sprint or just chilling on the couch.
  • The pursuit of comfort accelerates aging in every form.
  • Learning to deal and become comfortable with being uncomfortable is a metaphor for life.
  • The amygdala is the emotional center of the brain and the sole gateway to the hippocampus, where memories are stored.
  • Emotions linked to memories can be recalled accurately, which means that your current emotional state can determine your future.
  • The hippocampus projects to the prefrontal cortex, which determines our future and is our conscience.
  • Putting the right nutrients into the body and learning to control emotional states can help break negative cycles.
  • Starting the day in an elevated emotional state, like through a cold plunge, can help things roll off your back instead of shifting your state and affecting your future.


Improving Health and Extending Life Expectancy

Gary Brecka, a health expert, shares his experience working with Dana White, the president of UFC, to improve his health and extend his life expectancy. Dana White was on multiple medications and had various health conditions, including insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, and high levels of homocysteine. Brecka conducted blood work and gene tests, revealing alarming levels of triglycerides. With a focus on extending life rather than predicting death, Brecka prescribed a ketogenic diet and specific supplements. After 10 weeks, Dana White experienced significant improvements in his blood work, weight loss, and was no longer on prescription medication or insulin resistant.

The Superhuman Protocol and Breathwork

Brecka introduced Dana White to the superhuman protocol, which involves using magnetism, oxygen, and light to improve health. However, the protocol requires expensive equipment. Brecka also emphasized the importance of earthing and grounding, which can alkalize the body. For those without access to expensive equipment, Brecka recommended breathwork and contacting the earth. Breathwork, such as the Wim Hof-style technique, involves specific exercises for eight minutes a day and has profound health benefits. Cold water immersion, another aspect of the superhuman protocol, activates cold shock proteins, burns calories, and improves thermogenesis.

The Connection Between Emotional State and Future

Brecka highlights the importance of emotional state in shaping our future. Deep sleep transfers oxygen to the brain, regardless of physical activity levels. The pursuit of comfort can accelerate aging, while learning to be comfortable with discomfort is a metaphor for life. Emotions linked to memories can influence future outcomes, as the amygdala and hippocampus play vital roles in memory and decision-making. By putting the right nutrients into the body and learning to control emotional states, negative cycles can be broken. Starting the day in an elevated emotional state, such as through a cold plunge, can positively impact future experiences.


Through the story of Dana White’s health transformation, Gary Brecka provides valuable insights into improving health and extending life expectancy. By focusing on a ketogenic diet, breathwork, cold water immersion, and emotional state management, individuals can make significant positive changes in their well-being. It is a reminder that small lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on overall health and longevity.

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