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The Ben Shapiro Show / Most Controversial Sports Moments of 2023 | The Ben Shapiro Show

Most Controversial Sports Moments of 2023 | The Ben Shapiro Show

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In this episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” the hosts review the most controversial sports moments of 2023. From movies and statements to legal cases and scandals, they delve into the hot topics that have sparked debates and divided opinions in the sports world. Join them as they provide their insights and analysis on these contentious issues.

Main Takeaways

Controversial Movies and Statements

  • A movie with controversial content becomes the number one streaming in-home movie in America, receiving positive audience support despite the controversy.
  • The demand for a comedy that mocks societal topics is highlighted, emphasizing the positive response to the film.
  • Meghan Rapinoe’s statement that her injury is proof that there is no God sparks controversy and criticism.

Standing for Beliefs and Player Support

  • The importance of being able to mock society through comedy is discussed, emphasizing the freedom of expression.
  • The speaker disagrees with Rapinoe’s statement, expressing that even atheists wouldn’t make such a claim.
  • The NHL’s handling of a player’s refusal to wear a pride jersey and the subsequent support sends a positive message about standing by one’s beliefs.

Legal and Moral Questions in Sports

  • The tragic incident of a player losing his life in a controversial hockey move raises legal and moral questions about intent and accountability.
  • Reckless behavior and intent are key factors in legal cases, especially in sports-related incidents.
  • The need for the NHL to enhance player protection, especially considering the inherent risks of playing on ice with sharp blades, is emphasized.

Controversial Awards and Personal Beliefs

  • The awarding of a Community Service Award to drag queens dressed as nuns at a baseball event sparks controversy and raises questions about the appropriateness of such recognition.
  • The speaker expresses a stance against Pride Night and emphasizes the separation of personal beliefs from sports events.
  • Sports should be a haven with minimal political influence, serving as a unifier outside the political realm.

Money, Publicity, and Sponsorships

  • Bud Light and Dylan Mulvaney’s sponsored beer cans led to a successful boycott from the right, sending a message about forcing agendas.
  • Dana White’s hundred million dollar sponsorship with Bud Light raises questions about selling out, and the PGA tour’s takeover by Saudi Arabia is a significant story.
  • Saudi Arabia’s use of financial power to pressure the PGA tour into forming a merger highlights the influence of money in sports.

Health Concerns and Legal Cases

  • The controversy surrounding DeMar Hamlin’s survival and return to football sparks debate and speculation.
  • The potential impact of vaccines on athletes’ health, specifically heart-related issues, is discussed.
  • The lack of transparency and information about health incidents in the sports world is highlighted.

Accountability and Punishment

  • The discussion shifts to the case of Matt Arisa, who was acquitted of sexual assault charges and is now suing for defamation.
  • The importance of evidence and accountability in cases of sexual assault is emphasized, advocating for justice to be served.
  • Consequences for false accusations are discussed, with the speaker advocating for accusers to face the same punishment as the accused if proven to have made up the accusation.

Controversies in College Sports

  • Michigan’s Jim Harbaugh is suspended for violating NCAA rules, raising questions about the punishment and alleged scouting violations.
  • The influence of money and power in college sports is highlighted, with the committee’s decision to leave out a Power 5 conference champion from the playoff.
  • The alleged targeting of the Michigan football team and the controversy surrounding Coach Harbaugh’s stance on various issues are discussed.

Toxicity in Society and Fan Backlash

  • An incident involving a fan accused of wearing blackface to an NFL game sparks a discussion about toxicity in society and the fear of dressing up for games due to potential backlash.
  • The speaker criticizes the notion that dressing up as an Indian chief for a Chiefs game is racist and hopes the person who made the accusation was only seeking attention.


Controversial Movies and Statements

The hosts start by discussing a movie that has become the number one streaming in-home movie in America, despite its controversial content. They highlight the demand for a comedy that mocks certain societal topics and the positive response to the film. The controversy continues as they delve into Meghan Rapinoe’s statement that her injury is proof that there is no God. The speaker disagrees with Rapinoe’s statement, expressing that even atheists wouldn’t make such a claim. They criticize Rapinoe’s attitude towards America and her self-centered nature, contrasting it with their own personal experience of an injury bringing them closer to God.

Standing for Beliefs and Player Support

The hosts emphasize the importance of being able to mock society through comedy and express their support for the NHL’s handling of a player’s refusal to wear a pride jersey. They believe that standing for one’s beliefs, even if it goes against the norm, can inspire others and lead to positive change. They contrast the NHL’s handling of a similar situation with the demotion of a player in Major League Baseball, highlighting the NHL’s effort to prioritize the fans and the integrity of the game.

Legal and Moral Questions in Sports

The tragic incident of a player losing his life in a controversial hockey move raises legal and moral questions about intent and accountability. The hosts discuss the role of the legal system and recklessness in sports-related incidents. They emphasize the need for the NHL to enhance player protection, considering the inherent risks of playing on ice with sharp blades. They draw comparisons to other sports-related altercations, emphasizing the need for player safety and the gray areas of assumption of risk.

Controversial Awards and Personal Beliefs

The hosts delve into the controversy surrounding the awarding of a Community Service Award to drag queens dressed as nuns at a baseball event. They express their stance against Pride Night and emphasize the separation of personal beliefs from sports events. They believe that sports should be a haven with minimal political influence, serving as a unifier outside the political realm.

Money, Publicity, and Sponsorships

The hosts discuss the successful boycott from the right against Bud Light and Dylan Mulvaney’s sponsored beer cans, which sends a message about forcing agendas. They talk about Dana White’s sponsorship deal with Bud Light and raise questions about selling out. They also highlight the PGA tour’s takeover by Saudi Arabia and the influence of money in sports. The hosts discuss how Saudi Arabia used its financial power to pressure the PGA tour into forming a merger by offering large sums of money to players, regardless of merit.

Health Concerns and Legal Cases

The hosts address the controversy surrounding DeMar Hamlin’s survival and return to football, sparking debate and speculation. They discuss the potential impact of vaccines on athletes’ health, specifically heart-related issues. The lack of transparency and information about such incidents in the sports world is also highlighted, raising concerns about athlete safety.

Accountability and Punishment

The hosts shift their focus to the case of Matt Arisa, who was acquitted of sexual assault charges and is now suing for defamation. They emphasize the importance of evidence and accountability in cases of sexual assault, advocating for justice to be served. They believe that there should be consequences for false accusations, with accusers facing the same punishment as the accused if proven to have made up the accusation.

Controversies in College Sports

The hosts discuss the suspension of Michigan’s Jim Harbaugh for violating NCAA rules, raising questions about the punishment and alleged scouting violations. They highlight the influence of money and power in college sports, particularly the committee’s decision to leave out a Power 5 conference champion from the playoff. They express disappointment over Florida State being left out of the playoff despite their undefeated season and historical significance in college football.

Toxicity in Society and Fan Backlash

The hosts address an incident where a fan was accused of wearing blackface to an NFL game, but it turns out the fan was wearing red and black face paint to support the Kansas City Chiefs. They express concern about the toxicity in society and the fear of dressing up for games due to potential backlash. They criticize the notion that dressing up as an Indian chief for a Chiefs game is racist and hope that the person who made the accusation was only seeking attention.


As the hosts review the most controversial sports moments of 2023, they delve into a wide range of topics that have sparked debates and divided opinions. From controversial movies and statements to legal cases and scandals, they provide their insights and analysis, emphasizing the importance of freedom of expression, player safety, accountability, and the separation of personal beliefs from sports events. It’s clear that the year 2023 has been filled with contentious moments in the sports world, and these discussions shed light on the complexities and controversies that arise in the realm of sports.

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