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My First Million / My $0 to $1 Million Guide – How I Would Start Over in 2024 | My First Million

My $0 to $1 Million Guide – How I Would Start Over in 2024 | My First Million

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In this episode of “My First Million,” the hosts discuss their guide on how to go from $0 to $1 million in 2024. They provide valuable insights and strategies for achieving success, regardless of age or experience. From organizing your schedule to finding your personal edge, they share practical tips for starting over and building a successful career. They also delve into the importance of luck, content creation, and investing in yourself. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or looking to advance in your career, this episode offers valuable advice for achieving financial freedom.

Main Takeaways

Believing in Possibilities

  • Age doesn’t matter when it comes to success.
  • Always have a 21-year-old mindset and believe that anything is possible.
  • Free yourself of time and age constraints, as they only add pressure and doubt.

Phases of a Successful Career

  • The three phases of a successful career are learn, earn, and legacy.
  • In the learn phase, prioritize learning and growth over higher pay.
  • The earn phase comes next, where you can extract value and achieve financial freedom.
  • The legacy phase is about giving back and contributing beyond yourself.

Finding Your Personal Edge

  • Embrace being a beginner as part of your edge, as it gives you more opportunities to learn and grow.
  • Identify your edge by embracing being small and helpless, as people want to help beginners.
  • Take advantage of having a clear calendar and nothing to lose by taking more risks than someone who has something to lose.
  • Find your personal edge by figuring out what sets you apart from others.

Choosing the Right Project

  • Picking the right project is crucial to success.
  • Choose the project that optimizes learning and surrounds you with smart people.
  • Surround yourself with the most ambitious people who are also chasing the same dream as you.
  • Pick a company or job that allows you to do actual work, not just observe from the fringe.

Creating Luck and Building a Successful Business

  • Create luck by increasing the odds of good things happening in your life.
  • There are four levels of luck: blind luck, taking actions, creating content, and persistence.
  • Content creation is an amazing way to create luck and increase your surface area.
  • Starting a company should focus on solving a problem with a solution fit.

Investing in Yourself

  • Investing in yourself means buying back your time, investing in knowledge, and leaving money on the table.
  • Don’t waste time and energy on the wrong things when investing; focus on your goals.
  • Invest in knowledge by giving yourself an unlimited book budget and buying your way into groups or clubs where successful people hang out.
  • Leave money on the table by not wasting time on low-value tasks that don’t require creativity or add value to your business. Use a virtual assistant to handle these tasks.


Believing in Possibilities

Regardless of your age, success is attainable. Adopt a mindset that believes anything is possible, and don’t let time or age constraints hold you back. Embrace the idea of starting from scratch and approach new challenges with the curiosity and determination of a beginner.

Phases of a Successful Career

Your career journey can be divided into three phases: learn, earn, and legacy. During the learn phase, prioritize learning and personal growth over higher pay. In the earn phase, focus on extracting value and achieving financial freedom. Finally, in the legacy phase, aim to give back and contribute to something beyond yourself.

Finding Your Personal Edge

Embrace being a beginner and use it as an advantage. People are often willing to help beginners, so don’t hesitate to ask for guidance. Take risks and explore new opportunities, as having a clear calendar and nothing to lose can lead to unexpected success. Identify what sets you apart from others and leverage it to your advantage.

Choosing the Right Project

When selecting a project or job, prioritize those that optimize learning and surround you with smart and ambitious individuals. Working on the most important problems within a company can make a significant impact. Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who share your dream will keep you motivated and inspired.

Creating Luck and Building a Successful Business

Create luck by increasing the odds of good things happening in your life. Take actions, create content, and persist in your efforts. Content creation is a powerful tool for expanding your reach and attracting the right opportunities. When starting a business, focus on solving a problem with a solution fit and aim for a profitable customer base.

Investing in Yourself

Invest in yourself by buying back your time, investing in knowledge, and leaving money on the table. Identify areas where you’re leaking creative energy and find ways to reclaim that time. Invest in knowledge through books, courses, and networking with successful individuals. Delegate low-value tasks to a virtual assistant, allowing you to focus on high-value activities that drive your business forward.


Regardless of your starting point, age, or experience, it’s never too late to start over and build a successful career. Embrace the mindset of a beginner, surround yourself with ambitious individuals, and focus on projects that optimize learning and growth. Create luck through actions and content creation, and invest in yourself by reclaiming your time and expanding your knowledge. By following these strategies, you can pave the way towards financial freedom and leave a lasting legacy.

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