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My First Million / – Breaking Down Two +$1B Companies Hidden In Plain Sight

My First Million – Breaking Down Two +$1B Companies Hidden In Plain Sight

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In this episode of the “My First Million” podcast, the hosts discuss two hidden billion-dollar companies and explore various topics, including collectibles, merchandise, identity verification, crafting, dating apps, and more. They share valuable insights and stories of successful businesses, offering listeners a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

Main Takeaways

Collectibles and Merchandise

  • Collectibles create a sense of exclusivity and community among fans.
  • Physical products like newspapers and hats can promote brands and connect with fans.
  • Merchandise reflects brand values and helps fans signal their affiliation.

Identity Verification and Biometric Technology

  • Clear, a biometric identity verification company, has partnerships with airlines and government officials.
  • Clear aims to eliminate the need for wallets and expand biometric technology to various settings.
  • Biometric identity verification is more suitable for high-stake scenarios like airports than buying beer at ball games.

Successful Companies Hidden In Plain Sight

  • Clear, with over 53 airport locations, generates significant revenue and aims for broader implications.
  • Evolve, a company producing faster metal detectors, improves traffic flow at big venues.
  • The Cricket machine, used by Etsy sellers, enables DIY crafting with plastic, stickers, and paper.

Crafting and Writing

  • The crafting community is larger than expected, with companies making millions of dollars annually.
  • Copying great writing can improve writing skills, and tools like Copy That facilitate the process.

Dating Apps and Niche Markets

  • Niche dating apps like Dill Mill cater to specific communities and curate matches accordingly.
  • Gamer dating apps could tap into a massive market of gamers seeking shared interests and activities.

Success Stories and Viral Marketing

  • Business success stories may not always reflect the true process behind their achievements.
  • Products can grow virally through experiences, group virality, and targeted promotion.

Arranged Marriages and Cultural Experiences

  • Arranged marriages can have similar divorce rates to love marriages due to the paradox of choice.
  • Personal stories highlight cultural differences and experiences.

  • The podcast has a dedicated website,, where viewers can subscribe to watch the best parts of the episodes.


Collectibles and Merchandise

Creating collectibles and merchandise is an effective way to engage devoted fans and foster a sense of community. Limited edition items enhance exclusivity and value, while physical products like newspapers and hats can promote brands and establish connections with fans. It’s crucial to ensure that merchandise aligns with brand values and resonates with fans, allowing them to signal their affiliation and reflect the brand’s identity.

Identity Verification and Biometric Technology

Clear, a successful company with biometric identity verification technology, has partnerships with airlines and government officials. Their vision is to eliminate the need for wallets and expand the use of biometric technology in various settings beyond airports. While biometric identity verification is suitable for high-stake scenarios like airport security, its implementation for buying beer at ball games may not be worth the effort.

Successful Companies Hidden In Plain Sight

Clear, with its 53 airport locations, generates significant revenue and has broader implications beyond airport security. Evolve, a company producing faster metal detectors, improves traffic flow at big venues. The Cricket machine, used by Etsy sellers, enables DIY crafting with various materials. These companies exemplify how success can be found in unexpected places.

Crafting and Writing

The crafting industry is larger than anticipated, with companies making millions of dollars annually. Copying great writing by hand can enhance writing skills, and tools like Copy That facilitate the process. Exploring opportunities in the crafting space can be a promising venture.

Dating Apps and Niche Markets

Niche dating apps, such as Dill Mill for Indian communities, can be successful by curating matches and filtering for specific cultural criteria. Gamer dating apps have the potential to tap into a vast market of gamers seeking shared interests and activities. The success of niche dating apps and the potential of gamer dating highlight the importance of catering to specific communities.

Success Stories and Viral Marketing

Success stories in business may not always reflect the true process behind their achievements. Products can grow virally through experiences, group virality, and targeted promotion. Understanding the mechanisms of viral marketing can help businesses gain traction and reach a wider audience.

Arranged Marriages and Cultural Experiences

Arranged marriages, despite societal perceptions, can have similar divorce rates to love marriages due to the paradox of choice. Personal stories and cultural experiences shed light on different perspectives and highlight the importance of understanding diverse practices and traditions.

The podcast offers a dedicated website,, where viewers can subscribe to watch the best parts of each episode. This platform allows for a more streamlined and accessible way to consume the podcast’s content.


The “My First Million” podcast episode delves into hidden billion-dollar companies, identity verification, crafting, dating apps, and more. With valuable insights and captivating stories, this episode offers listeners a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. By exploring various niche markets and understanding the power of viral marketing, entrepreneurs can unlock hidden opportunities and achieve long-term success.

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