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My First Million / – How To Grow An Audience Without Being Consistent

My First Million – How To Grow An Audience Without Being Consistent

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In this episode of “My First Million,” the hosts discuss various topics, including personal finance advice, successful e-commerce businesses, investing in niche markets, and the traits of Warren Buffett. They also explore the benefits of rereading books, the concept of “super criminals,” and the idea of using reality TV to find the most charismatic presidential candidate. Additionally, they touch on the importance of charisma in winning elections, the use of SMS marketing in political campaigns, and the challenges of moving companies. Finally, they delve into the world of scientific papers and newsletter businesses.

Main Takeaways

Personal Finance and Wealth

  • Scott Galawai’s podcast and personal finance advice
  • Galawai spends $200,000 to $400,000 per month and moved to Europe to enjoy his wealth
  • Galawai values providing experiences for his family and spends $100,000 to $200,000 per month on travel
  • Galawai has made more money from being on the boards of companies than building them
  • Galawai has made more money from ancillary things than his main business

E-commerce and Investing

  • Building a successful e-commerce business is labor-intensive and time-consuming
  • Galawai invested $75,000 in a mobile storefront management tool called Triple Whale
  • Triple Whale is now worth hundreds of millions of dollars
  • Galawai invested in six other e-commerce SaaS tools, which are now also successful
  • Investing in e-commerce SaaS tools can be more profitable than running a store
  • Investing in niche markets can lead to unexpected opportunities and profits

Warren Buffett and Investing

  • Reading Warren Buffett’s biography can teach valuable lessons about investing
  • Warren Buffett’s all-shucks demeanor and charisma are notable traits
  • Buffett is a genius with a high IQ and incredible mental horsepower
  • Buffett’s discipline is incredibly strong, as seen when he shut down a successful fund because he couldn’t find good investment opportunities
  • Buffett has high integrity and has only sued someone once for not providing charitable work after receiving a donation

Reality TV and Presidential Candidates

  • Creating a TV show called “The President” could be a way to find the most charismatic candidate
  • The show would follow 12 hopefuls and their journey to become the president, with challenges in different cities
  • The current system of candidates coming from the political party machine may not always put forward the strongest candidate

Newsletter Businesses and Scientific Papers

  • AlphaSignal and Paper Scraper are products that summarize scientific papers for technical people
  • Newsletter businesses are currently experiencing peak hype and are acquiring users through auto-checked subscription features
  • Building businesses on top of OpenAI is risky as they may crush competitors and do it themselves


Personal Finance and Wealth

Scott Galawai’s podcast provides valuable personal finance advice, showcasing his own experiences of spending $200,000 to $400,000 per month and moving to Europe to enjoy his wealth. He emphasizes the importance of providing experiences for his family and spending $100,000 to $200,000 per month on travel. Galawai has found more financial success from being on the boards of companies and through ancillary ventures rather than building businesses himself.

E-commerce and Investing

Building a successful e-commerce business requires significant effort and time. Galawai’s investment of $75,000 in Triple Whale, a mobile storefront management tool, has yielded substantial returns, with the company now worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He has also invested in six other e-commerce SaaS tools, which have proven to be successful. Galawai highlights that investing in e-commerce SaaS tools can be more profitable than running a store, and exploring niche markets can lead to unexpected opportunities and profits.

Warren Buffett and Investing

Warren Buffett’s biography offers valuable lessons about investing. His all-shucks demeanor, charisma, and genius intellect are notable traits. Buffett’s discipline is evident in his decision to shut down a successful fund when he couldn’t find good investment opportunities. He is known for his high integrity and has only sued someone once for not fulfilling charitable work after receiving a donation. Buffett’s approach to investing, relying on reading annual reports rather than using computers or terminals, is a unique aspect of his success.

Reality TV and Presidential Candidates

The hosts discuss the idea of using reality TV to find the most charismatic presidential candidate. They propose a show called “The President,” which would follow 12 hopefuls on their journey to become the president, facing challenges in different cities. This approach challenges the current system of candidates coming from the political party machine, aiming to identify the strongest candidate based on charisma and likability.

Newsletter Businesses and Scientific Papers

The hosts explore the hype around newsletter businesses and the acquisition of users through auto-checked subscription features. They caution about building businesses on top of OpenAI, as the company may crush competitors and replicate their offerings. Additionally, they discuss AlphaSignal and Paper Scraper, which summarize scientific papers for technical individuals, providing a convenient way to stay updated in research fields.


This episode of “My First Million” covers a range of topics, including personal finance, e-commerce, investing, presidential candidates, and newsletter businesses. Listeners gain insights into wealth management, the potential profitability of investing in e-commerce SaaS tools, the traits of successful investors like Warren Buffett, the idea of using reality TV to find charismatic presidential candidates, and the challenges and opportunities in the newsletter business and scientific research fields.

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