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My First Million / – Kevin Ryan: How This Billionaire Founder Finds +$20B Business Ideas

My First Million – Kevin Ryan: How This Billionaire Founder Finds +$20B Business Ideas

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In this episode of “My First Million,” the hosts discuss with guest Kevin Ryan, a billionaire founder, about his successful ventures and his strategies for finding billion-dollar business ideas. Ryan shares insights into his experiences with companies like DoubleClick, Business Insider, and MongoDB, and provides valuable advice for entrepreneurs and investors.

Main Takeaways

Kevin Ryan’s Successes and Strategies

  • Kevin Ryan has launched multiple successful companies, violating his own rule of focus.
  • Ryan’s past predictions about the media business and a few other things were 100% true.
  • Ryan has made the studio model work with four or five billion-dollar companies.

HubSpot Sales Hub

  • HubSpot Sales Hub is a powerful and easy-to-use software designed to help sales teams prospect smarter and grow revenue faster.
  • HubSpot Sales Hub is a joy to use and offers a highly customizable platform that links data, tools, and teams.
  • HubSpot Sales Hub offers a highly customizable platform that links data, tools, and teams for smart sales teams who want to close the year strong.

AlleyCorp and Successful Ventures

  • The speaker worked at DoubleClick, which was eventually bought by Google for $3 billion in 2007.
  • The speaker started business ventures with AlleyCorp, where they give $1 million to good people with good ideas to see if they can make it work together.
  • The companies started with AlleyCorp include Business Insider, Zola, and Gil.
  • Each company started with a million dollars from each of the speakers, and they have put in about a million and a half dollars in each company since then.

Insights on MongoDB and Fast Growth

  • MongoDB is a valuable company due to its fast growth, enormous market share, and potential to grow for the next 10 years.
  • To grow fast, companies need to hire quickly and invest in their growth.
  • If a company has a good idea and is hiring salespeople who are generating revenue, they should continue to hire more people.
  • When considering raising money, entrepreneurs should ask themselves if investing that money into growth will make their company worth more than the dilution percentage.

Business Insider’s Success and Strategies

  • Early adaptation to continuous updates and mobile-friendly content was key to Business Insider’s success
  • Writing stories with rumors and a unique point of view helped Business Insider stand out
  • AB testing headlines quickly helped Business Insider improve their search results
  • Business Insider reached 300 million uniques without spending any money on advertising
  • Business Insider surpassed Wall Street Journal in traffic, despite starting with only 5 journalists covering the whole world.
  • The CEO, Henry Blodget, was a bold choice due to past issues on Wall Street, but he was an incredible writer and perceptive journalist who understood internet journalism.
  • Business Insider’s strategy was to start with content that quickly gets traffic and improve quality over time, which was also BuzzFeed’s strategy.
  • BuzzFeed failed to build a true brand and had weaker and less defined branding compared to Business Insider.
  • Business Insider had a stronger and more defined brand, with many readers who religiously read it every day.
  • Business Insider’s best response to criticism was no response at all.

Kevin Ryan’s Approach and Investments

  • Kevin and his team have had many successful hits come out of their studio, which is rare in the industry
  • The secret to their success is having a good idea and a good team, and doing a lot of research and deep diving into ideas
  • Kevin spends half of his time focusing on 12 of their most valuable companies to guide and help them succeed
  • Kevin is involved in nonprofit research for mental health and psychedelics, and his team did a deep dive to come up with a for-profit idea, which became the company Transcend
  • Transcend has a compound going through FDA phase two trials, and has been awarded patents for their work in the industry

Entrepreneurship and Investing Insights

  • Successful entrepreneurship is about assembling the right team and being the coach, not the player.
  • Fearlessness is important in entrepreneurship, and it’s necessary to recruit the right players and steer the ship.
  • Good ideas and a good team are still the most important factors in entrepreneurship, even with infrastructure and resources.
  • Spotting trends requires consuming a variety of industry-focused newsletters, reading books, and having conversations with people.
  • Industry focus is crucial for developing ideas that make sense for specific industries.
  • Healthcare, semiconductors and material science, developer tools, security, social impact, robotics and automation are industries of interest for investment.
  • Box Hub is a B2B marketplace for containers that aren’t container ships, and a new procurement marketplace for the maritime industry is in development.
  • Coming from outside an industry can provide an advantage in identifying problems and creating innovative solutions.


Kevin Ryan: A Billionaire Founder’s Path to Success

Kevin Ryan, a billionaire founder, shares his insights and experiences in this episode of “My First Million.” He discusses the success of his ventures, including DoubleClick, Business Insider, and MongoDB, and provides valuable advice for entrepreneurs and investors.

Building Successful Companies

Despite violating his own rule of focus, Kevin Ryan has launched multiple successful companies. His predictions about the media business and other areas have proven to be 100% true. Ryan has made the studio model work with four or five billion-dollar companies.

The Power of HubSpot Sales Hub

HubSpot Sales Hub is a powerful and easy-to-use software that helps sales teams prospect smarter and grow revenue faster. It offers a highly customizable platform that links data, tools, and teams, making it a joy to use for smart sales teams.

AlleyCorp and Venture Successes

Kevin Ryan’s partnership with AlleyCorp has resulted in successful ventures such as Business Insider, Zola, and Gil. The companies started with a million dollars from each speaker and have seen significant growth since then.

Insights on MongoDB and Fast Growth

MongoDB, a valuable company, has experienced fast growth and has enormous market share. Ryan emphasizes the importance of hiring quickly and investing in growth for companies with good ideas and revenue-generating salespeople.

Business Insider’s Strategies for Success

Business Insider’s early adaptation to continuous updates and mobile-friendly content played a key role in its success. The company’s unique point of view, AB testing headlines, and strategic focus on traffic generation without spending money on advertising helped it surpass Wall Street Journal in traffic.

Kevin Ryan’s Approach and Investments

Ryan’s approach to success involves having a good idea and a good team, conducting extensive research, and deep diving into ideas. He spends significant time guiding and assisting their most valuable companies. Additionally, Ryan is involved in nonprofit research and has successfully launched the for-profit company Transcend.

Entrepreneurship and Investing Insights

Ryan emphasizes the importance of assembling the right team, being fearless, and focusing on good ideas and teams. Spotting trends requires industry-focused consumption, and industry focus is crucial for developing ideas that make sense. Ryan highlights industries of interest for investment and the advantages of coming from outside an industry.


Kevin Ryan’s journey as a billionaire founder showcases the power of good ideas, strong teams, and strategic approaches to entrepreneurship. His successes with companies like DoubleClick, Business Insider, and MongoDB provide valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and investors. By staying focused, adaptable, and willing to take risks, entrepreneurs can find and capitalize on billion-dollar business ideas.

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