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My First Million / – Laird Hamilton: The Big Wave Surfer Who Built a +$10 Million Business Empire

My First Million – Laird Hamilton: The Big Wave Surfer Who Built a +$10 Million Business Empire

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In this episode of the “My First Million” podcast, the focus shifts from business to health as the hosts interview Laird Hamilton, a big wave surfer who has built a $10 million business empire. Laird shares his insights on the importance of balance in all aspects of life, the entrepreneurial mindset required in niche sports, and the keys to his successful business ventures.

Main Takeaways

Building a Successful Business Empire

  • Laird Hamilton has built a $10 million business empire centered around water sports, fitness, health, and wellness.
  • His successful business career includes creating the layered superfood creamer and the golf board.
  • Hamilton’s company has three main revenue streams: superfoods, XPT (a big training system), and clothing.
  • Authenticity and pursuing athletic achievements contribute to the success of Hamilton’s company.
  • Investing in experiences is valuable, as they provide valuable life lessons.

The Importance of Health and Wellness

  • Laird Hamilton prioritizes being healthy, living a healthy lifestyle, and being a good example for his children.
  • He believes in the value of eating good food and putting emphasis on overall health and nutrition.
  • Accumulative daily habits, both good and bad, have an impact on health and well-being.
  • Patience is key in seeing the benefits of healthy habits over time.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset in Niche Sports

  • Niche sports, like big wave surfing, force athletes to be more entrepreneurial.
  • Hamilton had to be creative in subsidizing his love for big wave surfing early in his career.
  • The evolution of an athlete often leads to wanting to be your own sponsor and being selective in sponsorships.
  • Authenticity is important in choosing sponsorships, as athletes have a responsibility to conduct themselves as role models.

The Community and Training Approach

  • Laird Hamilton’s house in Malibu serves as a community for people to come and go on his terms.
  • The house is used for training in the pool, with regulars who come on certain days of the week.
  • The most important piece of their training is the community aspect, as everyone is looking for a tribe to belong to.
  • Comparison is discouraged, and the focus is on finding and lifting your own barriers.
  • The environment neutralizes as everyone has different strengths and weaknesses.


Building a Successful Business Empire

Laird Hamilton’s $10 million business empire is built on his passion for water sports, fitness, health, and wellness. Through his successful ventures like the layered superfood creamer and the golf board, Hamilton has found multiple revenue streams. The key to his success lies in his authenticity and pursuit of athletic achievements. Investing in experiences and learning from them has also contributed to his business growth.

The Importance of Health and Wellness

Hamilton prioritizes his health and wellness, not only for himself but also as a good example for his children. He believes in the value of eating good food and emphasizes overall health and nutrition. Recognizing that daily habits accumulate over time, he practices patience in seeing the benefits of healthy habits. Hamilton’s success in business is closely tied to his commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset in Niche Sports

Niche sports, like big wave surfing, require athletes to be more entrepreneurial. Hamilton had to be creative in finding ways to support his love for big wave surfing early in his career. As athletes evolve, they often seek to be their own sponsor and become selective in sponsorships. Authenticity plays a crucial role in choosing sponsorships, as athletes have a responsibility to conduct themselves as role models.

The Community and Training Approach

Laird Hamilton’s house in Malibu serves as a community hub for training and support. The community aspect is central to their training approach, as everyone seeks a tribe to belong to. Comparison is discouraged, and the focus is on personal growth and lifting individual barriers. The training environment neutralizes as each person has different strengths and weaknesses, fostering a supportive and collaborative atmosphere.


Laird Hamilton’s journey from big wave surfer to building a $10 million business empire highlights the importance of balance in all aspects of life. By prioritizing health, pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities, and fostering a supportive community, Hamilton has found success both in his athletic endeavors and business ventures. His authenticity and commitment to personal growth serve as valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and athletes alike.

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