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My First Million / – Mark Manson: Money, Dating, & The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck

My First Million – Mark Manson: Money, Dating, & The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck

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In this episode of “My First Million,” the hosts interview Mark Manson, author of “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck.” Manson shares his journey to success, his experiences in the pickup artist industry, and his insights on content creation and the creator economy.

Main Takeaways

Mark Manson’s Journey to Success

  • Mark Manson, author of “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,” has sold over 20 million copies of his books.
  • Manson started as a blogger and worked for 10 years before achieving success with his book.
  • Manson’s book has become a cultural phenomenon and has gained a large following.
  • Manson’s success shows that hard work and persistence can pay off in the long run.

Manson’s Experiences in the Pickup Artist Industry

  • Mark Manson and the speaker had similar interests in playing cards as a rite of passage, but eventually moved on to other things.
  • The speaker received the book “The Game” from his high school girlfriend before going to college.
  • The speaker spent four to five years in the world of pickup artists and eventually stumbled into his first business in that world.
  • The speaker’s first book, “Models: Attract Women Through Honesty,” was intentionally titled to differentiate from the manipulative tactics in “The Game.”
  • The speaker found the concept in “The Game” that social skills and dating can be practiced and improved upon to be life-changing.
  • The pickup artist industry is underrated as a cultural or social phenomenon, particularly for young men trying to find identity.
  • The rise of the dating industry was due to a generation of men with fewer role models and more confusion about their place in the world.
  • The pickup industry promotes narcissism and power dynamics, which can get men laid but is a bad trade-off for long-term relationships and intimacy.
  • The pickup industry is toxic and harmful for long-term relationships and intimacy.

Insights on Content Creation and the Creator Economy

  • Starting out with bad content is normal and necessary to improve.
  • Creating quality content may not lead to immediate success, but can pay off in the long run.
  • Financial incentives are the most effective lever for behavior change.
  • Watching someone overcome personal challenges is more emotionally impactful than just hearing advice.
  • The first 10-15 seconds of a YouTube video are crucial for hooking viewers.
  • The format of the content creates a beautiful flywheel of helping individuals and inspiring viewers.
  • Video and audio-based media may soon be driven by creators rather than traditional media.
  • Titles are crucial for articles to go viral on social media, but there is now a culture of copying and reposting content.


Mark Manson’s Journey to Success

Mark Manson, author of “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck,” shares his journey to success, emphasizing the importance of hard work and persistence. Starting as a blogger, Manson worked for 10 years before achieving massive success with his book, which has sold over 20 million copies. His book has become a cultural phenomenon, gaining a large following and showcasing the power of perseverance.

Manson’s Experiences in the Pickup Artist Industry

Manson and the speaker discuss their experiences in the pickup artist industry, highlighting the impact of books like “The Game” and “Models: Attract Women Through Honesty.” While the pickup artist industry provided a sense of identity and social skills practice for young men, it also promoted toxic behavior and power dynamics. Both speakers acknowledge the negative effects on long-term relationships and intimacy.

Insights on Content Creation and the Creator Economy

Manson and the speaker delve into the world of content creation and the creator economy. They discuss the importance of creating quality content and the potential for long-term success, even if it doesn’t lead to immediate fame. Financial incentives and personal challenges play a significant role in engaging viewers and inspiring behavior change. The speakers also explore the evolving landscape of media, with a shift towards creators driving video and audio-based content.


This episode offers valuable insights from Mark Manson, highlighting the importance of hard work, the pitfalls of the pickup artist industry, and the potential of content creation in the creator economy. Listeners are encouraged to pursue their passions, create quality content, and focus on long-term success rather than immediate gratification.

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