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My First Million / – Scott Galloway Tells All – $100M Net Worth, $4 Trillion Business Opp & Career Advice

My First Million – Scott Galloway Tells All – $100M Net Worth, $4 Trillion Business Opp & Career Advice

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In this episode of the “My First Million” podcast, Scott Galloway, a successful entrepreneur with a net worth of $100 million, shares his insights on business opportunities, personal finances, and career advice. He discusses his own experiences, including both successes and failures, and provides valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Main Takeaways

Business Opportunities and Career Advice

  • Scott Galloway shares his insights on the business opportunities he would pursue if he were 25 again.
  • He gives two answers: one for those without a college degree and one for those with a fancy degree.
  • Finding opportunities and ideas is important for success.
  • Situational factors play a role in finding opportunities.
  • A lack of traditional education does not limit opportunities in business.
  • Going to work for a big company is vastly underrated and can be a great wealth-creating vehicle.

Financial Anxiety and Wealth Creation

  • Successful entrepreneurs endure rejection and move on without losing their enthusiasm.
  • America tolerates failure, but doesn’t embrace it.
  • Losing everything in business is a possibility, but it’s important to be transparent about it.
  • Financial anxiety is common among entrepreneurs, even those who have made millions.
  • Losing money is not an obsession, but it’s always on the mind of an entrepreneur.
  • Living below your means and avoiding debt can help you start again after a business failure.
  • Selling a business for a large sum of money can provide financial security and the ability to invest in the future.
  • Emotional health and upbringing can affect how one feels about wealth and financial security.
  • Even with financial security, some people may still feel anxious about money and have a scarcity mindset.
  • Financial insecurity is a real concern for many people, even those who are financially secure.
  • Financial literacy is key to being good at money and creating wealth.
  • It’s important to think about diversifying investments and avoiding putting all your money into one thing.
  • Having regular cash flow can help alleviate financial anxiety.
  • Live below your means to create a delta and build wealth.

Healthcare and Investment Opportunities

  • US healthcare is the most disruptable business in the world, and the intersection between AI and healthcare is the most promising.
  • GLP1 drugs like Ozempic have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and solve issues like alcoholism and obesity.
  • The weight loss market is a huge addressable market.
  • GLP1 drugs could be the scaffolding to update our instincts to where they need to be with industrial production.
  • GLP1 drugs can moderate cravings and update our instincts for modern life.
  • GLP1 drugs cost between $500 and $1000 a month and require increasing dosages over time.
  • Downsides to GLP1 drugs include upset stomach and potential loss of muscle.
  • Metformin is a similar drug that is also promising.

Other Interesting Insights

  • Small businesses owned by boomers need transition and liquidity events as they age out of the business.
  • Having a virtual assistant can free up time for creativity and value-adding tasks.
  • Taking Accutane changed Joe Rogan’s life when he was younger and he recommends it to others who struggle with acne.
  • Joe Rogan takes creatine to help him maintain weight.
  • Macy’s was predicted to be the future of marketing by Scott Galloway, who also predicted Amazon buying stores and high-poll foods.
  • Putin may be using AI-generated A/B testing to undermine the credibility of his biggest detractors on social media platforms.
  • There is an algorithm for happiness that involves being rich and awesome.


Scott Galloway’s Insights on Business Opportunities and Career Advice

Scott Galloway shares his thoughts on the business opportunities he would pursue if he were 25 again. He provides different answers for those without a college degree and those with a fancy degree. Galloway emphasizes the importance of finding opportunities and ideas, regardless of traditional education. He also highlights the underrated value of working for a big company as a wealth-creating vehicle.

Financial Anxiety and Wealth Creation

Galloway discusses the realities of financial anxiety among entrepreneurs, even those who have achieved significant wealth. He emphasizes the need for transparency about failures and the importance of financial literacy. Galloway advises living below your means, diversifying investments, and maintaining regular cash flow to alleviate financial anxiety and build wealth.

Healthcare and Investment Opportunities

Galloway delves into the potential for disruption in the US healthcare industry, particularly through the intersection of AI and healthcare. He highlights GLP1 drugs like Ozempic as promising solutions for issues like alcoholism and obesity. Galloway also mentions the weight loss market as a significant opportunity. However, he acknowledges the downsides of these drugs and mentions Metformin as an alternative.

Other Interesting Insights

In addition to business and finance topics, the podcast covers various other interesting insights. These include the need for transition and liquidity events for small businesses owned by boomers, the benefits of having a virtual assistant, Joe Rogan’s personal recommendations for acne and weight maintenance, and Scott Galloway’s predictions and observations about Macy’s, AI-generated A/B testing by Putin, and the algorithm for happiness.


Scott Galloway’s interview provides valuable insights into business opportunities, personal finances, and career advice. His openness about his own experiences, combined with his expertise, make this episode a must-listen for aspiring entrepreneurs. From the importance of finding opportunities to the realities of financial anxiety, Galloway’s wisdom can help guide listeners on their own entrepreneurial journeys.

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