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My First Million / Nick Bare Reveals How To Get Jacked & Run Sub3 Marathons ft. Sahil Bloom | My First Million

Nick Bare Reveals How To Get Jacked & Run Sub-3 Marathons ft. Sahil Bloom | My First Million

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In this episode of the “My First Million” podcast, Sam introduces Nick Bare and Sahil Bloom, two successful entrepreneurs and fitness enthusiasts. Nick Bare is the owner of DPN Bear Performance Nutrition, a company with $60 million in annual sales, and Sahil Bloom is a well-known figure in the fitness industry. The conversation primarily revolves around fitness and some business-related topics, with Sam asking Nick and Sahil questions about fitness, business, personal finance, and investments.

Main Takeaways

Fitness and Genetics

  • Genetics play a significant role in fitness and physical appearance.
  • Different genetics lead to different results, even with the same diet and training program.
  • Embracing genetics while still giving credit to consistent training and diet.

Fitness Commitment and Accountability

  • Lifestyle commitment to a regimented diet and training, with occasional indulgence in food.
  • Both individuals have an obsessive personality when it comes to their fitness commitment.
  • Acknowledging the impact of accountability through sharing progress publicly.

Personal Finance and Investments

  • The speaker discusses their investment approach and reliance on a financial advisor for managing their investments.
  • The speaker’s spending mainly goes towards their mortgage, business investments, personal brand, and food.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of increasing income over focusing on investment returns for long-term financial wealth.

Running and Endurance

  • Sahil gained respect for endurance athletes and runners due to the intense training, mental fortitude, and consistency required for the sport.
  • Running has become more popular in recent years, partly due to the pandemic and the closure of gyms.
  • The perception of running has evolved, with a shift towards a more diverse and inclusive approach.

Training and Nutrition

  • Cardiovascular training should include a mix of zone two and zone three training.
  • Compound movements and strength training can be done in 45 minutes to an hour, four to five days a week.
  • Consistency in eating better, drinking more water, and regular physical activity is key to making compounding changes in fitness and health.


Fitness and Genetics

The conversation delves into the role of genetics in fitness and physical appearance. It is emphasized that genetics play a significant role and can lead to different results, even with the same diet and training program. While genetics are important, the speakers also highlight the importance of consistent training and diet in achieving fitness goals. Embracing genetics while still giving credit to hard work and dedication is key.

Fitness Commitment and Accountability

Nick and Sahil discuss their commitment to fitness and the importance of accountability. They both follow a regimented diet and training routine, but also allow themselves occasional indulgences. They have an obsessive personality when it comes to their fitness commitment and acknowledge the impact of sharing progress publicly. Public accountability adds motivation and keeps them on track with their fitness journey.

Personal Finance and Investments

The conversation shifts to personal finance and investments. The speakers discuss their investment approach and reliance on a financial advisor. They prioritize increasing income over focusing solely on investment returns for long-term financial wealth. They also share their spending habits, which include mortgage payments, business investments, personal branding, and food. They emphasize the importance of managing finances wisely and making strategic investments.

Running and Endurance

Sahil shares his newfound respect for endurance athletes and runners. He highlights the intense training, mental fortitude, and consistency required for the sport. The pandemic and closure of gyms have led to a surge in popularity for running as a means of staying physically and mentally healthy. The perception of running has evolved to include a more diverse and inclusive approach, with various types of running gaining recognition.

Training and Nutrition

The discussion covers training and nutrition tips for achieving fitness goals. It is recommended to include a mix of zone two and zone three training for cardiovascular conditioning. Compound movements and strength training can be done in a time-efficient manner, with a focus on heavier movements and accessory exercises. Consistency in eating better, staying hydrated, and engaging in regular physical activity is emphasized for making compounding changes in fitness and health.


This episode of the “My First Million” podcast provides valuable insights into fitness, personal finance, and investments. The speakers emphasize the importance of genetics, commitment, accountability, and consistency in achieving fitness goals. They also discuss their investment approach and the significance of increasing income for long-term financial wealth. Overall, the episode offers a well-rounded perspective on various topics related to fitness and business.

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