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The Daily Stoic / Nothing Better Than A Simple Pleasure | The Daily Stoic

Nothing Better Than A Simple Pleasure | The Daily Stoic

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The Daily Stoic Podcast offers ancient wisdom to help find strength and insight in daily life. In this episode titled “Nothing Better Than A Simple Pleasure,” the focus is on the value of simple pleasures and how they can bring immense joy and fulfillment. Expensive things may be great, but the moments that remind us of how little we actually need to live a fulfilled and happy life are equally important.

Main Takeaways

The Value of Simple Pleasures

  • Simple pleasures such as a glass of perfectly cold water, enjoying nature, or petting a dog can bring immense joy and fulfillment.
  • These types of pleasures are cherished by the Epicureans, as seen in Epicurius’ writings about a small pot of cheese.
  • Special pleasures that are free or almost free can make us rich in experience, without requiring us to be financially rich.


The Joy of Simple Pleasures

In this episode of The Daily Stoic Podcast, the importance of simple pleasures is explored. It is highlighted that while expensive things can be great, it is the moments that remind us of how little we actually need to live a fulfilled and happy life that truly matter. Simple pleasures, such as a glass of perfectly cold water, enjoying nature, or petting a dog, can bring immense joy and fulfillment. The podcast draws inspiration from the Epicureans, who valued these types of simple pleasures. Epicurius’ writings about a small pot of cheese exemplify the appreciation for the little things in life.

Rich in Experience, Not in Wealth

The podcast emphasizes that special pleasures that are free or almost free can make us rich in experience, without requiring us to be financially rich. It encourages listeners to seek out and appreciate these simple pleasures in their daily lives. By doing so, we can find fulfillment and happiness without relying on material possessions or extravagant experiences. The episode serves as a reminder to slow down, appreciate the small things, and find contentment in the present moment.


In a world that often values material wealth and extravagant experiences, “Nothing Better Than A Simple Pleasure” reminds us of the joy and fulfillment that can be found in the simplest of things. By appreciating and seeking out these simple pleasures, we can cultivate a sense of contentment and happiness in our daily lives. So, take a moment to enjoy a glass of cold water, immerse yourself in nature, or spend time with a beloved pet. Embrace the beauty of simplicity and find richness in the experiences that require nothing more than our presence and appreciation.

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