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The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway / Office Hours: Thoughts on the 2024 Presidential Election, Career Disappointments, and Scott’s Private Investment Strategy | The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway

Office Hours: Thoughts on the 2024 Presidential Election, Career Disappointments, and Scott’s Private Investment Strategy | The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway

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In this episode of “The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway,” Scott shares his thoughts on various topics, including the 2024 Presidential Election, career disappointments, and his private investment strategy. He also discusses his favorite sponsors, Viori clothing and Masterclass. Listeners can submit questions for the show’s office hours by emailing a voice recording to [email protected].

Main Takeaways

Scott Galloway’s Favorites and Political Views

  • Scott Galloway is a fan of Viori clothing and Masterclass, both of which are sponsors of the show.
  • He plans to vote for the Democratic nominee in the 2024 presidential election, likely Joe Biden.
  • Scott Galloway believes that elected officials are too old and that there should be term limits, ranked choice voting, or de-jerrymandered districts.

Insights on the 2024 Presidential Election

  • National polls don’t mean much, as the election has already happened in 44 of the 50 states.
  • Swing states and a small number of voters will decide the election.
  • Putin could potentially interfere in the election through deep-faked content and troll farms.
  • Perception of Vice President Harris is not great, but Governor Newsom could be a good presidential candidate.

Career Disappointments and Trajectory Advice

  • Advice for a career trajectory: consider taking a salary cut for a job that provides experience building a brand and supporting a marketing team.
  • Living in London at a young age is a valuable experience that may be regretted if not taken advantage of.
  • Finding a trusted person within the company to talk to about the situation is important.
  • If unable to afford the salary cut, it may be necessary to find a role with another firm at a similar salary.
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself, getting to London at a young age is impressive and means you’re doing something right.

Private Investment Strategy

  • Low-cost index or ETF funds are the best investment strategy for most people.
  • Private investments are an option for those who have access and passion for it.
  • Private investments are volatile and illiquid, so invest a small percentage of net worth (1-5%).
  • Invest in companies or sectors that you understand and can bring value to.
  • Invest in things you personally have an attachment to, but most people don’t have access to these opportunities.
  • Investing in private companies can be lucrative but also risky.
  • Investing in a fund that invests across a diversified set of private companies can be a good option.
  • It’s important to be cautious and do your research before investing.

Additional Information

  • Listeners can submit their investment questions to [email protected] for a chance to have them answered on the show.
  • Scott Galloway is a fan of Arsenal FC.
  • Tune in to The Prof G. Pod and other podcasts on The Box Media Podcast Network.


Scott Galloway’s Favorites and Political Views

Scott Galloway shares his favorite sponsors, Viori clothing and Masterclass, while also expressing his intention to vote for the Democratic nominee in the 2024 presidential election. He advocates for term limits, ranked choice voting, or de-jerrymandered districts to address the issue of elected officials being too old.

Insights on the 2024 Presidential Election

Scott Galloway highlights that national polls hold little significance as the election has already taken place in most states. He emphasizes the importance of swing states and a small number of voters in determining the election outcome. He also raises concerns about potential interference by Putin through deep-faked content and troll farms. Additionally, he discusses the perception of Vice President Harris and suggests Governor Newsom as a potential presidential candidate.

Career Disappointments and Trajectory Advice

Scott Galloway offers advice for career trajectories, recommending considering a salary cut for opportunities that allow building a brand and supporting a marketing team. He emphasizes the value of living in London at a young age and the importance of finding a trusted person to discuss career concerns within the company. If a salary cut is not feasible, he suggests exploring similar roles in other firms. He also encourages individuals not to be too hard on themselves and recognizes their achievements in reaching London at a young age.

Private Investment Strategy

Scott Galloway advises most people to opt for low-cost index or ETF funds as their investment strategy. However, he acknowledges that private investments can be an option for those with access and passion. He highlights the volatility and illiquidity of private investments, suggesting investing a small percentage of net worth. Scott emphasizes the need to invest in companies or sectors that one understands and can add value to. While acknowledging the potential for lucrative returns, he also emphasizes the risks involved. Investing in diversified funds that invest across various private companies can be a safer option. He advises caution and thorough research before making any investment decisions.


Scott Galloway’s podcast episode covers a range of topics, including his favorite sponsors, insights on the 2024 Presidential Election, career disappointments, and his private investment strategy. Listeners can gain valuable insights and advice on these subjects while enjoying Scott’s engaging and informative style. Don’t forget to submit your investment questions to [email protected] for a chance to have them answered on the show!

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