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Ologies with Alie Ward / – Cosmology (THE UNIVERSE) Part 1 Encore with Katie Mack

Ologies with Alie Ward – Cosmology (THE UNIVERSE) Part 1 Encore with Katie Mack

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In this episode of “Ologies with Alie Ward,” cosmologist Katie Mack joins the show to discuss the fascinating field of cosmology. They explore topics such as black holes, the universe’s beginning and end, and the scale of our existence in space.

Main Takeaways

Cosmology and Black Holes

  • Cosmology is the study of the universe, including planets and beyond.
  • Katie Mack is a cosmologist who has published a book called “The End of Everything Astrophysically Speaking,” which explores different ways the universe might end.
  • Black holes are intense gravitational systems where quantum mechanics and relativity do not agree.
  • Astronomers have observed the light from stuff falling into black holes and the black hole shadow produced when the light gets eaten by the black holes.
  • The Event Horizon Telescope project linked telescopes worldwide to create an image of supermassive black holes.

Theoretical Physics and Particle Interactions

  • Katie Mack is an academic nomad who studies particle physics and black holes.
  • The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest machine in the world and was completed in 2008.
  • String theory proposes that particles are string-like and different types of particles are different wiggly strings.
  • Gravity is the “bad boy” in the team drama of fundamental forces, not following the same rules as the others.
  • Einstein’s general relativity suggests that what we perceive as gravity is the curvature of space and time.

The Universe and Our Place in It

  • The pale blue dot photo, taken by the Voyager spacecraft, shows Earth as a tiny speck in the vastness of space.
  • The universe consists of regular matter, dark matter, and dark energy. Regular matter makes up only 5% of the universe.
  • Dark energy is a mysterious force causing the universe to expand faster and faster.
  • Dark matter is an invisible substance that makes up most of the galaxy and all galaxies, accounting for 85% of the matter in the universe.
  • Cosmologists study the universe as a whole, including its beginning, end, and how it changes over time.


Cosmology and Black Holes

Cosmology, the study of the universe, encompasses various aspects such as black holes. Katie Mack, a renowned cosmologist, delves into the intriguing field, sharing insights from her book “The End of Everything Astrophysically Speaking.” Astronomers have observed the light emitted from objects falling into black holes and the resulting black hole shadow. The Event Horizon Telescope project has provided stunning images of supermassive black holes.

Theoretical Physics and Particle Interactions

Katie Mack, an academic nomad, specializes in particle physics and black holes. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), completed in 2008, plays a crucial role in understanding particle interactions. String theory proposes that particles are string-like, with each type of particle corresponding to a different wiggly string. Gravity, often considered the “bad boy” among fundamental forces, behaves differently from the others. Einstein’s general relativity explains gravity as the curvature of space and time.

The Universe and Our Place in It

The iconic pale blue dot photo, captured by the Voyager spacecraft, reminds us of Earth’s insignificance in the vastness of space. Cosmologists study the universe in its entirety, including its beginning, end, and transformations over time. The universe comprises regular matter, dark matter, and dark energy. Regular matter constitutes only 5% of the universe, while dark matter and dark energy account for the remaining 95%. Dark energy propels the universe to expand at an accelerating rate, while dark matter, an invisible substance, plays a crucial role in galaxy formation.


Delving into the fascinating field of cosmology, this episode of “Ologies with Alie Ward” provides a glimpse into the study of the universe, black holes, and our place within it. Katie Mack’s expertise and insights offer a captivating exploration of the cosmos, inspiring listeners to ponder the mysteries of existence and embrace the vastness of the universe.

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