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Slow Burn / One Year: 1990 – Bush vs. Broccoli | Slow Burn

One Year: 1990 – Bush vs. Broccoli | Slow Burn

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In this episode of the “Slow Burn” podcast, titled “One Year: 1990 – Bush vs. Broccoli,” the focus is on President George H.W. Bush’s aversion to broccoli and the national frenzy it caused. The episode explores the story behind the broccoli ban, the reactions from the public and media, and the impact it had on Bush’s presidency. Through interviews and anecdotes, the episode sheds light on this peculiar aspect of Bush’s legacy.

Main Takeaways

President Bush’s Aversion to Broccoli

  • President George H.W. Bush’s dislike for broccoli became a national obsession.
  • The story gained attention after Ken Walsh published a paragraph about it in US News and World Report.
  • Despite serious events happening at the time, the media couldn’t resist bringing up the broccoli ban during press conferences.
  • Bush’s public stance against broccoli showcased his willingness to take a firm stance on something, even if it was a lighthearted matter.

The Broccoli Truck and Public Support

  • Lisa Cork, a marketing professional, organized the delivery of 10 tons of broccoli to the White House to defend the vegetable’s honor.
  • The media was captivated by the truckload of broccoli, and even Good Morning America followed its progress.
  • The overwhelming support and positive reactions from the public surprised many, with only a few dissenting voices.
  • Barbara Bush wore a green blazer with a broccoli corsage at a White House event, further highlighting the broccoli story.

Bush’s Aversion to Broccoli as a Memorable Aspect of His Legacy

  • Despite humorous comments about broccoli, President Bush also took strong stances on serious matters like Operation Desert Storm.
  • Bush’s dislike for broccoli made headlines and became a memorable aspect of his legacy, even mentioned at his eulogy.
  • The influence of Bush’s aversion to vegetables is apparent in the speaker’s own reluctance to eat certain foods.


The Story Behind Bush’s Aversion to Broccoli

In this episode, the story of President George H.W. Bush’s dislike for broccoli is explored. Ken Walsh, a veteran White House correspondent, shares insights into his career covering seven administrations, including his interview with Bush. Bush acknowledged his lack of TV charisma and emphasized humility. However, the media labeled him a “wimp” and “indecisive,” frustrating White House correspondents. Ken Walsh also met with Republican PR consultant Sheila Tate, who was Bush’s press secretary during the 1988 campaign. Tate revealed the story of President Bush’s dislike for broccoli, causing a national frenzy.

The Broccoli Ban and Public Reaction

After the story was published, Lisa Cork, a marketing professional, decided to defend broccoli’s honor by organizing the delivery of 10 tons of fresh produce to the president. The goal was to showcase the benefits of broccoli and encourage Americans to reconsider their opinions on the vegetable. The media became captivated by the truckload of broccoli, and even Good Morning America followed its progress. Despite some initial skepticism, the overwhelming support and positive reactions from the public surprised many. Barbara Bush’s involvement, wearing a green blazer with a broccoli corsage at a White House event, further highlighted the broccoli story.

The Legacy of Bush’s Aversion to Broccoli

President George H.W. Bush’s dislike for broccoli became a topic of debate and speculation. While some viewed it as a liberation from fitness trends, others questioned the reasons behind his aversion. Despite public opinion, Bush adamantly refused to eat broccoli, and his dislike for it was genuine. This aspect of his presidency became a memorable part of his legacy, even mentioned at his eulogy. The influence of Bush’s aversion to vegetables is apparent in the speaker’s own reluctance to eat certain foods, showcasing the lasting impact of the broccoli story.


The episode “One Year: 1990 – Bush vs. Broccoli” of the “Slow Burn” podcast delves into the peculiar story of President George H.W. Bush’s aversion to broccoli and the national frenzy it caused. Through interviews and anecdotes, the episode explores the background of Bush’s dislike, the public reaction, and the lasting impact on his legacy. This entertaining and informative episode sheds light on a lesser-known aspect of Bush’s presidency and highlights the power of a seemingly trivial story to capture the nation’s attention.

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