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The Mel Robbins Podcast / Outsmart a Narcissist: A Proven 4Step Plan to Take Your Power Back | The Mel Robbins Podcast

Outsmart a Narcissist: A Proven 4-Step Plan to Take Your Power Back | The Mel Robbins Podcast

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In this episode of “The Mel Robbins Podcast,” Mel addresses the highly requested topic of narcissism. She is joined by Rebecca Zung, a trial lawyer and expert in dealing with narcissistic individuals. Together, they provide strategies and tools for taking back power and navigating relationships with narcissists encountered in everyday life.

Main Takeaways

Understanding Narcissism and Its Types

  • Narcissism is the most requested topic from Mel Robbins’ listeners in 194 countries.
  • There are three different types of narcissists: grandiose, covert, and malignant.
  • Grandiose narcissists are impulsive and in-your-face, while covert narcissists are passive-aggressive and present themselves as victims.
  • Malignant narcissists can be dangerous, resorting to stalking and threats of violence.

The Origin and Psychology of Narcissism

  • Narcissism is not something someone is born with; it is created in childhood as a result of trauma.
  • Trauma during childhood can lead to arrested emotional development in the brain.
  • Narcissists have little to no emotional control due to the arrested development in the limbic system.
  • Understanding the psychology of narcissism can help navigate relationships with narcissistic individuals.

Navigating Relationships with Narcissists

  • Identify the type of narcissist you’re dealing with to better understand their behavior and tactics.
  • Recognize that a narcissist’s behavior is not about you; it stems from their fear of abandonment, exposure, and loss of power.
  • Establish strong boundaries and stop allowing disrespectful behavior from the narcissist.
  • Use essential phrases to disarm the narcissist and observe their tantrum from a detached perspective.
  • Develop a strong strategy using the Slay method: Strategy, Leverage, Anticipate, and You.

Negotiating and Standing in Your Power

  • Understand that negotiating with a narcissist requires a different approach than with a rational person.
  • Apologies can be a powerful tool in negotiations with narcissists.
  • Documenting interactions and keeping track of evidence can create leverage in negotiations.
  • Anticipate the narcissist’s behavior and be two steps ahead to stay in control.
  • Believe in your ability to win and stand in your authentic power.


Understanding Narcissism and Its Types

Mel Robbins addresses the highly requested topic of narcissism and is joined by expert Rebecca Zung. They explain the three types of narcissists: grandiose, covert, and malignant. Understanding these types helps in identifying their behavior and tactics, ranging from impulsive and in-your-face to passive-aggressive and manipulative. Awareness of the different types is crucial in dealing with narcissistic individuals encountered in everyday life.

The Origin and Psychology of Narcissism

Narcissism is not inherent but is created as a result of childhood trauma. Researching the psychology of narcissism reveals that it stems from arrested emotional development in the brain. Narcissists have little to no emotional control due to the underdevelopment of the limbic system. Recognizing these origins and psychological aspects can provide insights into navigating relationships with narcissistic individuals.

Navigating Relationships with Narcissists

Mel and Rebecca emphasize the importance of establishing boundaries and not tolerating disrespectful behavior from narcissists. By recognizing that their behavior is not about you but driven by fear and a need for power, you can detach emotionally and use essential phrases to disarm them. Developing a strong strategy using the Slay method empowers you to negotiate and stand in your authentic power, ultimately diffusing the narcissist’s control over you.

Negotiating and Standing in Your Power

When negotiating with a narcissist, it is essential to understand their unique mindset and tactics. Apologies can be used as a powerful tool in negotiations, and documenting interactions can create leverage. Anticipating the narcissist’s behavior and being two steps ahead helps you stay in control. Believing in your ability to win and standing in your authentic power enables you to navigate negotiations with narcissists effectively.


Dealing with narcissistic individuals can be challenging, but by understanding their behavior, psychology, and tactics, it becomes possible to take back power and navigate relationships more effectively. The strategies and tools provided by Mel Robbins and Rebecca Zung empower listeners to stand in their authentic power, creating healthier boundaries and ultimately leading to a better quality of life.

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