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The Ramsey Show / Patience Always Pays Off in the Long Run | The Ramsey Show

Patience Always Pays Off in the Long Run | The Ramsey Show

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“The Ramsey Show” is a podcast hosted by George Campbell and Ken Coleman, aimed at helping people build wealth, find fulfilling work, and create strong relationships. In each episode, they take calls from listeners seeking advice on money, work, purpose, and life challenges.

Main Takeaways

Advice for Finding the Right Career Path

  • Victoria from Destin, Florida calls in, expressing her struggle with finding the right career path after experiencing a stillbirth and dealing with unethical work situations.
  • The hosts guide Victoria through a series of questions to help her identify the amount of money she needs to feel less stressed and continue the grieving process.
  • They encourage her to focus on finding a job that meets her financial needs while she explores her long-term business goals.
  • Victoria is advised to consider her strengths and passions to find a job that aligns with her skills and brings in the needed income.

Financial Goals and Building Wealth

  • The speaker discusses financial goals, aiming for an income of $4,000 a month.
  • Advises the listener to find work in a field they are passionate about, such as gardening, to advance the healing process.
  • Encourages getting a full-time job in the gardening industry to gain stability and income while building a business.
  • The book “Breaking Free from Broke” by George Campbell is discussed, highlighting its unique approach to the financial system and personal experience.

Managing Finances and Making Wise Decisions

  • Jared from Salt Lake City seeks advice on whether to continue paying monthly minimum on student loans or save for a house purchase when moving to Texas.
  • The host advises Jared to aggressively pay off the student loans before buying a house, suggesting renting for a year or two and using the debt snowball method to pay off the debt.
  • Considerations for taking a commission-based job and managing finances during the ramp-up period.
  • It’s important to have a clear vision of your long-term professional goals, even when starting out.

Balancing Pursuit of Wealth and Spirituality

  • Cameron from Knoxville, Tennessee, seeks spiritual guidance on balancing his pursuit of wealth and his relationship with God.
  • Ken Coleman advises Cameron that working and being successful does not exclude having a relationship with God.
  • George Kamel encourages Cameron to reframe his perspective on money, emphasizing that wealth is not evil, but the love of money is.
  • Dr. John Deloney emphasizes the importance of managing finances wisely, including spending, saving, and giving.

Dealing with Difficult Bosses and Financial Anxiety

  • A caller seeks advice on dealing with a rude boss at her second job.
  • The host advises the caller that she has two options: put up with her boss’s behavior or find another job.
  • Encouragement to make a move to follow your dream and get a great customer service job.
  • Seeking counseling can help heal the trauma associated with money.


Advice for Finding the Right Career Path

Victoria from Destin, Florida calls in to seek advice on finding the right career path after experiencing a stillbirth and dealing with unethical work situations. The hosts guide her through a series of questions to help her identify her financial needs and long-term business goals. They encourage her to focus on finding a job that aligns with her skills and passions, while also providing the needed income. By considering her strengths and exploring opportunities in the gardening industry, Victoria can advance her healing process and work towards her long-term goals.

Financial Goals and Building Wealth

The speaker discusses the importance of setting financial goals and aiming for an income of $4,000 a month. They advise listeners to find work in fields they are passionate about, such as gardening, to not only earn income but also find fulfillment. Additionally, the book “Breaking Free from Broke” by George Campbell is highlighted, offering practical steps to break free from financial challenges and build wealth with patience. Listeners are encouraged to pre-order the book, which comes with $100 in free bonus items.

Managing Finances and Making Wise Decisions

Jared from Salt Lake City seeks advice on managing his finances while considering a house purchase. The host advises him to prioritize paying off student loans before buying a house, suggesting renting for a year or two to aggressively pay down the debt. They emphasize the importance of having a clear vision of long-term professional goals and making wise financial decisions. The debt snowball method is recommended for paying off debts effectively.

Balancing Pursuit of Wealth and Spirituality

Cameron from Knoxville, Tennessee, seeks guidance on balancing his pursuit of wealth and his relationship with God. The hosts reassure him that working and being successful does not exclude having a relationship with God. They emphasize the importance of reframing one’s perspective on money and managing finances wisely. Dr. John Deloney emphasizes the importance of managing finances wisely, including spending, saving, and giving.

Dealing with Difficult Bosses and Financial Anxiety

A caller seeks advice on dealing with a rude boss at her second job. The host advises her to either put up with the behavior or find another job. They discuss the impact of difficult bosses on mental health and offer suggestions for managing financial anxiety. Seeking counseling is recommended to heal money-related trauma and gain tools for support. The importance of creating and maintaining a budget is highlighted as a way to gain confidence and control over finances.


“The Ramsey Show” offers valuable advice and guidance on various financial and career-related topics. Listeners can find support in navigating their financial challenges, setting goals, and finding fulfillment in their work. The podcast highlights the importance of managing finances wisely, pursuing passions, and seeking personal and professional growth. By taking control of their financial lives and making informed decisions, listeners can build wealth, find fulfilling work, and create strong relationships.

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