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PBD Podcast / – Francis Suarez & Graham Stephen | PBD Podcast | Ep. 293

PBD Podcast – Francis Suarez & Graham Stephen | PBD Podcast | Ep. 293

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, host Pat Bet-David interviews Graham Stephan, a successful real estate entrepreneur and YouTuber, and Francis Suarez, the 43rd mayor of Miami and a presidential candidate. They discuss a wide range of topics, including real estate, politics, immigration, and the future of America. Stephan shares his insights on entrepreneurship and the importance of realistic policies, while Suarez talks about his vision for a united country and his experience in turning around a bankrupt city.

Main Takeaways

Real Estate and Entrepreneurship

  • Graham Stephan started real estate at 18 and sold $130 million in real estate.
  • Diligence is important in real estate and any other endeavor.
  • Lowering taxes and increasing savings are important policies for Stephan.
  • Crime and homelessness were major issues that caused Stephan to leave California.
  • Miami has the lowest unemployment rate and highest wage growth in America.

Politics and Leadership

  • Mayor Suarez is the 43rd mayor of Miami, son of former mayor, and running for president.
  • Unifying the country is important, as the country is currently very divided.
  • China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Cuba all want to see the division in our democracy.
  • Believing in the impossible is important, as the country has chosen underdogs to be president many times before.
  • Running for president is a huge sacrifice, both financially and for family life.

Immigration and Border Control

  • Sanctuary cities and states in America are causing a massive strain on resources.
  • Controlling the border and dealing with power dynamics in China are important for a Hispanic Republican president.
  • Legal immigration should be pegged to objective metrics like growth and declining birth rate.
  • Being a Hispanic Republican president could benefit the Republican party by showing that having immigrants is a positive thing for the country.
  • California needs open borders to show population growth and increase Democratic voters.

Economy and Fiscal Responsibility

  • Miami’s former mayor successfully turned around a bankrupt city through disciplined and fiscally sound practices.
  • The debt ceiling debate is a standoff and kicking the can down the road only delays the problem.
  • Balancing the budget should be the top priority to avoid living on fictitious money and potential consequences of increased inflation and interest rates.
  • The Miami model can be extrapolated for the national level by reducing expenses and growing the economy.
  • Being a consensus builder and unifier is an important quality for a presidential candidate.


Real Estate and Entrepreneurship

Graham Stephan, a successful real estate entrepreneur, shares his journey in the industry, starting at a young age and selling millions of dollars in real estate. He emphasizes the importance of diligence in any endeavor and discusses the challenges he faced in California, such as high taxes and crime rates. Stephan highlights the positive aspects of Miami, including its low unemployment rate and high wage growth, making it an attractive location for entrepreneurs.

Politics and Leadership

Mayor Francis Suarez, a presidential candidate, discusses the importance of unifying the country and the negative impact of division on democracy. He emphasizes the need to believe in the impossible and shares examples of underdogs becoming presidents in the past. Suarez also talks about the sacrifices involved in running for president and the importance of private sector experience in leadership. He highlights his own experience in turning around a bankrupt city through disciplined and fiscally sound practices.

Immigration and Border Control

The discussion on immigration and border control focuses on the strain caused by sanctuary cities and states in America. The speakers discuss the need for a Hispanic Republican president to address the complex problem of immigration and control the border. They emphasize the importance of pegging legal immigration to objective metrics and the potential benefits of having immigrants for the Republican party. The speakers also discuss the role of open borders in California’s population growth and increasing Democratic voters.

Economy and Fiscal Responsibility

The importance of fiscal responsibility and balancing the budget is highlighted in this segment. Miami’s former mayor’s success in turning around a bankrupt city through disciplined and fiscally sound practices is discussed as a model that can be applied at the national level. The speakers emphasize the need to address the debt ceiling debate and avoid living on fictitious money. They highlight the potential consequences of increased inflation and interest rates and the importance of reducing expenses and growing the economy.


This episode of the PBD Podcast delves into the topics of real estate, politics, immigration, and fiscal responsibility. Graham Stephan shares his insights on entrepreneurship and the challenges he faced in California, while Mayor Francis Suarez discusses his vision for a united country and his experience in turning around a bankrupt city. The speakers highlight the importance of diligence, unifying the country, and balancing the budget for the future of America.

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