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PBD Podcast / – Glenn Greenwald | PBD Podcast | Ep. 298

PBD Podcast – Glenn Greenwald | PBD Podcast | Ep. 298

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, host Glenn Greenwald, an American journalist and author, discusses a wide range of topics, including his work as a journalist, the state of the U.S. security state, the rise of anti-establishment candidates, the controversy surrounding Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, and the political situation in Brazil. Greenwald shares his insights and experiences, shedding light on important issues in today’s society.

Main Takeaways

Glenn Greenwald’s Background and Achievements

  • Glenn Greenwald is an American journalist, author, and former lawyer who founded a law firm concentrating on First Amendment litigation in 1996.
  • He began blogging on national security issues in 2005 and started contributing to Salon in 2007, then to The Guardian in 2012.
  • In June 2013, while at The Guardian, he began publishing a series of reports detailing previously unknown information about American and British global surveillance programs based on classified documents provided by Edward Snowden.
  • Glenn Greenwald won an Oscar for his work on a documentary filmed in real time.
  • Greenwald’s work contributed to the 2014 Guardian Pulitzer Prize win.

The U.S. Security State and Surveillance

  • There was a movement to rein in the powers of the security state after Edward Snowden’s revelations, but it was defeated by the Obama White House with the help of Nancy Pelosi.
  • The U.S. security state has adapted by inventing new enemies to keep Americans afraid enough to want more security, which has led to a backward progression in reining in their powers.
  • In the 1970s, the Church Committee investigated agencies created after World War II with the National Security Act in 1947, revealing the capacity to spy on every American citizen.
  • Every whistleblower after 9/11 became a whistleblower precisely because these instruments are now turned inward.
  • The biggest threat is surveillance combined with censorship, which can be used to monitor and control the thoughts of people.

The Rise of Anti-Establishment Candidates and the Republican Party

  • Donald Trump is a transformational political figure who gave space for people to understand why the Republican party’s ideology was misguided against their interests.
  • The populist right wing of the Republican Party is the only resistance to the Democratic Party’s transformation into the party of militarism and imperialism.
  • Trump’s communication skills and ability to tap into resentment helped him gain popularity in the Republican party.
  • Republican voters began seeing the CIA and FBI in a different light due to Trump’s spotlight on corruption within these agencies.
  • The dominant ideology in the Republican Party is aligned with Trump’s America-first, populist, nationalist views, and candidates who embrace this are gaining popularity.

The Controversy Surrounding Edward Snowden and Julian Assange

  • Edward Snowden leaked classified information about the U.S. government’s surveillance programs and is considered a hero by some and a traitor by others.
  • There are differing opinions on whether Obama’s surveillance on the Trump campaign was worse than Watergate.
  • Julian Assange is currently imprisoned and his actions as a journalist and publisher of government secrets are the subject of debate.
  • Pardoning Julian Assange or Edward Snowden resonates with an audience, as shown by a poll conducted by Elon Musk.
  • The US cannot lecture other countries on press freedom while holding innovative and important journalists like Assange in prison for revealing government crimes.

The Political Situation in Brazil

  • Glenn Greenwald discusses the corruption probe in Brazil known as Operation Car Wash and the involvement of political figures like Lula and Bolsonaro.
  • Lula’s party PT was involved in systemic corruption in Brazil’s political system.
  • The Brazilian government has a history of supporting tyrannical governments, despite their repressive actions.
  • The court in Brazil has seized all power, with the attorney general acting as a tyrant who issues orders banning people from the internet.
  • The methods used by the Brazilian court to silence dissenting voices are anti-democratic, posing a threat to Brazilian liberty.


Glenn Greenwald’s Background and Achievements

Glenn Greenwald is an American journalist, author, and former lawyer known for his work in national security issues. He gained prominence for his reporting on the American and British global surveillance programs based on classified documents provided by Edward Snowden. Greenwald’s work has been recognized with awards, including an Oscar and a Pulitzer Prize for The Guardian. His contributions to journalism have been significant and impactful.

The U.S. Security State and Surveillance

The U.S. security state has adapted in inventing new enemies to keep Americans afraid enough to want more security, which has led to a backward progression in reining in their powers. The revelations by Edward Snowden about the extent of surveillance on American citizens sparked a movement to rein in the powers of the security state. However, this movement was defeated by the Obama White House with the help of Nancy Pelosi. The combination of surveillance and censorship poses a significant threat to individual freedom and democracy.

The Rise of Anti-Establishment Candidates and the Republican Party

Donald Trump’s presidency marked a shift in the Republican Party, with his America-first, populist, nationalist views resonating with a significant portion of the party’s base. Trump’s communication skills and ability to tap into resentment helped him gain popularity among Republican voters. The populist right wing of the Republican Party emerged as the resistance to the Democratic Party’s transformation into a party of militarism and imperialism. The dominance of anti-establishment candidates reflects a growing dissatisfaction with traditional Republican politics.

The Controversy Surrounding Edward Snowden and Julian Assange

The actions of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have sparked intense debate and divided public opinion. Snowden leaked classified information about the U.S. government’s surveillance programs, with some considering him a hero and others a traitor. The controversy surrounding Obama’s surveillance on the Trump campaign has drawn comparisons to Watergate. Assange, a journalist and publisher of government secrets, is currently imprisoned, raising questions about press freedom and the role of whistleblowers. The potential pardon of Snowden or Assange has garnered public interest and support.

The Political Situation in Brazil

Brazil’s political landscape has been marred by corruption scandals, including the Operation Car Wash investigation. Figures like Lula, the leader of the PT party, have been implicated in systemic corruption. The Brazilian government’s support for repressive regimes has raised concerns about democratic values and human rights. The Brazilian court’s consolidation of power and suppression of dissenting voices through anti-democratic measures pose a threat to liberty and democracy in the country.


In this episode of the PBD Podcast, Glenn Greenwald provides insights into his work as a journalist, the state of the U.S. security state, the rise of anti-establishment candidates, the controversy surrounding Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, and the political situation in Brazil. Greenwald’s perspective sheds light on important issues and challenges prevailing narratives, encouraging critical thinking and engagement with these topics. Listeners gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of modern society and the need for vigilance in protecting individual freedoms and democratic values.

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