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PBD Podcast / – Home Team | PBD Podcast | Ep. 311

PBD Podcast – Home Team | PBD Podcast | Ep. 311

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, the host discusses a wide range of topics, including the impact of strikes on various industries, the rising mortgage rates affecting housing affordability, the potential collapse of the commercial real estate market, the role of AI in the future of work, and the consequences of verbal abuse towards children. The podcast also touches on political trust, false accusations, and the global water crisis. Join the host as they delve into these thought-provoking subjects.

Main Takeaways

Economic Impact

  • 10-year Treasury yield hits 4.8%, banks bracing for a recession
  • Russia tested next generation nuclear weapons, wants to create new world order
  • GOP holds biggest lead on economy since 1991
  • Jamie Dimon says AI could bring 3.5 day work week

Strikes and Worker Dissatisfaction

  • Adults shouting at children can be as harmful as physical or sexual abuse
  • Union workers negotiate for higher pay and go on strike if negotiations fail
  • Strikes are happening across various industries due to economic factors like inflation and cost of living increases
  • Union contracts often lead to worker dissatisfaction, with workers looking to negotiate for more in the next contract

Impact of Rising Mortgage Rates

  • Rising mortgage rates are affecting housing affordability and home sales
  • A borrower purchasing a $400,000 house with a 20% down payment on a 30-year fix may face a mortgage payment roughly $930 higher compared to a 3% rate during the height of COVID pandemic.
  • Mortgage rates affect how much you need to make to buy a house
  • Higher rates mean you need a higher income to qualify for the same house

Commercial Real Estate Concerns

  • Subprime car payments are defaulting at a high rate
  • WeWork defaulted on a $95 million payment despite being valued at $47 billion
  • Default payments on commercial real estate can have a big impact on the economy
  • Chinese real estate company Country Garden made a $22 million payment with $15 billion more to go, indicating potential issues in the real estate market

AI and Future of Work

  • Michael Burry, who predicted the last market crash, has bet $1.6 billion against the market again, indicating potential instability.
  • Masterworks, a company that allows people to invest in fractions of art pieces, has had 16 profitable sales and over 800,000 registered users.
  • Treasury bond yields have hit a 16-year high, which will cause borrowing rates for cars, homes, and credit cards to increase, making it harder for businesses to expand.
  • The average person may see a tenuous economy for the next 24-36 months, despite high-flying stocks like Nvidia.

Verbal Abuse and Child Welfare

  • Verbal abuse towards children can be as harmful as physical or sexual abuse
  • Childhood verbal abuse should be recognized as a distinct category of maltreatment
  • Verbal abuse can lead to lifelong negative consequences such as mental distress, criminal behavior, substance abuse, and physical health issues
  • Prevention efforts should be taken to address the impact of verbal abuse on children

Political Trust and False Accusations

  • According to a Gallup poll, the GOP holds the biggest lead on the economy since 1991 with 53% respondents trusting them more than Democrats at 39%
  • 57% of those polled trust Republicans more to protect the country from international terrorism and military threats, while 35% trust Democrats, widening the trust gap since 2002.
  • Both parties still face public dissatisfaction with 56% viewing the GOP unfavorably and 58% viewing the Democrats unfavorably.
  • 44% believe the Republican party is better equipped to handle problems as they arise, while only 36% feel the same about the Democratic party.

The Global Water Crisis and Climate Change

  • The global water crisis affects 770 million people who lack access to clean water, spending an estimated 200 million hours every day carrying water.
  • Michael Burry predicts that the next wars will be fought over water.
  • 71.2% of Americans have lost faith in the US government’s ability to prevent a Doomsday event, with climate change being the top concern for 55.8% of respondents.
  • Americans are lucky to not have the water crisis as a daily issue, but there are still one-off segmented issues like Flint, Michigan.


Economic Impact and Worker Dissatisfaction

The podcast explores the economic impact of rising mortgage rates, strikes across various industries, and worker dissatisfaction. These factors are influenced by inflation, cost of living increases, and the need for higher wages. The consequences of strikes can lead to delays in lab tests and surgeries, affecting both workers and consumers. Union contracts often result in worker dissatisfaction and the desire for better terms in future negotiations.

Commercial Real Estate Concerns and AI in the Future of Work

The commercial real estate market faces potential collapse due to default payments and declining property values. This can have a significant impact on the economy. Additionally, Michael Burry’s bet against the market and rising treasury bond yields indicate potential instability. The rise of AI in the future of work brings both opportunities and challenges, with the potential for a shorter work week and job displacement.

Verbal Abuse and Political Trust

The podcast discusses the harmful effects of verbal abuse towards children, emphasizing the need for recognition and prevention. In terms of political trust, the GOP holds a significant lead on the economy and protection from international threats. However, both parties still face public dissatisfaction, highlighting the importance of informed voting and engagement in politics.

The Global Water Crisis and Climate Change

The global water crisis, affecting millions of people without access to clean water, is a pressing issue. Michael Burry predicts that water scarcity may lead to future conflicts. The podcast also highlights the loss of faith in the government’s ability to address doomsday events and the increasing concern about climate change among Americans.


As the PBD Podcast covers a wide range of topics in this episode, listeners gain insights into the economic impact of strikes, rising mortgage rates, and commercial real estate concerns. The discussion on AI in the future of work and the consequences of verbal abuse towards children adds depth to the conversation. The podcast also touches on political trust, false accusations, and the global water crisis, encouraging listeners to stay informed and engaged in these important issues.

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