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PBD Podcast / – Larry Elder | PBD Podcast | Ep. 303

PBD Podcast – Larry Elder | PBD Podcast | Ep. 303

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, Larry Elder, a political commentator and conservative radio host, discusses his political career, the recall election in California, and his views on various social issues. Elder shares his personal experiences, challenges faced during his campaign, and his thoughts on the current political landscape.

Main Takeaways

Larry Elder’s Political Career

  • Larry Elder hosted “The Larry Elder Show” on KABC and KBC from 1993-2014.
  • Elder authored a book called “As Goes California: My Mission to Rescue the Golden State and Save the Nation.”
  • Elder has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, next to Mary Pickford.

The California Recall Election

  • Larry Elder ran for governor of California and received 3.5 million votes.
  • Despite being a grassroots candidate, Elder carried 57 out of 58 counties in California on the replacement side.
  • Elder was outspent 10 to 1 in the recall election against Gavin Newsom.

Issues in California

  • Homelessness is a major problem in California, particularly in the Hollywood Hills where Larry lives.
  • Democrats control the assembly and Senate in California and pass laws that undermine the middle class.
  • People are leaving California due to restrictions, taxes, regulations, and homelessness.

Race and Politics

  • Larry Elder has been called the “black face of white supremacy” by the LA Times.
  • Fatherlessness is the number one social problem facing the country, but it is not widely discussed.
  • The divide in the country is between those who believe in hard work and personal responsibility and those who perceive America as a country of racism, sexism, and homophobia.

Media Bias and Political Messaging

  • The media often focuses on stories that fit a certain narrative, even if they are not representative of the larger picture.
  • Republicans are afraid to talk about race issues for fear of being labeled racist or Uncle Tom.
  • Politicians need to explain to the American people why their policies are better than their opponents’ and put together a set of policies and issues that voters can vote for.


Larry Elder’s Political Career

Larry Elder, a renowned political commentator and radio host, shares insights into his political career, including hosting “The Larry Elder Show” and authoring the book “As Goes California: My Mission to Rescue the Golden State and Save the Nation.” His star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is a testament to his influence and impact in the industry.

The California Recall Election

Elder discusses his experience running for governor of California in the recall election. Despite receiving 3.5 million votes and carrying the majority of counties, Elder faced significant financial challenges and was outspent 10 to 1. The election turned into a national race with commercials linking him to Donald Trump.

Issues in California

Elder highlights the pressing issues in California, such as homelessness and the control of the assembly and Senate by Democrats, who pass laws that undermine the middle class. Many people are leaving the state due to restrictions, taxes, regulations, and the homelessness crisis.

Race and Politics

Elder shares his perspective on race and politics, discussing the challenges he has faced as a black conservative. He emphasizes the importance of addressing fatherlessness as a major social problem and the need to shift the narrative from a focus on racism to personal responsibility and hard work.

Media Bias and Political Messaging

Elder highlights the media’s tendency to focus on stories that fit a particular narrative, leading to biased reporting. He also discusses the challenges Republicans face in discussing race issues without being labeled racist. Elder emphasizes the need for politicians to effectively communicate their policies and differentiate themselves from their opponents.


Larry Elder’s insights shed light on his political career, the challenges faced during the recall election, and the pressing issues in California. He encourages a shift in focus from divisive narratives to personal responsibility and hard work. Elder’s perspectives provide valuable insights into the current political landscape and the need for constructive dialogue.

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