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PBD Podcast / – Vivek Ramaswamy Town Hall | PBD Podcast

PBD Podcast – Vivek Ramaswamy Town Hall | PBD Podcast

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In this episode of the PBD Podcast, Valuetainment hosts a town hall with Vivek Ramaswamy, a bio pharmaceutical entrepreneur and Harvard/Yale grad who is running as a Republican candidate for the 2024 election. Ramaswamy shares his views on a wide range of topics, from his background in business to his stance on key issues and his vision for the future of America.

Main Takeaways

Entrepreneurship and Political Background

  • Vivek Ramaswamy is a bio pharmaceutical entrepreneur and Harvard/Yale grad.
  • He founded Reuben Sciences, a company that purchases patents for drugs not yet developed and brings them to market.
  • Ramaswamy co-founded Stripe Asset Management to oppose ESG.
  • He is one of six Republican presidential candidates who qualified for the first Republican primary debate and has raised $19.1 million.

Social Media Following of Republican Candidates

  • Governor Ron DeSantis has seen a 15% increase in followers on his governor account and a 31% increase on his personal account.
  • Nikki Haley has had a 10% increase in followers since January.
  • Tim Scott’s personal account has seen an increase of 180%.
  • Mike Pence is the only candidate whose followers have decreased by 2.2%.
  • Followership increase is not accidental and is a result of respectful, confident, and poised behavior.

The American Dream and Political Beliefs

  • Vivek Ramaswamy’s parents came to the US 40 years ago with no money, and he has gone on to found multi-billion dollar companies.
  • Ramaswamy believes that the American dream will not be available to his two sons and their generation unless everyone works towards it.
  • He is running as a Republican but does not talk about Republicans and Democrats, focusing instead on speaking the truth and having an open conversation.

The Great Reset and Global Elites

  • The World Economic Forum has a vision of the world called the Great Reset that dissolves boundaries between the public and private sectors, governments and companies, and nations to work towards the global common good.
  • Ramaswamy is against the Great Reset and believes in being a citizen of the United States, not a global citizen.
  • He declined an award from the World Economic Forum’s list of young global leaders because he disagrees with their agenda.

Challenges in the Pharmaceutical Industry

  • Ramaswamy discusses the issues with the patent system in the pharmaceutical industry, including the manipulation of patents by big pharma to extend market exclusivity and control pricing.
  • He highlights the rise in violent crime in the US and its correlation with the closure of psychiatric institutions, which was influenced by the pharmaceutical industry’s lobbying.
  • Ramaswamy emphasizes the need to reduce America’s dependence on China in the pharmaceutical supply chain and prioritize bilateral trade relationships with other countries.

Reviving the American Dream and Government Reform

  • Ramaswamy believes that filling the void of purpose and meaning in society is more important than just having a young leader in politics.
  • He calls for both the left and the right to offer a vision for the future and prioritize unity over criticism of each other’s ideas.
  • Ramaswamy outlines his plans for government reform, including shutting down certain agencies, such as the Department of Education and the FBI, and redirecting resources to more effective ones.


Entrepreneurship, Political Beliefs, and the American Dream

Vivek Ramaswamy, a bio pharmaceutical entrepreneur and Harvard/Yale grad, shares his journey in business and his belief in the American dream. As an outsider to politics running as a Republican, he emphasizes the importance of speaking the truth and having open conversations, even if it means losing some elections. Ramaswamy opposes the Great Reset vision of the World Economic Forum and believes in being a citizen of the United States, not a global citizen. He also highlights the challenges in the pharmaceutical industry, including patent manipulation and the closure of psychiatric institutions influenced by big pharma’s lobbying. Ramaswamy calls for government reform and the revival of the American dream through unity and purpose.

Government Reform and America’s Role in the World

Ramaswamy outlines his plans for government reform, including shutting down certain agencies and redirecting resources to more effective ones. He emphasizes the need to reduce America’s dependence on China in the pharmaceutical supply chain and prioritize bilateral trade relationships with other countries. Ramaswamy believes that both the left and the right need to offer a vision for the future and focus on unity rather than criticizing each other’s ideas. He also discusses the importance of leadership thinking on the time scales of generations and the role of faith in leading the country. Ramaswamy’s candidacy aims to inspire young people to believe they can make a difference in politics and revive the American dream.


Vivek Ramaswamy’s town hall on the PBD Podcast provides insights into his entrepreneurial background, political beliefs, and vision for the future of America. He advocates for government reform, opposes the Great Reset, and emphasizes the importance of unity and purpose in reviving the American dream. Ramaswamy’s candidacy offers a unique perspective and aims to inspire young people to engage in politics and make a positive impact on the country.

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