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Philosophize This! / – Episode #183 … Is ChatGPT really intelligent?

Philosophize This! – Episode #183 … Is ChatGPT really intelligent?

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In this episode of “Philosophize This!”, the host explores the question of whether machines like ChatGPT are truly intelligent. ChatGPT has gained popularity since its launch in November 2022, with many impressed by its responses. However, there is a philosophical debate about whether machines can think in the same way as humans.

Main Takeaways

The Nature of Machine Intelligence

  • ChatGPT has gained popularity since its launch in November 2022.
  • People have had conversations with ChatGPT and have been impressed by its responses.
  • There is talk of the possibility of artificial general intelligence (AGI), which surpasses human intelligence.
  • The question is whether machines like ChatGPT are intelligent in the same way humans are.
  • There is a philosophical question of whether machines like ChatGPT are thinking in the same way as humans.

The Turing Test and Syntax vs Semantics

  • Alan Turing’s question of how we would know if machines were intelligent if they were in fact intelligent led to the Turing test, which tests for machine intelligence by seeing if it can fool a human into thinking they are talking to another human.
  • John Surrell’s distinction between syntax and semantics in computer programs highlights that computers operate on a formal syntax, rather than an understanding of the physical world like humans do.
  • Passing the Turing test does not necessarily mean the machine has true intelligence or understanding of the world.
  • The philosophical question of whether machines like ChatGPT are thinking in the same way as humans is difficult to answer.
  • Treating something as if it has intelligence if it behaves like an intelligent creature is a safe place to begin morally speaking.

The Chinese Room Argument and Substrate Dependence

  • The distinction between syntax and semantics is important in understanding how computers operate.
  • A calculator is an example of a machine that operates at the level of syntax, but doesn’t understand the meaning of the calculations it produces.
  • The Chinese Room Argument is a famous parable that illustrates the difference between syntax and semantics.
  • Treating something as if it has intelligence if it behaves like an intelligent creature is a safe place to begin morally speaking.
  • The Turing test does not necessarily prove that a machine is intelligent or understands what it is saying.

The Limitations of Language Models

  • Chat GPT LLMs are trained on billions of parameters of information and use probability to predict the next word in a sequence.
  • Philosophers like Noam Chomsky question whether AI can solve every scientific problem and give us a total understanding of the universe.
  • Noam Chomsky argues that current AI language models have nothing to do with human intelligence or language in any capacity.
  • Language models trained on data from a specific time period cannot predict improbable explanations that come up later.
  • Artificial intelligence is prone to under-generation or over-generation of responses.

Understanding Intelligence and the Risks of AI

  • The definition of intelligence needs to be examined and questioned.
  • AI is still dangerous even if it’s not close to becoming AGI.
  • False hype from tech and media companies and religious captivation of futurism contribute to the belief that AI is close to AGI.
  • Misunderstanding of how AI works can be dangerous, leading people to believe they are talking to a super intelligent being capable of making political decisions for us.
  • Spending time worrying about the singularity distracts from real existential threats facing humanity, such as nuclear war and climate change.


Machine Intelligence and the Turing Test

ChatGPT has gained popularity for its impressive responses, but the question remains whether machines like ChatGPT are truly intelligent. The Turing test, which tests for machine intelligence by seeing if it can fool a human into thinking they are talking to another human, is not a definitive measure of true intelligence. Treating something as if it has intelligence if it behaves like an intelligent creature is a safe starting point morally.

Syntax vs Semantics and the Chinese Room Argument

John Surrell’s distinction between syntax and semantics in computer programs highlights that computers operate on a formal syntax, rather than an understanding of the physical world like humans do. The Chinese Room Argument illustrates the difference between syntax and semantics, showing that passing the Turing test does not necessarily mean a machine understands what it is saying.

The Limitations of Language Models

Language models like Chat GPT LLMs are trained on vast amounts of data and use probability to predict the next word in a sequence. However, they lack true understanding and cannot formulate hypotheses, make novel scientific discoveries, or generate new theories. They are limited to generating text that looks like text they have seen before, without understanding the content.

The Nature of Intelligence and the Risks of AI

The definition of intelligence is a topic of examination and questioning. AI, even if it’s not close to becoming AGI, still poses risks. False hype and misunderstanding of AI can lead to a misplaced trust in AI’s decision-making abilities. It is important to focus on real existential threats facing humanity, such as nuclear war and climate change, rather than getting caught up in singularity fears.


The question of whether machines like ChatGPT are truly intelligent in the same way as humans is complex and philosophical. While they can simulate intelligent behavior, they lack true understanding and the ability to generate novel ideas. It is important to critically examine the limitations and risks of AI while also focusing on addressing the pressing issues facing humanity.

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