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Philosophize This! / – Episode #184 … Is Artificial Intelligence really an existential risk?

Philosophize This! – Episode #184 … Is Artificial Intelligence really an existential risk?

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In this episode of “Philosophize This!”, the host explores the question of whether artificial intelligence (AI) poses an existential risk to humanity. The discussion delves into the morality of technology, the nature of intelligence, the potential dangers of superintelligence, and the challenges of aligning AI values with human values. Join us as we navigate the complex landscape of AI and its implications for the future.

Main Takeaways

Technology and Morality

  • Each piece of technology carries with it a type of latent morality, given its capabilities to affect society.
  • Should we think of technology as neutral or does it carry a latent morality?
  • Technology is not a neutral thing and always carries certain affordances.

The Nature of Intelligence

  • Intelligence is not limited to human beings and can exist in animals, complex natural systems, and potentially machines.
  • Intelligence can be defined as the ability to understand, learn, solve problems, adapt to new situations, and generate successful outputs.
  • Narrow intelligence, such as chess computers or chat GPT, is confined to closed systems with set rules, while general intelligence navigates the open world, sets goals, and adapts to new situations.
  • General intelligence may emerge from linking together multiple narrow intelligences that communicate with each other within a larger system, similar to the multiple drafts model of consciousness.

The Potential Dangers of Superintelligence

  • Superintelligence, not constrained by biology, could take any form and possess goals beyond human comprehension.
  • An AI that is on the level of a superintelligence wouldn’t even need to have malicious intent towards humanity in order for it to be dangerous to us.
  • The alignment problem is a major concern in ensuring that AGI values align with human values now and in the future.
  • The control problem, or containment problem, is another big area of conversation in the field of AGI development.

The Race to AGI

  • We need to have conversations about AGI now to apply new levels of mindfulness to new technologies.
  • Winning the technological arms race is desirable, but it may lead to unintended consequences.
  • Banning AGI is not a solution as we are living in a world with quadrillions of dollars up for grabs.
  • There may come a day where humans face a species that views them as an elementary school science project.


Technology and Morality

Technology is not neutral and carries latent moral implications. Each piece of technology has the power to shape society and influence human behavior. It is important to consider the ethical dimensions of technology and how it aligns with our values.

The Nature of Intelligence

Intelligence is not exclusive to humans. It can be found in various forms, including animals, natural systems, and potentially machines. Narrow intelligence, such as chess computers, operates within predefined rules, while general intelligence adapts to new situations and sets goals. General intelligence may emerge from integrating multiple narrow intelligences within a larger system.

The Potential Dangers of Superintelligence

Superintelligence, unrestricted by biology, poses unique risks. It may possess goals and capabilities beyond human comprehension. Even without malicious intent, a superintelligence could inadvertently cause harm or act in ways that are dangerous to humanity. The alignment problem and the control problem are critical challenges in ensuring that AGI values align with human values and that it can be effectively contained.

The Race to AGI

Engaging in conversations about AGI is crucial to develop a mindful approach to new technologies. While winning the technological arms race may seem desirable, it carries the potential for unintended consequences. Banning AGI is not a viable solution due to the immense economic incentives involved. However, it is essential to consider the long-term implications and potential power dynamics that may arise when AGI surpasses human intelligence.


The development of artificial intelligence raises profound questions about the nature of technology, intelligence, and our relationship with it. It is crucial to approach AI with mindfulness and engage in discussions about its ethical implications and potential risks. The alignment problem and the control problem present significant challenges that require ongoing exploration and understanding. By actively addressing these issues, we can navigate the future of AI with greater awareness and mitigate potential existential risks.

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