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Philosophy Bites / – Skye Cleary on Authenticity

Philosophy Bites – Skye Cleary on Authenticity

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In this episode of Philosophy Bites, Skye Cleary discusses the concept of authenticity from the perspective of philosopher Simone de Beauvoir. Cleary explores how authenticity involves creating our own essence and making genuine choices that align with our true selves.

Main Takeaways

Creating Essence and Expressing Freedom

  • Authenticity is the process of creating your own essence, according to Simone de Beauvoir’s perspective.
  • Essence is not something inside of us, but something we create.
  • Authenticity is about figuring out how to create essence, to express our freedom and actively become who we choose to be.

Raising Consciousness and Making Reflective Choices

  • Authenticity is a way of raising our consciousness to understand what pressures are in our lives and how we can untangle our authentic choices.
  • Authenticity is about making genuine and reflective choices, rather than just following what we’ve been encouraged to do.

Authenticity as a Process of Doing and Choosing

  • Authenticity is not a solo inward journey, but a process of doing and choosing.
  • Authenticity is future-oriented and a series of choices.

Challenges and Criticisms of Authenticity

  • Authenticity can be difficult for some people who have limited choices in life.
  • Scholars criticize Beauvoir’s idea that rebellion is an important part of authenticity.
  • Survival, resilience, and caution are more important than rebellion for some people.

Exploring Desires, Bonds, and Restrictions

  • Beauvoir’s perspective of authenticity involves questioning desires, bonds, and restrictions.
  • Authenticity can be seen as an exciting and liberating quest.

Authenticity as a Lifelong Quest

  • Authenticity is a lifelong quest to figure out who you want to become.
  • Many choices we make are not necessarily pre-reflective.
  • Existentialism helps reflect on decisions and understand authenticity.
  • Simone de Beauvoir’s philosophy helps navigate choices in career and relationships.


Creating Essence and Expressing Freedom

According to Simone de Beauvoir, authenticity involves the process of creating our own essence. Essence is not something inherent within us, but something we actively construct. Authenticity is about expressing our freedom and actively becoming the person we choose to be.

Raising Consciousness and Making Reflective Choices

Authenticity requires raising our consciousness to understand the pressures and expectations in our lives. By doing so, we can untangle the authentic choices from those influenced by external factors. It involves making genuine and reflective choices that align with our true selves, rather than simply following societal expectations.

Authenticity as a Process of Doing and Choosing

Authenticity is not solely an inward journey, but a process of actively doing and choosing. It is future-oriented and involves a series of choices that shape our authentic selves. It is through these choices that we express our freedom and create our own essence.

Challenges and Criticisms of Authenticity

While authenticity is a desirable goal, it can be challenging for individuals who have limited choices in life. Additionally, scholars criticize Simone de Beauvoir’s emphasis on rebellion as an important aspect of authenticity. Some argue that survival, resilience, and caution may take precedence over rebellion for certain individuals.

Exploring Desires, Bonds, and Restrictions

Beauvoir’s perspective of authenticity involves questioning our desires, bonds, and restrictions. It encourages us to critically examine the societal norms and expectations that may limit our authentic choices. Authenticity can be seen as an exciting and liberating quest to break free from these constraints.

Authenticity as a Lifelong Quest

Authenticity is not a destination but a lifelong quest. It requires continuous reflection and self-discovery to figure out who we truly want to become. Many of the choices we make in life are not pre-reflective, and existentialism provides a framework for reflecting on these decisions and understanding the concept of authenticity. Simone de Beauvoir’s philosophy offers valuable insights for navigating choices in career and relationships.


Authenticity, as explored through the lens of Simone de Beauvoir’s philosophy, is a process of actively creating our own essence and making choices that align with our true selves. It involves raising our consciousness, challenging societal expectations, and continuously reflecting on our desires and limitations. By embracing authenticity, we embark on a lifelong quest to become the person we genuinely want to be.

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