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Philosophy Bites / – William MacAskill on Longtermism

Philosophy Bites – William MacAskill on Longtermism

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In this episode of Philosophy Bites, William MacAskill discusses the concept of long-termism and its implications for moral decision-making. Long-termism argues that positively impacting the long-term future should be a key moral priority, giving equal consideration to the well-being of future generations as to those alive today.

Main Takeaways

The Importance of Long-Termism

  • Long-termism emphasizes the moral significance of positively impacting the long-term future.
  • Future people count just as much as those alive today, and we should care about people who aren’t yet born.
  • Harm and benefits should be evaluated regardless of when they occur in time.
  • Discounting the future is more about uncertainty than fundamental ethical issues.

Objections to Long-Termism

  • Some objections to long-termism include the concern that currently existing people become almost irrelevant and the weight given to the interests of future generations is a tough philosophical question.
  • We should invest more resources in positively steering the long-term future, even if the exact amount is subject to philosophical debate.
  • Making sacrifices in the present can create a better world for future generations.
  • Climate change serves as an example of how sacrifices in the present can benefit future generations.

Population Ethics and Moral Uncertainty

  • Population ethics raises questions about the moral implications of bringing new lives into existence.
  • The Repugnant Conclusion suggests that adding a large number of lives with slightly positive well-being can result in more total happiness than a smaller number of lives with utter bliss.
  • Different views on population ethics include total views, person-affecting views, and critical level views.
  • Moral uncertainty exists regarding population ethics and determining the critical level at which bringing a life into existence becomes beneficial.

The Effective Altruism Movement

  • The Effective Altruism movement encourages individuals to make significant sacrifices in order to do the most good.
  • Vegetarians and vegans often donate a significant portion of their income to charitable causes.
  • The movement focuses on issues like the risk of nuclear war and future pandemics, which may differ from common causes on college campuses.
  • Despite facing hostility and personal abuse, the movement remains committed to maximizing positive impact.


The Importance of Long-Termism

Long-termism argues that positively impacting the long-term future should be a moral priority, giving equal consideration to future generations. It challenges the notion of discounting the future and emphasizes the importance of preventing harm and promoting well-being regardless of when it occurs. While objections to long-termism exist, investing resources in steering the long-term future and making present sacrifices can create a better world for future generations.

Population Ethics and Moral Uncertainty

Population ethics raises complex moral questions about bringing new lives into existence. The Repugnant Conclusion highlights the trade-off between a large number of lives with slightly positive well-being versus a smaller number of lives with utter bliss. Different views on population ethics, such as total views and person-affecting views, contribute to moral uncertainty. Critical level views play a role in determining the threshold at which bringing a life into existence becomes beneficial.

The Effective Altruism Movement

The Effective Altruism movement encourages individuals to make significant sacrifices in order to maximize positive impact. This includes practices such as donating a portion of income and focusing on pressing global issues like the risk of nuclear war and future pandemics. Despite facing criticism and personal abuse, the movement remains committed to doing as much good as possible.


Long-termism challenges our perspective on moral decision-making by emphasizing the importance of positively impacting the long-term future. It raises important questions about population ethics and the trade-offs involved in bringing new lives into existence. The Effective Altruism movement exemplifies the commitment to making sacrifices in the present for the benefit of future generations. By considering these perspectives, we can strive to create a better world for all.

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