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Pivot / – Big Tech Earnings, College Admissions Controversies, and UFOs

Pivot – Big Tech Earnings, College Admissions Controversies, and UFOs

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In this episode of the “Pivot” podcast, the hosts discuss a range of topics including big tech earnings, controversies surrounding college admissions, and the recent testimonies about UFOs by retired military veterans. They also delve into the state of the economy, the age of senators, and the latest developments in the tech industry. Join hosts Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway as they provide insightful analysis and thought-provoking discussions.

Main Takeaways

Big Tech Earnings and AI Race

  • Facebook’s parent company reports $7.8 billion in profit, with AI targeting contributing to a 12% increase in sales.
  • Microsoft’s revenue increased by 8%, with cloud revenue up 15%.
  • Alphabet’s cloud division turned a profit for the first time and grew by 70%.
  • Netflix is considering a stock buyback due to cost reduction forced on the industry by the Hollywood labor action.
  • Spotify reported losses following podcast cuts, higher royalty payouts, and a recent price hike.

College Admissions Controversies

  • Controversies surrounding college admissions, including affirmative action and legacy admissions, are discussed.
  • Harvard’s legacy admissions policy is under investigation by the Education Department.
  • Being rich is seen as a form of affirmative action, as applicants with wealthy parents have a higher chance of admission.
  • Legacy admissions and letters of recommendation can perpetuate inequality and are being phased out by some schools.
  • Investing in vocational certification and expanding freshman seats in public universities can reduce inequality.

UFO Testimonies and Government Interest

  • Three retired military veterans testified at a house hearing about UFOs, with one claiming that the technology was far superior to anything the US has and that there were non-human pilots.
  • Biologics were recovered from a crashed craft, confirmed to be non-human.
  • Both Democrats and Republicans have shown interest in the topic of UFOs.
  • Some believe that aliens may be observing us like animals.

Economy and Age of Senators

  • The Federal Reserve raised interest rates, with a possible further raise in September if needed.
  • Saudi Arabia’s economy is doing well with low unemployment, rising wages, and consistent GDP growth.
  • Housing prices have remained strong despite multiple interest rate hikes.
  • The average age of senators is very high, with many in their 80s, which raises concerns about representation.
  • Age gating could be a solution, but it’s unlikely to happen as people are uncomfortable pushing around seniors.


Big Tech Earnings and AI Race

In this episode, Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway discuss the impressive earnings of big tech companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, and Alphabet. They highlight the role of AI targeting in driving sales growth and the increasing profitability of Alphabet’s cloud division. The hosts also explore Netflix’s strategy amid the Hollywood labor action and Spotify’s challenges with profitability.

College Admissions Controversies

The hosts dive into the controversies surrounding college admissions, including legacy admissions and affirmative action. They examine the ongoing investigation into Harvard’s legacy admissions policy and the impact of wealth on admission chances. The discussion also touches on the phasing out of legacy admissions and letters of recommendation by some schools, as well as the potential solutions of investing in vocational certification and expanding freshman seats in public universities.

UFO Testimonies and Government Interest

Kara and Scott delve into the recent testimonies by retired military veterans about UFOs. They explore the claims of advanced technology and non-human pilots, and the recovery of non-human biologics from a crashed craft. The hosts discuss the bipartisan interest in UFOs and the intriguing theory that aliens may be observing humanity as if we were animals.

Economy and Age of Senators

The hosts provide insights into the state of the economy, including the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes and Saudi Arabia’s strong economic performance. They also raise concerns about the high average age of senators and the lack of representation of younger generations. The discussion explores the potential solution of age gating, although the hosts acknowledge the challenges of implementing such a measure.


This episode of “Pivot” covers a wide range of topics, from big tech earnings and college admissions controversies to UFO testimonies and the age of senators. Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway offer their expert analysis and engaging discussions, providing listeners with valuable insights into these fascinating subjects.

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