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Pivot / – Code Drama, WGA Mea Culpa, and The Taylor Swift Effect

Pivot – Code Drama, WGA Mea Culpa, and The Taylor Swift Effect

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In this episode of the “Pivot” podcast, hosts Scott Galloway and Kara Swisher discuss code drama, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) strike, and the influence of Taylor Swift. They also touch on topics such as leadership, AI-generated content, and the importance of standing up for what is right. Join Scott and Kara as they share their insights and opinions on these timely issues.

Main Takeaways

Product Development and User Testing

  • User testing can help remove guesswork in product development by including direct customer feedback at each stage.

Cover Genius and Seamless Insurance Experiences

  • Cover Genius delivers seamless insurance experiences for businesses with instant claims payments and a net promoter score of plus 65.

Code Drama and Interviews with YoL Roth and Linda Yaccarino

  • Scott and Eric discuss code drama on the show.
  • Other podcasts by Kara Swisher feature interviews with YoL Roth and Linda Yaccarino.

Scott’s Lunch with a Powerful Woman in Europe

  • Scott shares a heartwarming story of a lunch with a powerful woman in Europe.
  • Scott shares his experience of a lunch with a loving woman who cooked for him.

Elon Musk, Drugs, and Tough Questions

  • Elon Musk tweeted that Scott was on Adderall, but Scott denies it.
  • Scott admits to never taking drugs except for marijuana and alcohol.
  • Scott believes cocaine is an indication that someone has no game.

Interviews at Code Conference

  • Scott interviewed a former head of safety at Twitter at a conference called Code, after which CNBC’s Julia Borsten interviewed Linda Yaccarino, CEO of X.
  • Linda Yaccarino had ample time to clear her schedule and had the option to go on before the other speaker.
  • Often, speakers refuse to take questions at Code, and the audience is informed of this at the beginning of the interview.
  • The former head of safety at Twitter discussed his experience with online abuse and his advice for Linda Yaccarino.
  • The CEO of X had difficulty answering basic questions during her interview with Julia Borsten.

TikTok’s Approach to Trust and Safety

  • TikTok is the only large online platform that hasn’t laid off their trust and safety staff this year and continues to invest heavily in addressing misinformation and identifying inauthentic behavior.
  • Forbes reported that TikTok is using a tool that allows almost all of their employees to access the friends list of high-profile celebrities and public figures on the app, creating some security risks.

Election Integrity and Twitter X

  • Twitter X cut half of its election integrity team after promising to expand it.
  • Elon Musk confirmed that the global election integrity team had been fired and previously undermined election integrity.
  • Over a billion people are going to vote in 2024, and election integrity is a serious issue globally.
  • The CEO of X struggled to answer basic questions during an interview.
  • The CEO’s response to criticism was inadequate and lacked transparency.

Writers Guild of America Strike and Compensation

  • The writers’ strike is coming to an end as negotiations resume between SAG and the studios.
  • The WGA negotiating committee called the deal exceptional, but they are not happy about commentary on the strike.
  • Some writers are critical of Scott’s stance on the strike and his comparisons to the British coal miner strike.
  • The deal includes a 12.5% increase in minimum compensation over three years.
  • The strike is being seen as a big win for organized labor and could inspire other collective actions.
  • The writers’ strike resulted in a 14% increase in wages, but due to inflation, they are still making less than they did three years ago.

AI-Generated Content and Residuals

  • AI is not a threat to writers’ jobs as AI-generated content is generic and cannot replace creativity.
  • The writers gained minimum riders and rooms, which forces studios to invest in an apprenticeship program.
  • The writers gained an increase in foreign residuals, but it is complicated and hard to tell if it’s good or bad.
  • The UAW riders are being paid less than three years ago on an inflation-adjusted basis.
  • The riders union rejected a 20% offer from Ford and GM but claims a 5% increase is exceptional due to a different dynamic in the industry.

Leadership and Standing Up for What’s Right

  • Kevin McCarthy and Linda Yaccarino are demonstrating weakness by refusing to stand up to the far right wing of their party and an owner who’s reckless.
  • One or both of them may be gone by the end of the year due to their lack of leadership and strength.
  • Leadership is everyone’s responsibility, and it’s about doing what’s right rather than pursuing power.
  • Weak leaders who don’t push back or demonstrate leadership can lose their position.
  • Occasionally, leaders need to stand up and say no, even if it means risking their job.
  • Linda Yaccarino and Elon Musk are both examples of weak leaders who may not hold their positions by the end of the year due to their lack of leadership and strength.
  • Disagreeing with your boss can be powerful, and it’s important to demonstrate leadership in order to gain respect.


User Testing and Seamless Insurance Experiences

User testing is crucial in product development as it provides direct customer feedback at each stage, removing guesswork. Cover Genius stands out with its seamless insurance experiences, boasting instant claims payments and an impressive net promoter score of plus 65.

Code Drama, Interviews, and Twitter X

Scott and Eric delve into the world of code drama, sharing their experiences and insights. Other podcasts by Kara Swisher feature interviews with influential figures such as YoL Roth and Linda Yaccarino. Speaking of Linda Yaccarino, her interview with Julia Borsten at the Code conference was met with difficulty in answering basic questions, raising concerns about her leadership. Furthermore, Twitter X’s decision to cut half of its election integrity team after promising to expand it raises questions about the company’s commitment to global election integrity.

TikTok’s Trust and Safety Measures

TikTok sets itself apart from other online platforms by not laying off their trust and safety staff and investing heavily in addressing misinformation and identifying inauthentic behavior. However, Forbes reported potential security risks associated with a tool that allows TikTok employees access to high-profile celebrities’ friends lists.

Writers Guild of America Strike and Compensation

The Writers Guild of America strike is nearing its end, with negotiations between SAG and the studios resuming. The deal, including a 12.5% increase in minimum compensation over three years, is seen as exceptional by the negotiating committee. However, some writers express criticism towards Scott’s stance on the strike and draw comparisons to the British coal miner strike. While the strike resulted in a 14% increase in wages, inflation has impacted writers’ earnings, leaving them with less than what they made three years ago.

AI-Generated Content and Residuals

AI-generated content is not a threat to writers’ jobs as it lacks creativity and remains generic. The writers’ successful negotiations led to gains in minimum riders and rooms, encouraging studios to invest in apprenticeship programs. However, the complexity of foreign residuals makes it difficult to determine if the increase is beneficial. Additionally, the UAW riders are being paid less than three years ago when adjusted for inflation, highlighting ongoing challenges in the industry.

Leadership and Standing Up for What’s Right

The importance of leadership and standing up for what’s right is emphasized as Kevin McCarthy and Linda Yaccarino face criticism for their lack of strength in dealing with the far right wing of their party and an owner who’s reckless. The hosts speculate that their positions may be at risk if they continue to demonstrate weak leadership. It is reiterated that leadership is everyone’s responsibility, and leaders must be willing to say no, even if it means risking their job. Linda Yaccarino and Elon Musk are cited as examples of weak leaders who may face consequences for their lack of leadership and strength.


This episode of “Pivot” covers a range of topics, including user testing, seamless insurance experiences, code drama, interviews, TikTok’s trust and safety measures, the Writers Guild of America strike, AI-generated content, and the importance of leadership. Scott and Kara provide insights and opinions on these subjects, sparking thoughtful discussions and encouraging listeners to consider the implications of these issues in various industries.

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