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Pivot / – Trump’s Latest Indictment, Strike Update, and CoHost Savannah Guthrie

Pivot – Trump’s Latest Indictment, Strike Update, and Co-Host Savannah Guthrie

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In this episode of the “Pivot” podcast, co-host Savannah Guthrie joins Karrie Swisher to discuss a range of topics including Trump’s latest indictment, updates on the writer strike, and the art of interviewing. They also delve into the challenges of handling controversial interviewees and the importance of being fair and balanced. Join them as they explore these thought-provoking subjects.

Main Takeaways

Trump’s Legal Troubles

  • Trump faces a third criminal case this year for alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election.
  • Trump’s defense claims the indictment is criminalizing speech, but it’s actually about conduct.

Challenges of Interviewing

  • Balancing act for interviewers to allow guests to share views while challenging demonstrably false statements.
  • Live interviews require judgment calls on when to bring in facts and information to challenge guests.

Impact of the Writer Strike

  • Hollywood writers and studio reps are expected to meet for the first time since the writer strike began three months ago.
  • No clear offer has been made to the writers to get them back to the negotiating table.
  • Writers are striking for increased pay, contract changes, and protections against AI.

The Art of Interviewing

  • Interviewing people who use verbal antics can be challenging.
  • Interviewing former President Trump required a specific strategy due to his tendency to shift topics and avoid answering questions.
  • Trusting the listeners to see through misinformation is important.

Social Media and Content Moderation

  • The defunct social media platform Parler was primarily used by people on the right who feel censored online.
  • Facebook knew about Cambridge Analytica’s data gathering in 2015 but only took serious steps in 2018.
  • Mark Zuckerberg’s controversial views on content moderation were discussed in an interview with Kara Swisher.


The Challenges of Interviewing and the Art of Balancing

In this episode, Savannah Guthrie and Karrie Swisher discuss the challenges of conducting interviews, particularly when dealing with controversial figures. They emphasize the importance of allowing guests to share their views while also challenging false statements and bringing in facts. The art of interviewing requires a delicate balance of giving guests the opportunity to respond to questions while also providing alternative information for them to react to. Trusting the listeners to discern misinformation is crucial in today’s age of social media.

The Writer Strike and its Impact

Guthrie and Swisher also delve into the ongoing writer strike in Hollywood. They highlight the demands of the writers, including increased pay, contract changes, and protections against AI. The strike has had an impact on various aspects of the industry, including interviews with celebrities and shows like The Today Show. While the show strives to cover the strike fairly, some subjects of coverage may not perceive it as such.

Trump’s Legal Troubles and the Importance of Facts

Trump’s latest indictment for alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election is discussed in detail. The defense claims that the indictment is criminalizing speech, but Guthrie and Swisher emphasize that it is about conduct. They also highlight the importance of using facts as the antidote to emotional responses in interviews. Preparation and familiarity with legal cases can aid journalists in effectively covering legal issues.

Social Media and Content Moderation

The defunct social media platform Parler and Facebook’s handling of the Cambridge Analytica scandal are explored. Parler was primarily used by individuals who feel censored online, while Facebook’s delayed response to the data gathering raised concerns. Mark Zuckerberg’s views on content moderation are also discussed, with Swisher challenging his stance on Holocaust deniers. The interview highlights the need for transparency and accountability in social media platforms.


This episode of “Pivot” provides valuable insights into the challenges of conducting interviews, the impact of the writer strike, and the importance of facts in journalism. Guthrie and Swisher navigate these topics with thoughtfulness and expertise, shedding light on the complexities of the media landscape. Listeners are encouraged to approach interviews with an open mind and to critically evaluate the information presented to them.

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