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Pivot / – Zuck’s Second Chance, Lina Khan’s Losing Streak, and More

Pivot – Zuck’s Second Chance, Lina Khan’s Losing Streak, and More

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In this episode of the “Pivot” podcast, hosts Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway discuss a range of topics including the potential Hollywood actors’ strike, the success of social media app Threads, the rivalry between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, the need for age gating and moderation on social media, and the future of nuclear power in combating climate change. They also touch on antitrust cases against big tech companies, the latest news from the FTC, and the state of CNN post Chris Lycht era. Join Kara and Scott as they provide insightful analysis and engaging discussions on these timely subjects.

Main Takeaways

Hollywood Actors’ Strike

  • Hollywood actors may soon join writers in a strike over contracts
  • 160,000 actors, game show hosts, stunt performers, and announcers are involved
  • The strike would shut down most productions and promotional activities
  • The Emmys may be delayed from September to January
  • This would be the first time in 60 years that the Emmys would be delayed
  • The Emmys being delayed creates economic problems and gives more leverage to the WGA’s at the writer’s guild.
  • The studios are using the strike as an excuse to lower costs after unsustainable spending levels over the last decade.
  • Consumers may be turning to TikTok instead of movies and TV, which could impact the outcome of the strike.
  • The studios and actors should bind together instead of seeing each other as enemies.
  • The end game is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and houses
  • Netflix benefits from the strike as they have a subscription model and no one is canceling their subscription because of the strike
  • The up fronts are crickets right now because no one can announce their fall slate and convince advertisers to commit to 50 or 100 million in advertising
  • Late night TV is the thing that never recovers coming out of the strike
  • The biggest winner coming out of the strike is Netflix, while the biggest losers will be the writers because they will figure out they don’t have as much leverage as they thought.

Social Media App Threads

  • Threads, a new social media service, reached 100 million users in just five days
  • Threads is successful because it disrupts traditional social media platforms like Twitter
  • Twitter’s strategy of elevating bad content and diminishing good content has made it a self-inflicted wound in the history of business.
  • Threads has a great start with a focus on people and sharp discussions of news, but still needs to capitalize on the momentum and work on basics like search and a chronological feed.
  • The app has a high level of engagement and civil pushback on comments
  • Users appreciate the app’s ease of use and pleasant design
  • The app is compared to Google Plus, but is considered to be much better
  • The app is a ripoff of Facebook’s design, but the culture is different and less toxic.

Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg Rivalry

  • Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg’s competition has led to Musk threatening to sue and calling Zuckerberg a “cock”.
  • Elon Musk’s pursuit of the true nature of the universe raises questions about the data set he uses
  • Elon Musk’s X AI is being compared to chat GPT and feels like a spy app
  • Meta’s ad stack and technology could make them a bigger business than Twitter in the next 30 days

Age Gating and Moderation on Social Media

  • Social media needs age gating and moderation for election and vaccine misinformation
  • Legislation that allows users to transfer their follower base to other platforms could be a second chance for social media networks to get it right and not “fuck the user”
  • Elon Musk’s statement that existing AI platforms are “too woke” contradicts his pursuit of truth

Nuclear Power and Climate Change

  • Renewable energy alone may not be enough to meet energy demands, but new nuclear technologies are being explored.
  • Nuclear power has a bad reputation, but it’s a necessary component in the fight against climate change.
  • The best approach to tackling climate change is to pursue all possible solutions, including renewables, nuclear power, and changes in lifestyle.
  • We need to rethink everything, from our transportation systems to the way we live in cities, in order to combat climate change.


Hollywood Actors’ Strike

The potential Hollywood actors’ strike is causing concerns in the entertainment industry. With 160,000 actors, game show hosts, stunt performers, and announcers involved, the strike could shut down most productions and promotional activities. This would be the first time in 60 years that the Emmys would be delayed, leading to economic problems and giving more leverage to the writers’ guild. The studios are using the strike as an opportunity to lower costs, but the rise of TikTok as a substitute for traditional TV and movie viewing could impact the outcome of the strike. It is suggested that the studios and actors should unite instead of seeing each other as enemies. Netflix, with its subscription model, benefits from the strike, while late night TV is expected to struggle. Overall, the winners and losers of the strike are yet to be determined.

Social Media App Threads

Threads, a new social media service, has gained significant popularity with 100 million users in just five days. The app disrupts traditional social media platforms like Twitter, which has faced criticism for its strategy of elevating bad content and diminishing good content. Threads’ focus on people and sharp discussions of news has resonated with users, although there is room for improvement in areas like search and a chronological feed. The app’s high level of engagement and civil pushback on comments, along with its ease of use and pleasant design, contribute to its success. Despite comparisons to Google Plus and Facebook’s design, Threads is considered to be a better alternative with a less toxic culture.

Elon Musk vs. Mark Zuckerberg Rivalry

The rivalry between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg has intensified, with Musk threatening to sue Zuckerberg and calling him a “cock”. Musk’s pursuit of understanding the true nature of the universe through X AI raises questions about the data set he uses and the potential implications of the technology. Meanwhile, Meta’s ad stack and technology position the company to potentially surpass Twitter in the next 30 days. The competition between Musk and Zuckerberg highlights the ongoing tensions and power dynamics within the tech industry.

Age Gating and Moderation on Social Media

The need for age gating and moderation on social media platforms is emphasized to address issues related to election and vaccine misinformation. Legislation allowing users to transfer their follower base to other platforms could provide a second chance for social media networks to prioritize user experience and combat misinformation. Elon Musk’s statement that existing AI platforms are “too woke” raises questions about the alignment between his pursuit of truth and the moderation practices of social media platforms. Balancing free speech and responsible content moderation remains a challenge in the digital age.

Nuclear Power and Climate Change

The role of nuclear power in combating climate change is a topic of discussion. While renewable energy sources are important, they may not be sufficient to meet global energy demands. New nuclear technologies are being explored as a potential solution. Nuclear power has a negative reputation, but it is considered a necessary component in the fight against climate change. To effectively address climate change, a comprehensive approach that includes renewables, nuclear power, and lifestyle changes is needed. Rethinking transportation systems and urban living is crucial in achieving sustainable energy practices.


In this episode of the “Pivot” podcast, Kara Swisher and Scott Galloway provide insightful analysis on various topics, including the potential Hollywood actors’ strike, the success of social media app Threads, the rivalry between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, the need for age gating and moderation on social media, and the future of nuclear power in combating climate change. They offer thought-provoking perspectives and highlight the complexities and challenges within these areas. As always, Kara and Scott engage listeners with their dynamic discussions and thought leadership.

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