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Planet Money / – The quest to save macroeconomics from itself

Planet Money – The quest to save macroeconomics from itself

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In this episode of Planet Money, the hosts explore the field of macroeconomics and the challenges it faces in predicting financial crises. They discuss the importance of empirical macroeconomics, the role of data in solving economic problems, and the ongoing debates in the field. The episode features Emmy Nakamura, a professor at UC Berkeley, who shares her insights on using data to understand inflation, government spending, and the effectiveness of monetary policy.

Main Takeaways

Challenges in Macroeconomics

  • Macro economists are often criticized for their inability to predict financial crises and their lack of knowledge.
  • Macro economics focuses on studying big forces in the economy like inflation, unemployment, and growth.
  • Traditional macroeconomics relied on limited data, making it difficult to extrapolate from a small number of events.
  • The modern era of macroeconomics started in the 1950s, so there is relatively little data to work with.
  • The changing economic environment poses a challenge for macroeconomists, unlike the more stable field of physics.

The Rise of Empirical Macroeconomics

  • Empirical macroeconomists use actual data to settle long-standing economic debates and solve important economic problems.
  • Emmy Nakamura, a professor at UC Berkeley, is at the forefront of empirical macroeconomics, using data to understand inflation and the impact of government spending on the economy.
  • Data accuracy is crucial in macroeconomics to avoid fitting something that isn’t true.
  • Nakamura comes from a family of economists who emphasize the importance of measurement and data in the field.
  • Empirical macroeconomics is a growing field that aims to provide more evidence-based insights into macroeconomic phenomena.

The Role of Prices and Monetary Policy

  • The invisible hand theory suggests that economies are self-correcting through prices.
  • However, external factors can disrupt market equilibrium, challenging the effectiveness of the invisible hand theory.
  • Understanding how companies set prices is important for market efficiency and achieving ideal outcomes.
  • The speed at which prices adjust is a central debate in macroeconomics and affects the effectiveness of monetary policy.
  • Monetary policy can be effective in controlling the economy, but it relies on prices adjusting accordingly.

Data Analysis and Macroeconomic Insights

  • Researchers have used US consumer price index data to study price changes in the economy.
  • Accessing and analyzing historical data can provide valuable insights into macroeconomic trends and implications.
  • Emmy Nakamura and her team retrofitted a modern cartridge reader to analyze old price data from the 1970s.
  • Detailed data on price changes helps answer important macroeconomic questions and inform policy decisions.
  • Government spending can have a positive impact on the economy, not just redistribute wealth.


The Challenges of Macroeconomics and the Rise of Empirical Analysis

Macro economists have faced criticism for their inability to predict financial crises and their limited knowledge. However, the field of macroeconomics has evolved with the rise of empirical analysis, which relies on actual data to settle debates and solve economic problems. Emmy Nakamura, a professor at UC Berkeley, is at the forefront of this field, using data to understand inflation and the impact of government spending on the economy. Data accuracy is crucial in macroeconomics to avoid basing theories on false assumptions. Empirical macroeconomics offers a more evidence-based approach to understanding macroeconomic phenomena.

The Role of Prices and Monetary Policy in Macroeconomics

Prices play a crucial role in macroeconomics, as they determine market efficiency and the achievement of ideal outcomes. The invisible hand theory suggests that economies are self-correcting through prices, but external factors can disrupt market equilibrium. The speed at which prices adjust is a central debate in macroeconomics and affects the effectiveness of monetary policy. Monetary policy can be effective in controlling the economy, but it relies on prices adjusting accordingly. Understanding how companies set prices is essential for understanding market dynamics.

Data Analysis and Macroeconomic Insights

Researchers have used US consumer price index data to study price changes in the economy. Accessing and analyzing historical data can provide valuable insights into macroeconomic trends and implications. Emmy Nakamura and her team have successfully retrofitted a modern cartridge reader to analyze old price data from the 1970s. Detailed data on price changes helps answer important macroeconomic questions and inform policy decisions. It has been found that government spending can have a positive impact on the economy, not just redistribute wealth.


The field of macroeconomics is evolving with the rise of empirical analysis and the use of actual data to understand economic phenomena. Researchers like Emmy Nakamura are pushing the boundaries of macroeconomic knowledge by using data to solve important economic problems. The ongoing debates around the role of prices, monetary policy, and government spending highlight the complexities of macroeconomics. With continued advancements in data analysis and empirical research, macroeconomists are making progress in understanding and predicting economic trends.

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