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My First Million / Pomp Shares 3 NonObvious Business Ideas with Massive TAMs | My First Million

Pomp Shares 3 Non-Obvious Business Ideas with Massive TAMs | My First Million

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In this episode of the “My First Million” podcast, the hosts have a conversation with Pomp, a well-known figure in the Bitcoin world who has diversified his career into various businesses and media ventures. They discuss Pomp’s career trajectory, the importance of networking, and share non-obvious business ideas with massive Total Addressable Markets (TAMs).

Main Takeaways

Pomp’s Career Trajectory and Diversification

  • Pomp shares his journey from building companies to working at Facebook and eventually becoming known for Bitcoin.
  • He discusses the expansion of his career beyond Bitcoin and the importance of adaptability and skill set versatility.

The Value of Networking and Meeting Influential Individuals

  • Pomp emphasizes the importance of networking and shares the story of his associate meeting Julian Robertson, a prominent figure in finance.
  • The long-standing professional relationship between Julian Robertson and Mark Yusko is highlighted, showcasing the value of long-term connections and opportunities.
  • Pomp shares his own experience meeting Julian Robertson, known as a legend of Wall Street, and the impact of meeting influential and curious individuals.

Attributes of Successful Individuals in Investing

  • Successful investors like Julian Robertson and Bill Miller possess common attributes such as curiosity, boldness, dedication, and conviction.
  • The line between genius and idiot in investing is thin, requiring conviction in oneself and the ability to differentiate between winners and losers.
  • Successful investors often go against the crowd and have belief in their investment choices when everyone else is selling.

The Importance of Conviction in Investment Decisions

  • Pomp shares his experience with issuing a million dollar bet on Bitcoin’s performance and the importance of conviction in making investment decisions.
  • He draws parallels between investing in assets like Amazon and Bitcoin, emphasizing the need for conviction.
  • The rarity of having non-consensus conviction bets is highlighted, which may only occur once in a decade.

Lessons from Warren Buffett and Content Production

  • The influence of Warren Buffett as both a successful investor and a master marketer is discussed.
  • The importance of content production and being a “content man” is emphasized, with examples from Warren Buffett’s newsletters and teachings.
  • The speaker shares their own journey as a podcaster and the value of teaching and content creation.

Business Opportunities and Unique Strategies

  • The potential business opportunity of creating a platform to aggregate top profiles on Upwork and Fiverr using AI and private equity is explored.
  • The concept of “persistent patrol companies” as a solution for government financial challenges is discussed.
  • Unique strategies used by successful entrepreneurs, such as Brad Jacobs’ roll-up model and innovative monetization methods, are highlighted.


Pomp’s Career Trajectory and Diversification

Pomp shares his journey from building companies to working at Facebook and eventually becoming known for Bitcoin. He emphasizes the importance of adaptability and skill set versatility in expanding one’s career beyond a single focus. Pomp’s own diversification into various businesses and media ventures serves as an example of the potential for growth and success through exploring different opportunities.

The Value of Networking and Meeting Influential Individuals

Pomp highlights the importance of networking and shares the story of his associate meeting Julian Robertson, a prominent figure in finance. The long-standing professional relationship between Julian Robertson and Mark Yusko showcases the value of long-term connections and the opportunities they can lead to. Pomp’s own experience meeting Julian Robertson, known as a legend of Wall Street, demonstrates the impact of meeting influential and curious individuals and the potential for learning and growth through such interactions.

Attributes of Successful Individuals in Investing

Pomp discusses the common attributes of successful investors like Julian Robertson and Bill Miller. These attributes include curiosity, boldness, dedication, and conviction. Successful investors often go against the crowd and have belief in their investment choices when everyone else is selling. The importance of differentiating between winners and losers and having conviction in oneself is emphasized, highlighting the thin line between genius and idiot in investing.

The Importance of Conviction in Investment Decisions

Pomp shares his experience with issuing a million dollar bet on Bitcoin’s performance and emphasizes the importance of conviction in making investment decisions. He draws parallels between investing in assets like Amazon and Bitcoin, highlighting the need for conviction in the face of uncertainty and market fluctuations. The rarity of having non-consensus conviction bets is discussed, emphasizing the value and potential rewards of having strong conviction in investment choices.

Lessons from Warren Buffett and Content Production

The influence of Warren Buffett as both a successful investor and a master marketer is explored. The importance of content production and being a “content man” is emphasized, with examples from Warren Buffett’s newsletters and teachings. The speaker shares their own journey as a podcaster and highlights the value of teaching and content creation in building influence and reaching an audience. The role of content production in marketing and building a personal brand is discussed, showcasing the potential for success through sharing knowledge and insights.

Business Opportunities and Unique Strategies

The podcast explores various business opportunities and unique strategies used by successful entrepreneurs. The potential business opportunity of creating a platform to aggregate top profiles on Upwork and Fiverr using AI and private equity is discussed, highlighting the potential for scalability and profitability. The concept of “persistent patrol companies” as a solution for government financial challenges is explored, showcasing the potential for innovative approaches to address societal issues. Unique strategies used by successful entrepreneurs, such as Brad Jacobs’ roll-up model and innovative monetization methods, serve as examples of thinking outside the box and finding unconventional paths to success.


The conversation with Pomp in this episode of the “My First Million” podcast provides valuable insights into career diversification, the importance of networking, the attributes of successful investors, the role of conviction in investment decisions, lessons from Warren Buffett, and unique business opportunities and strategies. Listeners can gain inspiration and practical knowledge from Pomp’s experiences and the discussions on various topics related to entrepreneurship and investing.

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