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The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast / PREMIUMPEL Fall Nightcap 2023 | The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast

PREMIUM-PEL Fall Nightcap 2023 | The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast

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In this episode of “The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast,” the hosts delve into the concept of Bullshit and its various dimensions. They explore the definition of Bullshit, the motivations behind it, and its implications in different contexts. Join them as they navigate through the complexities of Bullshit and its philosophical significance.

Main Takeaways

Understanding Bullshit

  • The definition of Bullshit has two parts: trivial or insincere talk and nonsense or rubbish.
  • Che A Cohen emphasizes the phenomenon of what Bullshit is, while Frankfurt emphasizes the process.
  • Philosophers should be most concerned with a philosophical Bullshit, which is an unclarifiable text.
  • Self-deception is often a part of talking bullshit.
  • The play frame, truthiness, and emotional truth can all contribute to bullshit.

Motivations for Bullshitting

  • People are capable of doublethink and embracing contradictions, which leads to unconscious and conscious motivations for Bullshitting.
  • For the Bullshitter, the truth of the matter is not their concern, although they represent themselves as doing that.
  • Hypocrisy is a common theme in the concept of bullshit, where people claim to have values they don’t really have.
  • People are concerned about the truth values of normative claims and the emotional valence of something, even if the facts are not accurate.
  • The facts can be put aside in doublethink.

Identity Politics and Nationalism

  • Embracing a contradiction is possible if one acknowledges the descriptive truth but denies it emotionally and ethically.
  • Hypocrisy can arise when someone is against identitarian disputes but takes a strong side in the latest war.
  • Patriotism to one’s country or identity is possible without lapsing into identity politics.
  • Nationalism and identity politics become problematic when they promote group superiority.
  • It is difficult to distinguish between concerns for the good and thematic motivations, such as status or power.

Nietzsche’s Critique

  • Nietzsche’s critique of reducing morality to power is messy and challenging to disentangle.

Additional Resources

  • Visit for more on these topics.


The Nature of Bullshit

Understanding Bullshit involves recognizing its dual nature, encompassing both trivial or insincere talk and nonsense or rubbish. While different philosophers emphasize different aspects, such as the phenomenon or the process, it is crucial for philosophers to focus on philosophical Bullshit, which refers to unclarifiable texts. Self-deception often plays a role in Bullshit, where individuals may knowingly or unknowingly engage in it. The play frame, truthiness, and emotional truth contribute to the complexity of Bullshit.

Motivations for Bullshitting

Bullshitting can arise from various motivations, including unconscious and conscious doublethink. The Bullshitter’s primary concern is not the truth of the matter, despite presenting themselves as such. Hypocrisy frequently intertwines with Bullshit, as individuals may claim to hold certain values they do not genuinely possess. People often prioritize the truth values of normative claims and the emotional valence of something, even if the facts supporting them are inaccurate. This ability to put aside facts in doublethink allows for the acceptance of contradictions.

Identity Politics and Nationalism

Embracing a contradiction becomes possible when one acknowledges the descriptive truth but denies it emotionally and ethically. Hypocrisy can manifest when individuals oppose identitarian disputes but actively take sides in conflicts. Patriotism towards one’s country or identity can exist without descending into identity politics. However, nationalism and identity politics become problematic when they promote a sense of group superiority. Differentiating between genuine concerns for the common good and motivations driven by status or power can be challenging.

Nietzsche’s Critique

Nietzsche’s critique of reducing morality to power presents a complex and intricate challenge to unravel. Exploring the nuances of this critique requires careful analysis and examination of Nietzsche’s philosophical arguments.


Delving into the concept of Bullshit provides valuable insights into the complexities of human communication and motivations. Recognizing the different dimensions of Bullshit, understanding its motivations, and critically examining its implications allow for a deeper understanding of language, truth, and philosophical inquiry.

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