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How to Be a Better Human / Rerelease: How learning about indigenous foods can open up your worldview (with Sean Sherman) | How to Be a Better Human

Re-release: How learning about indigenous foods can open up your worldview (with Sean Sherman) | How to Be a Better Human

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In this episode of the “How to Be a Better Human” podcast, Sean Sherman, a chef who uses Indigenous recipes to further conversations about justice and culture, discusses the importance of understanding indigenous foods and their impact on our worldview. Sherman’s work goes beyond serving food; it aims to address the erasure of Indigenous foods from mainstream cuisine and explore the rich history and knowledge behind them.

Main Takeaways

Cooking and Cultural Understanding

  • Cooking and trying new dishes can open up new experiences and conversations.
  • Embrace regional and cultural diversity to truly understand the land and history.
  • Learning about the plants and flavors in your own area can lead to discovering new foods.
  • Traditional practices such as eating local and plant-based are actually old traditions.

Indigenous Foods and Knowledge

  • Indigenous foods encompass Native American agriculture, seed saving, wild food, ethnobotany, history, food preservation, culinary, medicinals, and crafting.
  • Indigenous communities have immense knowledge of plant usage and diversity.
  • Indigenous diets are hyper-regional, localized, and culturally appropriate.
  • Indigenous agriculture is diverse and sustainable, and we need to protect it for future generations.

Preserving Indigenous Foods and Knowledge

  • Importance of localized and regional food systems and supporting growers/providers.
  • Lawns are a wasted opportunity for growing food.
  • Everyone can grow their own food, even in small spaces.
  • Apply indigenous food system knowledge to maintain diversity and improve environmental issues, nutrition, and food access.

Challenges and Solutions

  • Trauma from boarding schools and historical events still affects indigenous communities today.
  • Lack of Native American or Indigenous restaurants in major cities.
  • Amplify Indigenous voices through media attention and interviews.
  • Indigenous Food Lab supports Indigenous food producers and entrepreneurs.

Personal Growth and Connection to Nature

  • Learning from different perspectives helps us see the world in a new way.
  • Being open to learning and understanding diversity is crucial for personal growth.
  • Take the time to learn the region, communities, and cultures to connect with nature and explore the diversity of flavors.


Understanding Indigenous Foods and Cultures

Sean Sherman, a chef dedicated to promoting Indigenous foods and knowledge, highlights the importance of cooking and trying new dishes as a means to open up conversations and broaden our experiences. He emphasizes that Indigenous foods should not be a question mark; they are an integral part of North America’s history and the land we stand on. Sherman’s work goes beyond serving food; it aims to address the erasure of Indigenous foods from mainstream cuisine and explore the rich history and knowledge behind them.

Preserving Indigenous Foods and Knowledge for the Future

Sherman emphasizes the significance of localized and regional food systems, supporting growers and providers, and utilizing indigenous food system knowledge to maintain diversity and improve environmental issues, nutrition, and food access. He highlights the immense knowledge of plant usage and diversity within Indigenous communities and the need to protect Indigenous agriculture for future generations. Sherman also discusses the challenges faced by Indigenous communities, including the trauma from boarding schools and the lack of Native American or Indigenous restaurants in major cities.

Personal Growth and Connection to Nature

Sherman encourages individuals to embrace regional and cultural diversity to truly understand the land and history. He emphasizes the importance of learning from different perspectives, being open to understanding diversity, and taking the time to connect with nature and explore the diversity of flavors. By doing so, we can broaden our worldview and foster personal growth.


Learning about Indigenous foods and cultures is not only a way to expand our culinary experiences but also a means to honor and preserve the rich history and knowledge of Indigenous communities. By supporting localized and regional food systems, amplifying Indigenous voices, and embracing cultural diversity, we can create a better future that values and respects Indigenous foods and agriculture.

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