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Ted Talks Daily / Regenerative living can restore a broken world | Paul Hawken | Ted Talks Daily

Regenerative living can restore a broken world | Paul Hawken | Ted Talks Daily

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In this episode of Ted Talks Daily, Paul Hawken discusses the concept of regenerative living and its potential to restore the broken world we live in. Inspired by his childhood experiences with nature, Hawken delves into the importance of soil health, the impact of big agriculture and food industries on the environment, and the need for a regenerative mindset in all aspects of our lives.

Main Takeaways

Restoring the Living World

  • Paul Hawken was inspired to devote his life to restoring and protecting the living world after seeing a dead frog and hearing a mockingbird as a child.
  • Regeneration became a framework for him to understand the relationship between agriculture and the planet as a whole.

The Inseparable Connection

  • Regenerative farmers understand that soil health, plant health, and human and animal health are inseparable.
  • Soil fungi sequester the equivalent of 13.2 billion tons of CO2 annually, yet our agricultural system is destroying fungi in the soil.

The Impact of Big Ag and Big Food

  • Big ag and big food are the single greatest cause of ecological degradation on the planet and the single greatest emitter of greenhouse gases by any sector.
  • Regeneration is a pathway, not a panacea or certification. It’s a decision that every policy and process should include.

Forging a Regenerative Future

  • Thousands of NGOs, communities, students, activists, foundations, and companies are forging a regenerative future by addressing everything we use, eat, buy, make, wear, and build.
  • Indigenous communities and first peoples are reemerging and taking their rightful place as the progenitors of a genital wisdom.

The Power of Reciprocity

  • Reciprocity means giving more than you take, and when it prevails, everyone benefits.
  • To heal a system, we must connect and listen intently and respectfully to all voices, not just human ones.


Restoring the Living World

Paul Hawken’s childhood experiences with nature shaped his dedication to restoring and protecting the living world. Regeneration became his framework for understanding the intricate relationship between agriculture and the planet. By recognizing the inseparable connection between soil health, plant health, and human and animal health, regenerative farmers strive to create a harmonious ecosystem. Unfortunately, our current agricultural system is destroying soil fungi, which play a crucial role in carbon sequestration.

The Impact of Big Ag and Big Food

Big ag and big food industries have become major contributors to ecological degradation and greenhouse gas emissions. Hawken emphasizes that regeneration is not a quick fix but a comprehensive approach that should be integrated into every policy and process. However, there is hope as numerous NGOs, communities, students, activists, foundations, and companies are actively working towards a regenerative future. Indigenous communities and first peoples are reclaiming their wisdom and leading the way towards a more sustainable and regenerative world.

The Power of Reciprocity

Reciprocity lies at the heart of regenerative living. By giving more than we take, we create a cycle of mutual benefit. Hawken emphasizes the importance of listening to all voices, not just human ones, in order to heal our broken systems. By fostering a mindset of reciprocity, we can restore balance and create a regenerative world where all living beings thrive.


Paul Hawken’s insights on regenerative living offer a powerful perspective on how we can restore and heal our broken world. By prioritizing soil health, addressing the impact of big agriculture and food industries, and embracing reciprocity, we can forge a regenerative future that benefits both nature and humanity. It is a collective responsibility to make regenerative practices an integral part of our daily lives and ensure a sustainable and thriving world for generations to come.

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